Yeah, keep up with the laughter and ridicule. Much easier than actually asking questions, or trying to think about the issue.
Trump is a North Korean sympathizer and a fascist, he was only put in power because of Russian collusion. Now repeat after me: Most secure election in history.
Antifa doesn't exist as an organization, and BLM is mostly peacefully protesting, nevermind the fires. Now repeat after me: Proud Boys are domestic terrorists and there was an insurrection on January 6.
I'm in the middle of my right goddamned mind, thank you very much. Now does anyone have an *actual* response? Or is everyone going to keep calling me a Nazi or accusing me of being stupid.
That last bit isn't really a question, I already know the answer.
Yeah attempting to do a terrorism is as far from democracy as is humanly possible. At least in this reality. Idk which one you live in.
@darkness_within the frog comment is hilarious, i gotta start using that haha
Ah, you're referring to the targeted killings of police in the last decade? Or right wingers, particularly in the last year or so? Or even back to the Bernie Bro shooting up a concert, maybe the Hillary fan boy who tried to gun down Republicans at a ball game?
Antifa and BLM taking over parts of cities and injuring thousands as dozens died, perhaps?
Oh wait. You didn't mean any of that? You were just proving my point? Well, glad that's cleared up.
@famousone when you claim voter fraud and that an election is illegitimate, the burden of proof is on YOU. So the ACTUAL response is : is there any goddamn proof of what you allege ?
And the answer is NO. We know that because the Trump campaign tried again and again to make voter fraud cases yet wasn't once able to provide proof.
Get out from under your rock, stop drinking the cool aid, and come back to reality.
Except there is proof. Certainly far more than there is of Russian collusion, Trump being a white supremacist, or whatever conspiracy theory the dems will start repeating next.
Countless votes cast by the dead, from addresses that don't exist, or flipped by the software.
Nevermind the irregularities that cropped up during election season, all conveniently favoring one candidate over the other. Burst pipe? Counting after close-out? 10 or 20 foot distance imposed on Republican poll-watchers? In real time I watched the dems flip from "Russian hackers" and "voter suppression" straight to "Most secure election in history".
I thought the claims of fraud were full of shit from Trump, too. And then I saw how eager the left were to shut down and demonize anyone who asked "what".
Depends on why they said no. I know how US civil and criminal courts work, do you?
And then, it also depends on who the plaintiff was for what claim.
And here's the cincher, it doesn't need to be widespread fraud. Just a couple of bad actors in a couple of historically dirty counties.
But nothing says "Trust us", like deplatforming and censoring anyone who asks what's up.
· 4 years ago
So how many courts recognized significant voter fraud?
There's that funny moving goalposts I've noticed. The narrative went from "No voter fraud", to "No widespread voter fraud". Funny how that creeps up even here. Nevermind that just one fraud can, and has, accounted for tens, hundreds, and even thousands of votes.
And that's not even getting into the fraud that can't be verified, or rather, the left went out of their way to obstruct the verification of. Signature matching, voter ID, purging the rolls, separating valid ballots from ballots cast too late, the rather large number of ballots that *only* voted for Biden and left every other election and measure blank, I could go on all day.
They literally charged a woman in Texas for the voter fraud that doesn't exist
Also: the fact that you people with the weird toad fetish (what?) Want to label people mentally ill (twice in one post no less) and then attack and antagonize them anyway... That really says some questionable things about you guys as people. Just saying.
Either you don't really believe what you're saying about him/the ones who stormed the Capitol, OR the far less PC option.
So, like, which of these two people do you wanna be? >.>
The point is, there are certainly a lot of irregularities. And rather than addressing them and properly refuting them, the establishment is silencing and demonizing anyone who asks the rather fair questions. And looking at Biden's presidency so far, the old fool is certainly "Driving it like he stole it".
A reasonable man can only be pushed so far until he has to take unreasonable measures.
So I while I do not approve of the mostly peaceful protest that the left is trying to call an insurrection, after the last 20 years, I fucking understand.
As for voter fraud, I'll believe it when I see it. The courts have dismissed every claim of voter fraud so I guess the random pictures circulating the internet claiming to be people carrying ballots were bullshit. Saying 'oh it's because "they" are obstructing it' is conspiracy theory bs.
Point two, people being censored and booted off social media. I agree with you, it shouldn't happen. But how do we solve it? Do we regulate social media companies, or do we create a government controlled social media that will allow free speech? I agree that there is a problem but it seems that each solution brings other potential problems or slippery slopes.
Point three, good on you that you can list all the incidents done by left wingers, like a parrot drunk on Kool Aid. Statistically though, right wing terrorism, including homegrown terrorism, is far more common.
Fourth, I'm not gonna call you a Nazi, the word gets throw around too much, I just think you're the right wing version of Rachel Maddow.
So you're opting for option one where you don't actually think he's mentally ill, you were just circle-jerking on the concept of calling him mentally ill because it propped up the toad-lickage?
