I think there is much truth here but also some common misunderstanding. If we are designing a new theme park and I say: “I want your opinions on what this park should be…” I probably want other opinions- things I would not think of, perspective from different types of people or personalities, etc. so we can try to make a park the most people will want to spend time at and enjoy. Of course, I want those opinions, but many I won’t use or won’t be directly included. If an opinion is heard and dismissed but you keep bringing it back up- we are going to want to move past it. If your opinion is that even though all the market data and historical data and design experts show puke green is NOT the color for the cafe- but you think puke green is the best color to use- you’ll need to have a strong enough case to overrule the data or that’s a done topic. If your opinion is that we shouldn’t let black people into the park- that’s a non starter for SO many reasons.
A major divide when discussing opinion is are you just venting your feelings- or are you asking for something or trying to do something? Is that opinion relevant and applicable to the discussion?
Opinions on how you FEEL are your feelings. Your feelings are yours and exist independent of fact or reality. You can feel whatever you want and others can listen but not feel the same way. When we try to justify our feelings on facts, those facts we use are open to challenge if they are incorrect or incomplete.
How you FEEL about something may or may not have any practical significance beyond yourself.
Opinions on interpretation of fact are about how we see the facts from our perspective. Is gravity a wave? A field? An effect of mass distorting space, some combination? There is room to interpret the data differently. No one is “right” but some people are certainly more wrong there. These sorts of opinion are open to debate on a fundamental level by anyone seeking the truth.
At the end of the day context matters. Sometimes we want peoples opinions just to know them better. Laying in a grassy field just talking about life- someone says: “I think we should just put all the politicians on an island and be done with them..”
they may or may not mean that, but if that’s how they think you learned a little about them. You may like them more or like them less based off the type of person you are seeing. Sharing our opinions on feelings does shape peoples opinions of us and our judgment. If you are at a town hall meeting or a congressional panel or something and say you think all the politicians should be put on an island- you’re wasting peoples time. That opinion is ignorant of fact on almost every level. It’s not constructive at all, the odds of it ever happening are close to 0, and the results of it would likely be horrible and are an affront to basic human values of freedom etc. so in that context- yeah. People don’t want that opinion.
Truthfully, I generally don't want to hear your opinion. However, I'm never going to tell you not to give your opinion or work to prevent you from voicing your opinion. The only. and I do me only. caveat is that if you're giving your opinion it needs to be in the correct manner. If you're having a conversation with me that is an appropriate time. If I'm having a conversation with someone else and you yell out over them or me, unsolicited, then you and your opinion is garbage. Giving your opinion in a respectful manner means I'm going to respect you whether or not I agree. And I will defend your right to that opinion even if I hate it.
Opinions on how you FEEL are your feelings. Your feelings are yours and exist independent of fact or reality. You can feel whatever you want and others can listen but not feel the same way. When we try to justify our feelings on facts, those facts we use are open to challenge if they are incorrect or incomplete.
How you FEEL about something may or may not have any practical significance beyond yourself.
Opinions on interpretation of fact are about how we see the facts from our perspective. Is gravity a wave? A field? An effect of mass distorting space, some combination? There is room to interpret the data differently. No one is “right” but some people are certainly more wrong there. These sorts of opinion are open to debate on a fundamental level by anyone seeking the truth.
they may or may not mean that, but if that’s how they think you learned a little about them. You may like them more or like them less based off the type of person you are seeing. Sharing our opinions on feelings does shape peoples opinions of us and our judgment. If you are at a town hall meeting or a congressional panel or something and say you think all the politicians should be put on an island- you’re wasting peoples time. That opinion is ignorant of fact on almost every level. It’s not constructive at all, the odds of it ever happening are close to 0, and the results of it would likely be horrible and are an affront to basic human values of freedom etc. so in that context- yeah. People don’t want that opinion.
Respect that, sucka.