Semi-debating coming out as asexual, but also don't really see the point, because my preferences aren't anyone's business and I don't expect anyone to actually care.
"Why don't you date more?"
Because I'm an introverted asexual, Sharon. I don't need company and have no interest in sex, so why would I be seeking relationships?
If you want to be a queen, "No one is worthy of my time"
Or if ppl are annoying, you can tell them what I'd say in a similar situation, "dating is a hobby, but not mine".
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
More accurately: "I'm obsessed with fictional book characters instead"
"Why don't you date more?"
Because I'm an introverted asexual, Sharon. I don't need company and have no interest in sex, so why would I be seeking relationships?
Or if ppl are annoying, you can tell them what I'd say in a similar situation, "dating is a hobby, but not mine".