I just want to make sure I understand which stance you were taking back there.
Also you literally just said "I won't believe anything you say because I trust the courts on this matter entirely and anyone who says otherwise is a raving conspiracy nut" so why are you even asking for evidence from anyone at all? :s
Side note: I guarantee if he were to list all the incidents done by "left-wingers" he could have a comment chain to rival guest_'s. Probably could do so for "right-wingers" too if he felt like it.
But well done on saying "I won't call you a nazi, I'll just call you a right-wing extremist, a conspiracy nut, and maybe it will distract from the earlier implication that you're mentally ill."
I *literally* did not say that at all, I said the STATEMENT is conspiratorial, not that HE is a conspiracy nut. I didn't call him an extremist at any point. I also didn't say that asking questions or being skeptical is conspiratorial, just the statement that 'the truth is out there but "they" are obstructing it' is.
Yes, if you listed every instance, you'd have quite a list. That's why I brought up statistics which have already done the listing and comparing for you.
Seriously, stop trying to misrepresent and strawman me, it's really gross. If you can't be right, at least don't be dishonest.
Considering my entire involvement in this started with pointing out your response to a comment going after a person's sanity rather than their stance I'm not sure why you think the ground you're standing on remotely resembles anything other than "gross" - but you clearly have much different standards.
"I didn't call him a right wing extremist" - please, enlighten me on what you mean by "the right-wing version of Rachel Maddow." Now, while you still have a chance to back down and present your statement in the most appealing light.
I also did offer an example that potentially proves there was at least one instance of voter fraud. You ignored it, so you don't actually get to complain about your comments not being addressed now. Or, rather, you DO, but it just seems rather hypocritical and pointless - which is sadly par for the course.
Hey well done! You almost got through an entire response without attacking his character rather than his arguement!
Admittedly it's still rather pathetic and (dare I say) gross on your part, and it would have been about 300% more impressive if you'd actually been talking TO him rather than ABOUT him, but it's definitely an improvement!
Tomorrow we work on shapes and colors!
I mean his argument is he has no argument. If there had been "massive voter fraud" the right would have had provided at least one plausible bit of evidence. Yet he keeps insisting that it's there.
When your argument is "there's no proof, believe me, we tried, but I still think it's true.", there's nothing to argue. Your stance is quite literally to ignore evidence because you don't like what it shows.
When on top of that you characterize the take over of the fucking capitol by a mob of rabid extremists out for blood (and yes, they WERE out for blood) as "pacific" you really do give other people a lot of reasons to question your character.
Describing oneself as a "reasonable" person "forced" to go to "unreasonable" measures is exactly how extremists describe themselves. No-one claims to have gone to the extreme for the lulz.
Rachel Maddow is an extremist? That's news to me. Over here in reality she's a milquetoast liberal. Just like famous is, to my knowledge, a pretty milquetoast right winger who just happened to really attach himself to this idea of fraud, just like Maddow got attached to the idea of Russia fraud. How shifted is your perception of the political spectrum if Rachel fucking Maddow is an extremist in your eyes? Do you know anything about anything?
Also, I was talking to him until you interrupted actually, and it's really really ironic that you're attacking me on that basis when the only reason I'm not talking to him right now is because you decided to rudely insert yourself in the situation and start spewing logical fallacies at me. In fact I'd much rather be talking to him right now because the entire convo with you is you making strawmen and trying to put words in my mouth and me defending against it. By the way, not a very clever tactic when the unedited comments are literally right here in this thread. But what do I know, apparently I don't even know shapes and colours. Also apparently I'm made of straw.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
This is just grand (OP). The right started this "the dems will steal the next election" story right after Trump was made president, based on exactly zero evidence, but merely on the vague idea they couldn't pull this off a 2nd time with this person as president. The 2020 election was under stricter scrutiny by all parties involved than ever before, and all government agencies (a GOP government, that was) have certified the election to be at least (!) as fair and legit as ever before, and the turnout was not a head-to-head race either, as one guy beat the other by 81 to 74 millions. The right: "Nah, hey (whoever) stole the election". Stealing an election by 7 million votes would take widespread, systematic fraud, /2
· 4 years ago
2/ So saying it was stolen can only mean by WIDEspread fraud, not some horror stories by Count Rudy and some woman in Texas (not to mention the dubious circumstances of that case). So having zero proof for their claim, naturally the right would come and pretend the left saId there were zero cases whatsoever, which is of course impossible when 155 million votes are casted. Patient people tried to explain that, so naturally the right would start nagging "Oh look at them, how they changed their agenda". Do they really believe this? I dunno. But simply pointing this out will automatically result in accusations of ad hominem, cause let's face it: being called either a dumb tit or a compulsive liar is sort of hurtful. I feel for y'all. I can't find my super tiny violin though, but you know the sound from your own "facts don't care for feelings" postings.
