They're treating crimes like fanfiction tags.
The rape of a minor girl who cannot consent to sex in the first place can, in no way, be classified as sex. Yet here we are.
Forcible sodomy, to be exact. Which I guess also isn't rape.
So to be clear: the school district adopted politically correct bathroom policies.
A now-15 year old boy "allegedly" wearing a skirt and claiming to be gender fluid went into a girls bathroom.
He then "forcibly sodomized" a girl who was likely around 13-14.
The girl's father went to the school district to report the incident in May. Instead of handling the thing, someone accused him of lying. They then had him arrested for "disorderly conduct" (I don't know what his conduct was, exactly).
At some point the police got involved, but in October the same boy had gone on to assault another girl in a classroom.
The school district denied the incident took place until an email revealing they knew about it was released to the public, at which point the guy responsible said it was just a misunderstanding.
@famousone the minor consolation is that Parents and students are fucking PISSED the fuck OFF.
Parents have been getting very heated with the school district (not just in louden I don't think). Students have staged walk-outs over the lack of transparency and protection afforded to them.
Someone needs to shoot that rapist and then line up his enables against the wall. Or maybe string them up in the square.
Clearly the law is failing us, and atrocity is hiding behind the veneer of "authority".
@xvarnah Misinformation as usual. The father was called the day of the incident and informed his daughter was assaulted. The school was starting an investigation but the father flipped the fuck out and they had to call the police to get him to leave. He took his daughter to the hospital and they ran a rape kit on her that came back positive. The police arrested and charged the rapist the same day. The rapist’s parents moved him/her to a new school.
And here’s the part that people don’t want to hear. Because he was no longer in the school and the police can’t legally release information about a minor the school had no idea what had happened so they didn’t know to inform the school board. Two months later that same dad flipped out on them and got the police called on him again.
I know, I know. As soon as the word “rape” comes up you all lose your humanity and common sense but try really hard to think about the fact that this case was handled exactly as it was supposed to be. You have a problem with the outcome? Then change the laws. Don’t blame the people following them.
I didn’t do any research on the case to be outraged by the laws etc. In this context, I’m mostly outraged by the phrase “non-consensual sex”
· 3 years ago
How sure is it the school used this term? Not that I couldn't imagine they did, but at this point I would not be astonished if a certain someone just made that up. I mean that someone is well known for wildly misrepresenting events and statements for the drama of it.
Okay, so...... where was the misinformation?
That the father went to the school as opposed to the school calling him? That's the big gotcha?
Because for the rest of it, i said pretty clearly I didn't know what is conduct was in the meeting, just that he was arrested for that reason
And you know what? I'm fairly certain if my daughter was anally raped in a school bathroom and the school did fuck all about it, I'd be flipping out too.
Additionally: the guy in charge denied the incident having ever been reported (or something to that effect. I can look up the exact wording if you're truly so eager to defend the school in this instance). He then backstepped it after an email was released revealing he did have full knowledge about it.
To my knowledge They also did not bother making students (or parents) aware that an incident had even occurred.
Like I said, I don't know exactly what went down in the meeting.
I find it extremely hard to believe that the school called him in by osmosis prior to him ever mentioning anything to them, but I suppose stranger things have happened (such as dubbing rape "non-consensual sex" in any kind of official capacity).
I don't imagine the rapist will do well wherever he ends up. He's already a serial offender from the sounds of things, which means he will likely commit again, most likely when he is no longer a minor.
Rapists don't tend to fare well in prison.
You admit you don’t know the details yet you continue to state things as facts. The school didn’t summon him by osmosis. They called him on the phone which is protocol when a student is assaulted. The police were contacted immediately, per protocol, and then the school stopped investigations until the police completed theirs, as. per. protocol.
The father admitted to “flying into a rage” at another attendee of the school board meeting that was two months after the attack.
Forced sodomy is a type of rape. It’s what people are charged under the law, it’s not someone being PC or trying to make it sound better.
· 3 years ago
Ah, those golden days of the past, when no male rapist ever raped any female on a ladies's toilet cause persons with penises were not allowed to use ladies' toilets. And when nobody ever tried covering up shit of any kind, which as we all know started happening only few years ago when wokeness started poisoning paradise. Let's shoot someone to make this world a better place.
