Yeah that was this person's point. Marvel is so offended [about life, the universe, and everything] about his existence they took some out of context quotes and slapped them on Red Skull to imply Jordan Peterson is literally a Nazi.
This person responded by taking even more Peterson quotes and slapping them on Red Skull images to juxtapose exactly how ridiculous Marvel is being lol
It's insanely entertaining that a multi-billion dollar corporation like Marvel is so threatened by concepts like "men actually have value, and they do better when they have a purpose" and "the government shouldn't be involved in the family unit" and "free speech is actually fundamentally important and attacks on it are one step closer to authoritarianism"
Jordan Peterson is my spirit animal. You have to respect someone who opens an unpopular dialogue and calmly makes lucid points while everyone around him swings from the chandeliers looking like idiots.
I mean, this is far and away from the first insane bullshit in this vein marvel - and their writers - have pulled. It's not just a one off, it's a theme.
It's a psychotic rabbit hole to go down, and this is just the latest pile of garbage heaped on top of an entire junkyard
@jasonmon I only heard about him recently. Cake mentioned him and then I stumbled upon him independently awhile after that as well haha.
He seems especially good at getting his points across, and stopping people when they try and manipulate the conversation, distract, or put words in his mouth
Good work Varnie
This person responded by taking even more Peterson quotes and slapping them on Red Skull images to juxtapose exactly how ridiculous Marvel is being lol
It's insanely entertaining that a multi-billion dollar corporation like Marvel is so threatened by concepts like "men actually have value, and they do better when they have a purpose" and "the government shouldn't be involved in the family unit" and "free speech is actually fundamentally important and attacks on it are one step closer to authoritarianism"
It's a psychotic rabbit hole to go down, and this is just the latest pile of garbage heaped on top of an entire junkyard
He seems especially good at getting his points across, and stopping people when they try and manipulate the conversation, distract, or put words in his mouth