@creativedragonbaby Yeah, these pathetic trolls usually do. There's actually some interesting studies done on them. Psychology Today has a good article on them but basically their unpleasant personalities cause rejection and loneliness which leaves them with their only social outlet to be hurting and upsetting other people. It's basically the only thing that brings them joy in their sad little lives.
There is hope though. If they realise the problem that others rejection of them is caused by them being so aggressive then Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can help them find more positive outlets for their emotions.
· 4 years ago
I've reported him. Please do the same. I've checked his account, he spits some homophobic, islamophobic, racist and basically Trumpism.
There is hope though. If they realise the problem that others rejection of them is caused by them being so aggressive then Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can help them find more positive outlets for their emotions.