Oh that's cool!! Didn't know about that! I will tell my mum, she might be interested.
Also do you mean @darkness_within?
· 4 years ago
I'm not sure this was invented in Germany. Pretty similar looking cultivation methods have been used in Asia for centuries, main difference is the more complicated composition which doesn't make it as versatile to use as the simpler, older versions of Hügelbeete, but they are said to be more sustainable. On a Hügelbeet by the book you cannot grow heavy feeding crops in the first years and you have to alternate different crops to make it work as designed. It's ,mainly for Hippies with a lot of time on their hands. I used to know a bunch of those who started growing pot on such a Hügelbeet, which is a very heavy feeder and it didn't work out for them at all, the yield was small and the Hügelbeet couldn't really be used for any other produce after that year. It's now a nice landscape art object in their garden and they grow pot under strong LED grow lights on a hydroponic system in their basement. Very good stuff, too.
Also do you mean @darkness_within?
Der kleine Maulwurf! :D