Well they asked for it on the side and the cook should of done it.
If the cook doesn’t like working in a restaurant that allows such requests than they should leave their job.
It doesn’t matter what the customer does with their food.
Maybe they only wanted a certain amount of it on there but the cook adding it might of added to much.
Them wanting to film their food is their choice.
I have had food order where I ask for things on the side for the pure reason I prefer to add it.
If the cook doesn’t like working in a restaurant that allows such requests than they should leave their job.
It doesn’t matter what the customer does with their food.
Maybe they only wanted a certain amount of it on there but the cook adding it might of added to much.
Them wanting to film their food is their choice.
I have had food order where I ask for things on the side for the pure reason I prefer to add it.
Didn’t we have this conversation