@ewqua "By the way, not a very clever tactic" - turns out it probably is. It's successful for sure. Repeating the same lies over and over again for years made a critical mass of people actually believe them. Both sides lie a lot, no doubt. But on one side people's hearts are not really in it and on the other side they truly believe it's legit to lie for the higher cause which is to keep people left from them from gaining power whatsoever. That's why the left will lose in the long term.
@darkness_within Well said. I've looked into the case of the Texan woman as well, and apparently she was trolling them because she saw that they were trying something. Whether that's true or a lie to cover her ass, I don't know. But she wouldn't have flipped 7 million votes in multiple states. The fact that one woman is maybe guilty of fraud doesn't mean it's all one giant conspiracy. I've been laughing at the Dems for implicating Russia in 2016 and I'm laughing at the Trumpets now for acting in the exact same tribalist way.
@poopun Great point about the extremist mindset. Extremists don't see themselves as extremists, they go by the mantra "desperate times call for desperate measures". Islamic extremists think the exact same way, many movements that are now seen as terrorist started as efforts to bring stability and order to rural regions which the government ignored, for example in Pakistan.
@darkness_within (i posted the previous comment before I saw your new one so I'm only replying now) hopefully not, but I'm afraid you're right. Anyone can scroll up and see how the convo really went but few will. If that's the case with just a comment section, can we expect people to do their research and fact check everything?
That was fun .. freedom of speech isn't against the constitution on a Private companies website. You can go spit on the streets 911 didn't happen. Just like here, things we say on funsubstance can be removed.
I like how these people just keep proving us right, @xvarnah. And it's especially hilarious as to how blind they seem to it.
Nevermind, of course, the cases that the dems are systemically protecting, and the countless procedural and spectacular irregularities.
Anyways, freedom of speech isn't the concern of private companies. But the question remains. Are these companies publishers or platforms?
But I digress, that isn't the conversation we're currently having, and can wait for another thread.
Darkness clearly doesn't understand the American electoral system, seemingly believing that the popular vote has *any* bearing whatsoever. So feel free to ignore her.
And the same goes for ewqua. Surpise, surprise.
So now I wonder, while y'all *probably* know shapes and colors, do you actually know the American electoral or court systems?
Sure honey, just keep it coming with the smug comments. After all that's all you got since you don't have anything substantive to add.
Darkness and I talking about the large difference in vote numbers equals not knowing how electoral college works, hmm... so did you even read the comments, did you scan them for points to react to or do you just see it more fitting to twist them to appear more correct? Again, you're not only wrong, you're dishonest. It's tiring to debate a stubborn person, but it's even more tiring to debate a dishonest actor.
I'm tired, I'd just like to have an honest discussion here. Without people trying to twist what I say or putting words in my mouth, or claiming there's proof and then showing none or pointing to dubious "sources", or claiming that a joke is actually an accusation, or throwing around insults like it's candy on Halloween. Is that so hard?
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Funny, I can't seem to find the numbers for earlier elections. Must be a bug on the page. Surely they have the figures as well, no? And then I wonder how much you know about percentage calculation. "And that's not even getting into the fraud that can't be verified" LOL
Hilarious indeed. Your Donald Jr. and Ivanka routine is super on the money. SNL material.
Huh, shit got even better by calling me by a female pronoun. This is just too much fun.
And y'all call *me* dishonest. Keep accusing me of twisting your words all you want, but feel free to actually address my points or answer my direct questions at anytime.
· 4 years ago
Too bad you haven't got a point. You've been in full Rudy mode and it's getting better every posting.
@darkness_within The heritage foundation is actually so full of shit. When you check out the database, they show the year of all those fraud instances happening in 2020. This is no doubt done to make people think it's related to the presidential election (they don't specify it's the year of conviction, the database actually only says "year" so most people assume it's when the fraud happened). But when you open up individual entries, turns out a bunch of them are from like... a 2016 city council of Nowhere, AZ election. Or a guy voting twice in the 2016 general election. Actually, in some entries they don't even write the year, you gotta follow the link to the news story (which is a shortened bit . ly, so you can't even tell the year by the URL). And turns out it's something that happened in 2018 or 19. I haven't gone through all the links yet but so far like 80% of the entries tagged as 2020/21 are actually incidents from years prior unrelated to the presidential election.
@famousone I'll address your points when you have some. So far you've bounced from "there is fraud and I have proof" to "well I don't because *they're* hiding it" to "well can't I even ask questions and voice my concerns? Why are the people asking questions getting banned by social media?" At which point I asked how you'd solve the social media problem, hoping for a productive conversation, and that has been promptly ignored, instead you defaulted to "well there is fraud and even though I have zero evidence, it's clear everyone is just too blind to see it, now let me be smug and act like I'm smarter than everyone else". I'll gladly debate you on the substance but I haven't seen any from you so far.
