@memesgobrrr I would but then my mom's sex life would change, according to comments.
@riyriamistborn Ouch I'm sorry to hear this. Cramps get me good but you seem to have it far worse. Does the pill help with the blood curse?
· 3 years ago
I got on the pill just over a year ago and have had maybe one cramp since. There were times before that when my cramping was bad enough I couldn't stand up straight. And after passing a clot the size of a baseball, bleeding through a tampon, heavy pad, underwear and into my pants in the space of 45 minutes, I scheduled an emergency visit with a gyno. She put me on a pill (ended up changing to a different pill a few months later due to side effects) and I have not had a problem since.
Holy shit. I only have the not standing up to the point a supervisor once told me to go home because I was in visible pain, but damn the rest... I'm a bit horrified at what you describe. Very glad for you that the pill got your back.
· 3 years ago
They weren't normally quite that bad, but they were pretty heavy flows that would spark a heavy pad in about 3 hours during the first few days.
The pill has definitely made a world of difference in the quality of my lifestyle, and it's sad that there are a lot of people who think that insurance shouldn't cover it.
@riyriamistborn Ouch I'm sorry to hear this. Cramps get me good but you seem to have it far worse. Does the pill help with the blood curse?
The pill has definitely made a world of difference in the quality of my lifestyle, and it's sad that there are a lot of people who think that insurance shouldn't cover it.