Lmfao my husband is like this
It takes forever to get stuff out of him
He is even worse with giving bad news
“Your dog is dead”
“Your not our kid your adopted”
Lol that’s how he tells people bad news straight and to the point no feelings.
I already told him if I die before him I am assigning a person to tell my family and our daughter lol
What book did you finish?
It's about the pornography habits of men and women
Have you ever licked tarmacadam?
*nervous laughter*
*pulls out gun*
Why does nobody understand me?
As a grown ass adult I'll tell you anything bigger then a .22 does well enough.
It takes forever to get stuff out of him
He is even worse with giving bad news
“Your dog is dead”
“Your not our kid your adopted”
Lol that’s how he tells people bad news straight and to the point no feelings.
I already told him if I die before him I am assigning a person to tell my family and our daughter lol