· 4 years ago
As expected, that's how the right wing lie-tanks roll. Although it's really admirable how you dig into it to discredit the shit, this will just roll off like water from a greased up pig until he comes with the next bullshit claim. You can't shame a shameless person. "But you'rte not even american, you don't know anything about laws, and courts and the electoral college and landscaping backyards and cheap hair dye and what about the martians and Hugo Chavez?" It'll just go on and on and on...
True, sometimes I wonder why I still bother. I've danced this dance many times, he pulls off the Trump/Ben Shapiro/every right wing grifter act well. Disprove a claim and he'll just make another. Then you spend 10 minutes doing research just to prove he's full of shit and he'll ignore that to make more false claims.
You haven't disproven any of my claims, nor addressed any of them. Please, I am on my knees and begging, but still you all have nothing. Come on! I am not making this difficult! I'm not replacing claims or backing down from any, I just want an actual conversation! Not two fuckwits talking about me like I'm both elsewhere and simultaneously beneath them. Come on!
· 4 years ago
Don't give our little drummer boy too much credit. Even Shapiro is a lot sharper than him. He's more in the Rudy league. I mean, slapstick never really gets old, but only so much of it is funny at a time.
Then provide instances of voter fraud. From a source that isn't full of shit. You said there were instances of dead people voting, from addresses that don't exist, or flipped by the software. Any details or examples?
People on this post: I'm going to attack people on a personal level first and foremost, and then continue to do so when addressing their arguments.
Also people on this post: DoN't PoInT oUt My BaD bEhAvIoUr InStEaD oF wHaT i WaNt YoU tO lIsTeN tO! sTrAwMen As FaR aS tHe EyE cAn SeE!
And for that matter - why DO you bother? You weren't talking to him when I entered the chat you were circle-jerking over him. And I know y'all love to do that, but I really don't think he's that in to you.
You literally just admitted you came in here knowing what he'd say, knowing you wouldn't agree with it - so you're actually genuinely just here to jerk off to the sounds of your own voices. I'm not here to kinkshame, I just don't know why you're involving other people in your weirdness.
This national file website also has an article about voter fraud against the pope.
The big thing about lying is most people are not good at it. The truth always comes out. The national power grid didn't crash around election day. Opposed to many alt news conspiracies
"Please just tell me what to do to have a normal conversation here"
"You could provide proof of your claims"
"Wow so abusive k bye"
Yeah, this just tells me everything I need to know. You're lucky xvarnah gave you that get out of convo free card (in the form of more strawmanning, of course, in their usual style) otherwise you'd actually have to defend your opinions with facts. Peace out, indeed.
Repeat after me:
"He's just not that in to me."
If you really want you can download an app, record the sound of your ranting, and then play it back while you jack off. It won't be as effective without him there, but it will probably be mildly healthier than the behavior you're currently exhibiting
Also: "I already knew what you were going to say and don't know why I bothered it's such a waste of my time and you're so beneath me."
And then: "get back here and defend yourself to me!!! Other people are talking to me and I don't like it when I can't gangbang on you in particular!"
A Comragedy in two acts
Well damn, didn't think that wanting people to support their claims with evidence was such a high standard to make people so mad but I guess it was. I'm offering free shrugs for anyone demanding them.
And yet through this whole fucking thread, not once has famous backed up his voter fraud claim. He says he wants us to discuss and debunk his claims, but he doesn't backup his claims, so there's nothing to debunk.
The reason people now make fun of him for it, is that it's not the first time this has happened. It's basically the same MO of every right wing bullshit talking point that can't stand 2 minutes under scrutiny. Make up a claim, act outraged, don't provide proof (coz there is none), move on to the next bs claim when called out on it. It's what Trump did for four years, and Republicans are so far lost in their alternative world that now Q conspiracies are Congress worthy.
When you observe the same delusional behavior for 4 years, and people doubling down every step of the way, stepping further away from normal, rational thought at every chance, you either laugh about it or you cry. I'm all for laughing. At him, about him, and with him if he ever gets his head out his own ass.
He actually did you weird people. The comments he had links in got deleted. Which implies someone was flagging them to have them removed.
But, please, continue felatting each other in such an "eloquent" manner
"The reason people now make fun of him for it, is that it's not the first time this has happened."
And you wonder why I haven't taken you any of you seriously. It's almost like your guys' past behavior speaks for itself as well.
But no, wait - I thought you came here open-minded? Not with your minds made up? I thought it was just jokes and not about him personally?
Unrelated: did you know hypocrisy has nothing to do with hippos? #TheMoreYouKnow
You seem to be under the impression I care or not if you take me seriously. If someone is still, to this day, a Trump supporter and a believer that the election was stolen, then there's no point in arguing that with them. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
@famousone is entitled to his opinion, and I'm entitled to ridicule him for it. The day he comes to the table with a claim that isn't yet another right wing talking point that has been debunked over and over again is the day I'll actually consider his point. Wanna see it debunked ? Check the Republican track record on the endless lawsuits they filled for voter fraud this election. You think you know better than the courts ? Go be a judge.