@memesgobrr How dare you have a passion about justice. You should be ashamed. Your eagerness to defend current and future victims has been passed along to the justice system.
oh no, im so sorry i didnt mean it i swear, i apologize sincerely for my intrusion, ill let the courts just do what they do and slam that massive 1 year jail time on them or something like that
I'd say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Pregnancies and rape happen in all female prisons as well. Usually by male guards.
That doesn't actually mean putting trans women in Genpop (especially non-transitioned ones) is actually an advisable thing to do. Nor does it negate the increased likelihood that rape and/or pregnancy could happen. It does, actually, increase the likelihood.
Just like men have been sneaking cameras into the womens' washroom for quite some time (and probably visa versa). But it sure as hell was a lot more difficult back when you could tell the person had likely no good reason to be in that space.
Because predators are opportunistic.
But I'm sure you and a handful of the rest of the population know better than centuries of human nature on display.
After all, it's only an underage girl being violently sodomized.
What's that in the face of being politically correct?
Rules exist to protect the criminals more than the innocent.
Because historically speaking, when innocents are victimized and have no systemic recourse, the bad guys don't end up locked up. They end up buried.
· 3 years ago
Your problem is to think of trans women as male perverts in disguise, just like my granny would've. I mean, aoart from all your issues...
Actually no one remotely said that about trans people on this post lol. You're projecting again. Though pretending there aren't degenerate predator perverts among the trans community (just as there is in the rest of the world) is a fairytale so wild even the brother's grimm couldn't sell it
what was said was that male and female bathrooms and other spaces exist for a very good reason, and allowing people with the opposite genitals into those spaces is not only WRONG, it's negligent and dangerous. Regardless of how much it hurts trans peoples' feelings.
· 3 years ago
Again: women have been raped by men in ladies' toilets since there are toilets. You have zero (0) evidence, not even any hints to back up your assumption how allowing trans women to use women's bathrooms would make it more dangerous, except your gut feelings. Feelings instead of facts. And then you're talking about projecting. Rich.
Except for her gut feeling, as well as documented incidents of predators claiming trans status to be allowed (or in some cases forced) in spaces meant exclusively for women.
But what's the difference, you ask?
Well before they didn't have legal or mob protection enabling or covering for them after they take their cock and shove it up some high school girl's unlubricated and unwilling asshole in a public goddamned school.
· 3 years ago
There's this one transphobe asshole who pretended to be trans in order to prove assholes pretending to be trans could in fact get into ladies' restrooms. Where are the documented incidents of trans women raping girls on ladies' restrooms? The boy in question who allegedly wore a dress is not trans. Apparently he had a history of harrassing girls so it's super likely he would have been confronted by other girls in that ladies' restroom if there had been any. So were is the enabling? How is a "mob" protecting him or other predators or covering up rapes? Oh, it's strawman bullshit. Who would've thought except anyone who knows you?
And what about your awkwardly detailed rape fantasies? It's bad enough to see the quota of your postings dealing with killing and torturing people already, now this? Yikes.
It's happened quite a few times. Bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons even, barracks. I know you've been involved in other discussions on the subject, over different incidents.
But she is trans. Because she said she is, and that's all it takes. And she was covered for by the schools. And the law. And now you're part of the mob protecting her.
I call things what they are, in a world where anyone would call the crimes of rape and forced sodomy "nonconsensual sex" somebody has to rip away the veil.
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
Any source on what 'happened quite a few times'?
And would you please fuck off already with all the strawman bullshit?
You know basic literacy would prove monumentally helpful in this scenario on your part.
This has nothing to do with whether trans people are rapists. Not a thing.
This has to do with whether allowing "people with penises" greater access to secluded spaces where women can be cornered easily puts women at greater risk of being hurt or violated. AND visa-versa.
And YOU yourself proved that point. Men and women have been raping each other in bathrooms for quite some time. And that was going on for years even with all the stipulations put into place to prevent it.
And you sit there simultaneously claiming that granting men* MORE access to these spaces will not have a correlation to increased attacks?
The transgender part of it is entirely irrelevant. It can actually be removed from the argument and nothing changes except you lose your moral outrage.
But just to touch on that point:
Jonathan Yaniv is someone born male who now claims to be female. And since claiming this they have worked quite hard to gain access to places where women are naked (change rooms) or have to touch him when he's naked (wax parlors for women).
