retarded was the term at the time that was PC. it was used as an alternative to what the era's people were being offended about the same way retarded was replaced with mentally challenged in the 90s and now mentally challenged isn't PC anymore.
The whole point of the top of this lid is a, for the time, VERY PC statement because most people didn't believe that "retarded children" could be educated at all and were incapable of gaining any complex knowledge or being anything other than a total wasteful burden.
So not only is it actively trying to avoid offending people, its also actively trying to make people more PC.
So what I'm taking away from this is that we will never find any word to refer to people with mental difficulties because people keep getting offended about the term they all agreed wasn't offensive.
Sounds like a great use of time that could in no way ever be put towards anything else of value o_o
More like, a word will be pc until the inventor generation’s children get ahold of it and use it as a pejorative in their adolescence causing that generation to feel about the new word the same way that the previous generation felt about the old one. Could skip a generation and last an extra because of it, could last not even a full generation especially now that the adolescent users of the new word are on the internet and everything moves faster nowadays.
But ye, generally speaking all work spent to invent PC terms will eventually have to be done over again repeatedly forever until we hit a point where either 1. Kids stop using pejoratives at each other
Or 2. We give up on making pc words
The whole point of the top of this lid is a, for the time, VERY PC statement because most people didn't believe that "retarded children" could be educated at all and were incapable of gaining any complex knowledge or being anything other than a total wasteful burden.
So not only is it actively trying to avoid offending people, its also actively trying to make people more PC.
Sounds like a great use of time that could in no way ever be put towards anything else of value o_o
But ye, generally speaking all work spent to invent PC terms will eventually have to be done over again repeatedly forever until we hit a point where either 1. Kids stop using pejoratives at each other
Or 2. We give up on making pc words