My sweet little mentally challenged kitty collected pens. One burst one her and colored her blue so I had to remove all the ink sticks from them so it didn’t happen again. Because she would get so mad if she notice you took one and trust me she knew one was missing like a mama cat would notice a kitten missing lol.
Sadly we had to give her away but I made sure she went to a good home that could help her with her special needs. Her brother as well he had social anxiety to where he feared everything. Even his vet thought he had a touch of some mental disorder. But we couldn’t pin point it.
I miss them both.
Sadly we had to give her away but I made sure she went to a good home that could help her with her special needs. Her brother as well he had social anxiety to where he feared everything. Even his vet thought he had a touch of some mental disorder. But we couldn’t pin point it.
I miss them both.