I have one of those (from a thrift store). It's pretty good but it tends to slide down and get kinda loose while walking. Also I can really only wear it with tight pants. A skirt won't work at all (I guess a miniskirt would but I don't wear those) and wide leg pants make it look silly.
Did you know??? (I actually just learned this!!) Pockets in long skirts used to be detached. Really enormous pockets would be on each hip and tie around the waist with string. Then the skirt would go on but it wasn't a solid piece at the top with a manufactured fastener like we're used to. Instead it was solid at the bottom but the waist part didn't join together at the front and the back until 1/3 of the way down. You tied the back part on, then the front part on, and the front part covered over the back part.. So it looked solid but it had these big slits where you could reach in and access the pockets you'd already tied on. You could have a whole lunch in there or snacks or money or whatever really. So so cool.
Yup! Historical fashion is honestly so cool and the more I get into sewing, the more I appreciate historical methods. They just last longer and fit better. No elastic that gets stretched out, no velcro that gets worn out... lacing and buttons all the way. And yeah, those pockets are very cool! It made sense too, since people used to layer up more than we do nowadays.
I must heartily recommend "The Mysterious Benedict Society" if you can watch it (Disney). Female child character carries a bucket around her waist to hold all the stuff she needs to mechanic the world around her. It's really fantastic! The closest analog for the show is A Series of Unfortunate Events (it's an ensemble cast of children, not one MC) but if they had been interacting with VFD instead of Olaf.
Personal antidote: I was one day (shortly after finishing the series) building stuff with wood and also doing some hedge pruning. I LONGED for my own little bucket. Then I remembered about side tool belts and it was one of those moments when your life and the great stream of all who have come before gloriously collide. I bought one immediately and threaded an old purse strap in it, then enjoyed having all my tools handy while I thought about all the girls and ladies who have carried what they needed in a multitude of conveyances.
That tweet about women ceasing to exist when alone seems more and more accurate each day