And of course I knew hypocrisy has nothing to do with hippos, it's about Hippocrates, the father of medecine. I'm not dumb.
"There is no point in arguing with them" - alright so you didn't come here to argue you came here to harass. I mean, I already KNEW that, because y'all have demonstrated the self-control of starving maggots on a corpse.
What's truly impressive is that you are so dedicated to this cause you intend to *drag him back here after he already left.*
I think the ones that truly need help here at the end of the day are you.
No, I tagged him because I'm not gonna talk about him behind his back. If he's decided that thread is a lost cause he doesn't have to reply, I'm sure he'll be back on another post with more debunked theories soon enough.
And idk what to tell you, this thread starts with, once again, famous spreading right wing misinformation. People correcting that bullshit is not harassment.
You can't go around talking bullshit and then claim harassment when people call you out on it.
He said one word and bam the maggots started writhing
You guys said it yourselves:
You've watched him for years
You've disagreed with him for years
You've discounted him for years
You had no interest in what he was saying - only making sure your voice was heard
You ignored his attempts to offer proof
Someone actually flagged his attempts to provide proof (wtf lol)
You could have very well replied without tagging him
But no
You weren't done.
You have to make sure that you jam your opinion down his throat and that he has no choice but to see it. That your opinion is so relevant that he MUST be aware you have it.
There's absolutely nothing you can tell me - you've already said it all very clearly, and your actions more than speak for themselves
Look, I can't speak for everyone in this thread but the only reason I've still been replying to famous is because I still believed he could be reasoned with. Even if I poked fun at him at the beginning, at the end of the day I was just asking for proof of his claims. If I believed he was "too far gone" I would have downvoted him and moved on with my life, because it's not exactly pleasant to be debating someone who keeps saying demonstrably untrue things and denying that you've already debunked them.
Your theory that we all just did this for an ego boost is very far from the truth. It doesn't really make sense either. Do you think we feel good when we get to put him down? No, of course not, he's part of the community and it's sad to see him change. He could be reasoned with back in the day, we had fun debates about politics where we disagreed but it was fine. Now it's just mentally tiring to read comments where every other sentence is a lie.
If it's true that he had other comments which were flagged and removed, that honestly sucks and the comments should be reinstated so we can read them in full. I personally didn't see any extra comments and I find it a little weird that you've only mentioned this at the very end of the thread, but okay, I believe you. Until then there's not much we can do. I only reacted to the comments I saw, I couldn't react to ones I didn't see.
By "reasoned with" you mean "made to agree with us?" I've talked to him many times - in greater depth than any of you have I *guarantee* - including about subjects we disagree with.
He is *very* passionate in his beliefs - and he also always comes to them from a place of deep thought. But people aren't interested in that because "he supports the wrong politics, therefore."
He's a member of the community? Really? Are you *sure?* because so far this community actively attacks him on a personal level on a regular basis. At least one person stalks him on this website and downvotes every comment he makes. And no that's not an exaggeration. And they do it on BENIGN comments.
When he was driven off the platform awhile back people didn't go "wait, that's a member of our community." They fucking celebrated.
And when he came back one of the first things someone did was say "I hope your presence doesn't make US uncomfortable." And then they quit the website.
Do I think people on this website feel good putting him down and circle-jerking on his comments? Absolutey. Because I've seen it. I've seen people talk shit all over this website behind his back. Shit that has no basis in reality.
People on this website have called him a Nazi, a lunatic, insane, irrational, homicidal, and (perhaps the most insane of all) implied he's actually a pedophile.
Maybe, if he's a member of this community, it's not your JOB to "reason with him."
I certainly don't go spouting off at everyone I disagree with on this website. Because 1) there's no reason to, 2) it accomplishes nothing, and 3) we both deserve BETTER than constant petty bullshit.
You don't agree with him. Grand! You don't have to. You also don't have to seek him out and get off on people treating him like shit.
"It's mentally tiring reading comments where every sentence is a lie" - first of all: climb down off your damn high horse before pretending you're approaching this with sincerity.
Second - once again, don't. Read. His. Comments. Then. You're not obligated to.
That's literal insanity. This entire thread was launched from him saying ONE WORD. ONE WORD. And then you lost it.
And then the others showed up too.
It's so mentally tiring you just couldn't resist that single word. You're so reasonable and rational and refined that one word sets you off to that degree.
But he's the one that needs to be reasoned with.
Stop trying to explain away your own bad behavior by saying he's the center of it all. Own the fuck up or walk the fuck away. The only thing uglier than your attitude is your unwillingness to own how shitty it really is.
No, I don't mean "made to agree with us". I mean defending his opinions with facts instead of lies.
I talked to him too, many times, and experienced in lesser extent the patterns he demonstrated here. So that's just your experience vs my experience.
As I said, I was speaking for myself. If other people here did this or that in the past, it shouldn't happen but I don't see how I can be held responsible for other people's actions. I've had downvoting stalkers and mean commenting stalkers too, they're hilarious.