He has used his claim to be trans as a way to gain both sympathy and access.
His interests include helping minor girls insert their tampons, finding out how much ass and tits he'll get to see in a change room, soliciting minors online, and suing women of color.
Prior to these laws a predator like this would never be given willing access to a woman's bathroom/change room. But because of these laws women were actually trying to help him feel COMFORTABLE going into them.
And all the while his interests were in assaulting minors and perving on women.
So, yes, actually, there are examples of this shit increasing the likelihood victimization will occur. And more will continue coming as long as this kind of politically correct corkscrew lunacy is permitted to occur
*once again, women given access to men's bathrooms would also increase attacks/harassment of men. Women are far from innocent in that regard.
But it gets a bit tedious typing "and visa versa" every other sentence, so just putting yet another disclaimer down here cause fuck the people who pretend women won't abuse these laws either
· 3 years ago
LOL You're seriously coming at me with Jonathan Fucking Yaniv? Get the fuck outta here... he's the very one I was referring to when I wrote "There's this one transphobe asshole who pretended to be trans in order to prove assholes pretending to be trans could in fact get into ladies' restrooms." or in girl's knickers I should have added. This is your evidence, apart from your assumptions, notions and *ugh* feelings ? Oh, let's not forget the "women can be predators, too" shtick and all that meandering stream-of-daftness... this is sooo pathetic.
There was literally no refutation to anything I said in that vowel movement you just spewed across the comment section lol. And you had to EDIT it! You actually had to go back and CHANGE something to come up with that fucking disaster of a word salad. Holy fuck lmao
So on that, at least, we can agree. This has to be one of the most pathetic displays I've ever seen. Even from you. And that's saying something, because the bar was "limbo-dancing with the devil" low
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
So close... the "editing your post makes you a loser" part could've been such an ice cold diss
Let's be clear:
Editing your post doesn't make you a loser. Not even close to what I said. Editing posts is something everyone does now and again, and is a very useful feature to have
No, editing is far from the issue here
The fact that you edited your post, however, and THAT gibbering pile of absolute garbage is what you came up with - is what you felt worthwhile enough to post? THAT is what makes it gold.
That is what makes it simultaneously hysterical to witness, as well as a somber reminder of just how thoroughly our education systems have managed to fail and decay
· 3 years ago
LOL so many, many, many, many words and still nothing to show in reality but Jonathan Fucking Yaniv, I agree, if your education system leaves you with the impression you're making actual points here, it has thoroughly failed and decayed indeed, no shit.
Never forget: we gotta protect feelings, not people
The rape of a minor girl who cannot consent to sex in the first place can, in no way, be classified as sex. Yet here we are.
So to be clear: the school district adopted politically correct bathroom policies.
A now-15 year old boy "allegedly" wearing a skirt and claiming to be gender fluid went into a girls bathroom.
He then "forcibly sodomized" a girl who was likely around 13-14.
The girl's father went to the school district to report the incident in May. Instead of handling the thing, someone accused him of lying. They then had him arrested for "disorderly conduct" (I don't know what his conduct was, exactly).
At some point the police got involved, but in October the same boy had gone on to assault another girl in a classroom.
The school district denied the incident took place until an email revealing they knew about it was released to the public, at which point the guy responsible said it was just a misunderstanding.
Parents have been getting very heated with the school district (not just in louden I don't think). Students have staged walk-outs over the lack of transparency and protection afforded to them.
Clearly the law is failing us, and atrocity is hiding behind the veneer of "authority".
And here’s the part that people don’t want to hear. Because he was no longer in the school and the police can’t legally release information about a minor the school had no idea what had happened so they didn’t know to inform the school board. Two months later that same dad flipped out on them and got the police called on him again.
That the father went to the school as opposed to the school calling him? That's the big gotcha?
Because for the rest of it, i said pretty clearly I didn't know what is conduct was in the meeting, just that he was arrested for that reason
And you know what? I'm fairly certain if my daughter was anally raped in a school bathroom and the school did fuck all about it, I'd be flipping out too.
Additionally: the guy in charge denied the incident having ever been reported (or something to that effect. I can look up the exact wording if you're truly so eager to defend the school in this instance). He then backstepped it after an email was released revealing he did have full knowledge about it.
