The Andromeda system, I bet. Preparing for very tense negotiations with those stalk-eyed pink fucks who think it's our fault that our warp drives are so similar to theirs.
Oh it's still not ok, it just doesn't fit the 'all PoC are victims' narrative so it will not make the usual rounds on the NPC channels, now swap that guy out for a unvaccinated hick and these pundits would absolutely lose their mind. I'll let you guess what the sermon would be for the next few weeks.
Remember all those racist white Trumpers who have been assaulting Asians over the last couple years?
Or that noose in that one black driver's garage?
Or those racist whites who attacked whatshisface for being in "Trump country"?
Or all those anti-Jewish hate crimes and Nazi graffiti?
*sarcastic clap* Mass US shooters by race: White: 66, Black: 21 Latinx: 10 Asian: 8, Other: 5. Unknown: 11. So yeah, they make up the vast, VAST majority. But wait you say, aren't white people the most populous group? 62% is white, 30% is male and white (there have been 3 female mass shooters in 40 years). So, 54% of the mass shooters are done by white males, despite making up only 30% of the population. Most black shooters are gang related and not public/school/etc shootings (which is definitively tied to education and oppression). As someone who's minority, military wife friend was murdered by a white male mass shooter (planned parenthood 2017) I can tell you it's fucking garbage that we pretend this isn't a white male problem. FYI, that mass shooter got off with an insanity plea.
I have to explain my name here. My husband nickname me flower from the skunk from Bambi. The killer part was from my first username in a game and the fact I’m really bad at growing plants. I was trying to be fierce.
Here's an idea..... maybe the mass shooter problem can't be solved by making changes based on skin color? Just maybe there are unique circumstances in those shooters lives that we need to address and get better at mitigating for the future?
63 white male shooters during a time period where there have been maybe 200M white men. Yes, the reasonable conclusion is that the shootings are tied to skin color.
"white male problem".... does anyone ever think for themselves any more?
569 deaths from mass killing since 2010, I'll even give you a higher ratio, day 60% are from white males, that's 341 deaths from mass killings buy white males since 2010.
There was a hair under (not even including 2021 numbers) 178k homicides in those same years. So those white males issues are .19%
Why not go look at at other races murder issues which take up a much much higher % of killings from a lower % of the population?
It's like we pass all these laws to protect .6% of the population from having hurt feelings (trans). Fuck I'm left handed and make up 7% but can't get anything for me in the world.
People are so fucking stupid, always focusing on the smallest fucking issues like they are the end of the world, while the much much bigger issues get ignored
What definition of mass shooting are y'all using? I thought that according to the FBI most were gang violence and tend to happen in a few particular cities.
Also, I always kinda suspected that certain persons here were racist pieces of shit. Glad to finally have hard confirmation.
criteria for mass shooting is 4 or more people being shot at one location or very close locations. If enough time elapses it goes from mass shooting to serial murder. Killing is killing; all the labels are semantics.
edit: Murder is murder, there is a difference in killing w/ and w/o intent.
Or that noose in that one black driver's garage?
Or those racist whites who attacked whatshisface for being in "Trump country"?
Or all those anti-Jewish hate crimes and Nazi graffiti?
63 white male shooters during a time period where there have been maybe 200M white men. Yes, the reasonable conclusion is that the shootings are tied to skin color.
"white male problem".... does anyone ever think for themselves any more?
There was a hair under (not even including 2021 numbers) 178k homicides in those same years. So those white males issues are .19%
Why not go look at at other races murder issues which take up a much much higher % of killings from a lower % of the population?
It's like we pass all these laws to protect .6% of the population from having hurt feelings (trans). Fuck I'm left handed and make up 7% but can't get anything for me in the world.
People are so fucking stupid, always focusing on the smallest fucking issues like they are the end of the world, while the much much bigger issues get ignored
Also, I always kinda suspected that certain persons here were racist pieces of shit. Glad to finally have hard confirmation.
edit: Murder is murder, there is a difference in killing w/ and w/o intent.