You keep bringing up that I made a joke and portraying it as if I've "lost it" and whatnot. It's literally a meme from George of the Jungle. We already went over this, and I won't waste any more of my time explaining it to you. See you in another thread.
Yes, we already established your reality is VERY different. Glad we're on the same page on that front.
We'll just ignore me pointing out the fact that you'd never have had to see his "lies" if you had had a modicum of self control. Acknowledging it would be *inconvenient.*
I don't care what movie your initial comment is from. Neither does it excuse literally every comment you made after it (let alone your weird fetish for toad-lickage). But thank you for explaining to me the thing you're not going to explain to me, it was most.. Enlightening.
I'm not holding you responsible for everyone else's behavior. Just the behavior you've exhibited here and now, as well as in past.
And, yes, you've threatened to leave how many times now?
Hopefully you won't be as hypocritical about it this time round as everything else so far :)
What are you talking about, I never threatened to leave. Trolls on my back aren't anyone else's concern, if anything I make fun of them, I wouldn't use that to garner sympathy and manipulate people into seeing me as a victim. Why would I, they're hilariously petty.
I was referring to leaving the post? Which it seems you really don't have the self-control to do the thing you said you were going to do (shocked and appalled here).
For the love of god I don't care about the people you've got on your back, what you do in your free time is your business.
"I was referring to leaving the post? Which it seems you really don't have the self-control to do the thing you said you were going to do (shocked and appalled here)." said xvarnah in his 35th reply in this thread.
Something something Hippopotamus ;)
Trump is a North Korean sympathizer and a fascist, he was only put in power because of Russian collusion. Now repeat after me: Most secure election in history.
Antifa doesn't exist as an organization, and BLM is mostly peacefully protesting, nevermind the fires. Now repeat after me: Proud Boys are domestic terrorists and there was an insurrection on January 6.
That last bit isn't really a question, I already know the answer.
@darkness_within the frog comment is hilarious, i gotta start using that haha
Antifa and BLM taking over parts of cities and injuring thousands as dozens died, perhaps?
Oh wait. You didn't mean any of that? You were just proving my point? Well, glad that's cleared up.
And the answer is NO. We know that because the Trump campaign tried again and again to make voter fraud cases yet wasn't once able to provide proof.
Get out from under your rock, stop drinking the cool aid, and come back to reality.
Countless votes cast by the dead, from addresses that don't exist, or flipped by the software.
Nevermind the irregularities that cropped up during election season, all conveniently favoring one candidate over the other. Burst pipe? Counting after close-out? 10 or 20 foot distance imposed on Republican poll-watchers? In real time I watched the dems flip from "Russian hackers" and "voter suppression" straight to "Most secure election in history".
I thought the claims of fraud were full of shit from Trump, too. And then I saw how eager the left were to shut down and demonize anyone who asked "what".
And then, it also depends on who the plaintiff was for what claim.
And here's the cincher, it doesn't need to be widespread fraud. Just a couple of bad actors in a couple of historically dirty counties.
But nothing says "Trust us", like deplatforming and censoring anyone who asks what's up.
And that's not even getting into the fraud that can't be verified, or rather, the left went out of their way to obstruct the verification of. Signature matching, voter ID, purging the rolls, separating valid ballots from ballots cast too late, the rather large number of ballots that *only* voted for Biden and left every other election and measure blank, I could go on all day.
Also: the fact that you people with the weird toad fetish (what?) Want to label people mentally ill (twice in one post no less) and then attack and antagonize them anyway... That really says some questionable things about you guys as people. Just saying.
Either you don't really believe what you're saying about him/the ones who stormed the Capitol, OR the far less PC option.
So, like, which of these two people do you wanna be? >.>
A reasonable man can only be pushed so far until he has to take unreasonable measures.
So I while I do not approve of the mostly peaceful protest that the left is trying to call an insurrection, after the last 20 years, I fucking understand.
Are they wrong tho?
"I'm not sure the election was Democratic or fair and would like my concerns heard."
"You stupid Nazi!"
Point two, people being censored and booted off social media. I agree with you, it shouldn't happen. But how do we solve it? Do we regulate social media companies, or do we create a government controlled social media that will allow free speech? I agree that there is a problem but it seems that each solution brings other potential problems or slippery slopes.
Point three, good on you that you can list all the incidents done by left wingers, like a parrot drunk on Kool Aid. Statistically though, right wing terrorism, including homegrown terrorism, is far more common.
Fourth, I'm not gonna call you a Nazi, the word gets throw around too much, I just think you're the right wing version of Rachel Maddow.
I just want to make sure I understand which stance you were taking back there.
Side note: I guarantee if he were to list all the incidents done by "left-wingers" he could have a comment chain to rival guest_'s. Probably could do so for "right-wingers" too if he felt like it.