To my knowledge They also did not bother making students (or parents) aware that an incident had even occurred.
I find it extremely hard to believe that the school called him in by osmosis prior to him ever mentioning anything to them, but I suppose stranger things have happened (such as dubbing rape "non-consensual sex" in any kind of official capacity).
I don't imagine the rapist will do well wherever he ends up. He's already a serial offender from the sounds of things, which means he will likely commit again, most likely when he is no longer a minor.
Rapists don't tend to fare well in prison.
The father admitted to “flying into a rage” at another attendee of the school board meeting that was two months after the attack.
Forced sodomy is a type of rape. It’s what people are charged under the law, it’s not someone being PC or trying to make it sound better.
Pregnancies and rape happen in all female prisons as well. Usually by male guards.
That doesn't actually mean putting trans women in Genpop (especially non-transitioned ones) is actually an advisable thing to do. Nor does it negate the increased likelihood that rape and/or pregnancy could happen. It does, actually, increase the likelihood.
Just like men have been sneaking cameras into the womens' washroom for quite some time (and probably visa versa). But it sure as hell was a lot more difficult back when you could tell the person had likely no good reason to be in that space.
Because predators are opportunistic.
But I'm sure you and a handful of the rest of the population know better than centuries of human nature on display.
After all, it's only an underage girl being violently sodomized.
What's that in the face of being politically correct?
Because historically speaking, when innocents are victimized and have no systemic recourse, the bad guys don't end up locked up. They end up buried.
what was said was that male and female bathrooms and other spaces exist for a very good reason, and allowing people with the opposite genitals into those spaces is not only WRONG, it's negligent and dangerous. Regardless of how much it hurts trans peoples' feelings.
But what's the difference, you ask?
Well before they didn't have legal or mob protection enabling or covering for them after they take their cock and shove it up some high school girl's unlubricated and unwilling asshole in a public goddamned school.
And what about your awkwardly detailed rape fantasies? It's bad enough to see the quota of your postings dealing with killing and torturing people already, now this? Yikes.
But she is trans. Because she said she is, and that's all it takes. And she was covered for by the schools. And the law. And now you're part of the mob protecting her.
I call things what they are, in a world where anyone would call the crimes of rape and forced sodomy "nonconsensual sex" somebody has to rip away the veil.
And would you please fuck off already with all the strawman bullshit?
This has nothing to do with whether trans people are rapists. Not a thing.
This has to do with whether allowing "people with penises" greater access to secluded spaces where women can be cornered easily puts women at greater risk of being hurt or violated. AND visa-versa.
And YOU yourself proved that point. Men and women have been raping each other in bathrooms for quite some time. And that was going on for years even with all the stipulations put into place to prevent it.
And you sit there simultaneously claiming that granting men* MORE access to these spaces will not have a correlation to increased attacks?
But just to touch on that point:
Jonathan Yaniv is someone born male who now claims to be female. And since claiming this they have worked quite hard to gain access to places where women are naked (change rooms) or have to touch him when he's naked (wax parlors for women).
He has used his claim to be trans as a way to gain both sympathy and access.
His interests include helping minor girls insert their tampons, finding out how much ass and tits he'll get to see in a change room, soliciting minors online, and suing women of color.
And all the while his interests were in assaulting minors and perving on women.
So, yes, actually, there are examples of this shit increasing the likelihood victimization will occur. And more will continue coming as long as this kind of politically correct corkscrew lunacy is permitted to occur
But it gets a bit tedious typing "and visa versa" every other sentence, so just putting yet another disclaimer down here cause fuck the people who pretend women won't abuse these laws either
So on that, at least, we can agree. This has to be one of the most pathetic displays I've ever seen. Even from you. And that's saying something, because the bar was "limbo-dancing with the devil" low
Editing your post doesn't make you a loser. Not even close to what I said. Editing posts is something everyone does now and again, and is a very useful feature to have
No, editing is far from the issue here
The fact that you edited your post, however, and THAT gibbering pile of absolute garbage is what you came up with - is what you felt worthwhile enough to post? THAT is what makes it gold.
That is what makes it simultaneously hysterical to witness, as well as a somber reminder of just how thoroughly our education systems have managed to fail and decay