But well done on saying "I won't call you a nazi, I'll just call you a right-wing extremist, a conspiracy nut, and maybe it will distract from the earlier implication that you're mentally ill."
Yes, if you listed every instance, you'd have quite a list. That's why I brought up statistics which have already done the listing and comparing for you.
Seriously, stop trying to misrepresent and strawman me, it's really gross. If you can't be right, at least don't be dishonest.
"I didn't call him a right wing extremist" - please, enlighten me on what you mean by "the right-wing version of Rachel Maddow." Now, while you still have a chance to back down and present your statement in the most appealing light.
I also did offer an example that potentially proves there was at least one instance of voter fraud. You ignored it, so you don't actually get to complain about your comments not being addressed now. Or, rather, you DO, but it just seems rather hypocritical and pointless - which is sadly par for the course.
Admittedly it's still rather pathetic and (dare I say) gross on your part, and it would have been about 300% more impressive if you'd actually been talking TO him rather than ABOUT him, but it's definitely an improvement!
Tomorrow we work on shapes and colors!
When your argument is "there's no proof, believe me, we tried, but I still think it's true.", there's nothing to argue. Your stance is quite literally to ignore evidence because you don't like what it shows.
When on top of that you characterize the take over of the fucking capitol by a mob of rabid extremists out for blood (and yes, they WERE out for blood) as "pacific" you really do give other people a lot of reasons to question your character.
Describing oneself as a "reasonable" person "forced" to go to "unreasonable" measures is exactly how extremists describe themselves. No-one claims to have gone to the extreme for the lulz.
@poopun Great point about the extremist mindset. Extremists don't see themselves as extremists, they go by the mantra "desperate times call for desperate measures". Islamic extremists think the exact same way, many movements that are now seen as terrorist started as efforts to bring stability and order to rural regions which the government ignored, for example in Pakistan.
Nevermind, of course, the cases that the dems are systemically protecting, and the countless procedural and spectacular irregularities.
But I digress, that isn't the conversation we're currently having, and can wait for another thread.
And the same goes for ewqua. Surpise, surprise.
So now I wonder, while y'all *probably* know shapes and colors, do you actually know the American electoral or court systems?
Darkness and I talking about the large difference in vote numbers equals not knowing how electoral college works, hmm... so did you even read the comments, did you scan them for points to react to or do you just see it more fitting to twist them to appear more correct? Again, you're not only wrong, you're dishonest. It's tiring to debate a stubborn person, but it's even more tiring to debate a dishonest actor.
I'm tired, I'd just like to have an honest discussion here. Without people trying to twist what I say or putting words in my mouth, or claiming there's proof and then showing none or pointing to dubious "sources", or claiming that a joke is actually an accusation, or throwing around insults like it's candy on Halloween. Is that so hard?
Hilarious indeed. Your Donald Jr. and Ivanka routine is super on the money. SNL material.
Huh, shit got even better by calling me by a female pronoun. This is just too much fun.
Also people on this post: DoN't PoInT oUt My BaD bEhAvIoUr InStEaD oF wHaT i WaNt YoU tO lIsTeN tO! sTrAwMen As FaR aS tHe EyE cAn SeE!
And for that matter - why DO you bother? You weren't talking to him when I entered the chat you were circle-jerking over him. And I know y'all love to do that, but I really don't think he's that in to you.
You literally just admitted you came in here knowing what he'd say, knowing you wouldn't agree with it - so you're actually genuinely just here to jerk off to the sounds of your own voices. I'm not here to kinkshame, I just don't know why you're involving other people in your weirdness.
The big thing about lying is most people are not good at it. The truth always comes out. The national power grid didn't crash around election day. Opposed to many alt news conspiracies
"You could provide proof of your claims"
"Wow so abusive k bye"
Yeah, this just tells me everything I need to know. You're lucky xvarnah gave you that get out of convo free card (in the form of more strawmanning, of course, in their usual style) otherwise you'd actually have to defend your opinions with facts. Peace out, indeed.
"He's just not that in to me."
If you really want you can download an app, record the sound of your ranting, and then play it back while you jack off. It won't be as effective without him there, but it will probably be mildly healthier than the behavior you're currently exhibiting
And then: "get back here and defend yourself to me!!! Other people are talking to me and I don't like it when I can't gangbang on you in particular!"
A Comragedy in two acts
The reason people now make fun of him for it, is that it's not the first time this has happened. It's basically the same MO of every right wing bullshit talking point that can't stand 2 minutes under scrutiny. Make up a claim, act outraged, don't provide proof (coz there is none), move on to the next bs claim when called out on it. It's what Trump did for four years, and Republicans are so far lost in their alternative world that now Q conspiracies are Congress worthy.
When you observe the same delusional behavior for 4 years, and people doubling down every step of the way, stepping further away from normal, rational thought at every chance, you either laugh about it or you cry. I'm all for laughing. At him, about him, and with him if he ever gets his head out his own ass.
But, please, continue felatting each other in such an "eloquent" manner
And you wonder why I haven't taken you any of you seriously. It's almost like your guys' past behavior speaks for itself as well.
But no, wait - I thought you came here open-minded? Not with your minds made up? I thought it was just jokes and not about him personally?
Unrelated: did you know hypocrisy has nothing to do with hippos? #TheMoreYouKnow
@famousone is entitled to his opinion, and I'm entitled to ridicule him for it. The day he comes to the table with a claim that isn't yet another right wing talking point that has been debunked over and over again is the day I'll actually consider his point. Wanna see it debunked ? Check the Republican track record on the endless lawsuits they filled for voter fraud this election. You think you know better than the courts ? Go be a judge.
And of course I knew hypocrisy has nothing to do with hippos, it's about Hippocrates, the father of medecine. I'm not dumb.
What's truly impressive is that you are so dedicated to this cause you intend to *drag him back here after he already left.*
I think the ones that truly need help here at the end of the day are you.
And idk what to tell you, this thread starts with, once again, famous spreading right wing misinformation. People correcting that bullshit is not harassment.
You can't go around talking bullshit and then claim harassment when people call you out on it.
You guys said it yourselves:
You've watched him for years
You've disagreed with him for years
You've discounted him for years
You had no interest in what he was saying - only making sure your voice was heard
You ignored his attempts to offer proof
Someone actually flagged his attempts to provide proof (wtf lol)
You could have very well replied without tagging him
But no
You weren't done.
You have to make sure that you jam your opinion down his throat and that he has no choice but to see it. That your opinion is so relevant that he MUST be aware you have it.
There's absolutely nothing you can tell me - you've already said it all very clearly, and your actions more than speak for themselves
Your theory that we all just did this for an ego boost is very far from the truth. It doesn't really make sense either. Do you think we feel good when we get to put him down? No, of course not, he's part of the community and it's sad to see him change. He could be reasoned with back in the day, we had fun debates about politics where we disagreed but it was fine. Now it's just mentally tiring to read comments where every other sentence is a lie.
He is *very* passionate in his beliefs - and he also always comes to them from a place of deep thought. But people aren't interested in that because "he supports the wrong politics, therefore."
He's a member of the community? Really? Are you *sure?* because so far this community actively attacks him on a personal level on a regular basis. At least one person stalks him on this website and downvotes every comment he makes. And no that's not an exaggeration. And they do it on BENIGN comments.
When he was driven off the platform awhile back people didn't go "wait, that's a member of our community." They fucking celebrated.
And when he came back one of the first things someone did was say "I hope your presence doesn't make US uncomfortable." And then they quit the website.
People on this website have called him a Nazi, a lunatic, insane, irrational, homicidal, and (perhaps the most insane of all) implied he's actually a pedophile.
Maybe, if he's a member of this community, it's not your JOB to "reason with him."
I certainly don't go spouting off at everyone I disagree with on this website. Because 1) there's no reason to, 2) it accomplishes nothing, and 3) we both deserve BETTER than constant petty bullshit.
You don't agree with him. Grand! You don't have to. You also don't have to seek him out and get off on people treating him like shit.
Second - once again, don't. Read. His. Comments. Then. You're not obligated to.
That's literal insanity. This entire thread was launched from him saying ONE WORD. ONE WORD. And then you lost it.
And then the others showed up too.
It's so mentally tiring you just couldn't resist that single word. You're so reasonable and rational and refined that one word sets you off to that degree.
But he's the one that needs to be reasoned with.
Stop trying to explain away your own bad behavior by saying he's the center of it all. Own the fuck up or walk the fuck away. The only thing uglier than your attitude is your unwillingness to own how shitty it really is.
I talked to him too, many times, and experienced in lesser extent the patterns he demonstrated here. So that's just your experience vs my experience.
As I said, I was speaking for myself. If other people here did this or that in the past, it shouldn't happen but I don't see how I can be held responsible for other people's actions. I've had downvoting stalkers and mean commenting stalkers too, they're hilarious.
You keep bringing up that I made a joke and portraying it as if I've "lost it" and whatnot. It's literally a meme from George of the Jungle. We already went over this, and I won't waste any more of my time explaining it to you. See you in another thread.
We'll just ignore me pointing out the fact that you'd never have had to see his "lies" if you had had a modicum of self control. Acknowledging it would be *inconvenient.*
I don't care what movie your initial comment is from. Neither does it excuse literally every comment you made after it (let alone your weird fetish for toad-lickage). But thank you for explaining to me the thing you're not going to explain to me, it was most.. Enlightening.
I'm not holding you responsible for everyone else's behavior. Just the behavior you've exhibited here and now, as well as in past.
And, yes, you've threatened to leave how many times now?
Hopefully you won't be as hypocritical about it this time round as everything else so far :)
For the love of god I don't care about the people you've got on your back, what you do in your free time is your business.
Something something Hippopotamus ;)