

hopeforall Report User
There's gotta be a mini boss in there and great loots 6 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
For anyone curious, this is Petra in Jordan
Some heroes don't wear capes 10 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Least terrible for whom?
Some heroes don't wear capes 10 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Almost all modern historians agree that fewer people would have died if hadn’t bombed japan, and that Japan was close to folding anyways. With increasing numbers of Allied soldiers on the US mainland and pressure from a new declaration of war from Russia, historians argue that there was likely some other motivation for bombing Japan. The figures you see today about the estimated number of lives saved were put out by the 1940’s government as more or less propaganda. Historians aren’t sure why Japan was bombed, but some theories say that maybe Truman was feeling an intense amount of pressure to show his power to Russia, a nation who was our friend in the war, but on no other playing field.
Lemongrab is f*cking terrifying. Had this been on TV when I was a kid, I would not be okay 15 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Fun fact: lemongrab was voices by none other than Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty)
Make her do 52 years to compensate for both men 11 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
I’m just saying. Men are rape victims too, right? So the victim could’ve been male
Make her do 52 years to compensate for both men 11 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
The victim could’ve been male
Heretic! 5 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Maybe it’s part of the cover. Maybe they live somewhere where faith is expected and to be “pagan” would mean social ostracism or worse. Maybe the child wasn’t raised in it at all but when they hit their teens they decided they liked the teachings of a religion and chose it for themselves
· Edited 6 years ago
Could be interesting 24 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Dude, what’s wrong with you?
Sexual harassment!!!!!!!! 26 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
... yes, that was my point. She lifted her skirt to draw attention to the issue
He the boss 35 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
The age of consent is 15 in the Czech Republic where they live. The issue is not legality, it’s that she’s the girlfriend of another NHL player, and so the threat was that her boyfriend would find out and probably be pissed.
Sexual harassment!!!!!!!! 26 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
The point is that women (and people in general) should be able to wear what they want to wear without facing harassment. She lifted up her skirt to showcase the kind of comments women receive when they dress a certain type of way.
Stolen just like stability of the Middle East 7 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Eating a pizza is the same as eating (measurement) of (literally any single compound in the entire food). Feel like eating it now?
Well no, I’m not going to eat 3 spoons full of oil. Just like I won’t eat 3 spoons of straight up pure ethanol. I will eat pizza, though, and i will drink wine
Pokemon lessons 9 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
So... if someone hate you for something you can change, then it’s your fault they hate you?
Well, accidents happen 9 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Seems kinda fake
Some hate 11 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
The best kind of starter pack 58 comments
hopeforall · 6 years ago
Actually, the tissue is very pink so this type of brain would have to be inside a person (brains become grey and tough when removed)
I am unlovable 9 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
Especially when there’s nudes
What a horrible way to die 10 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
Oh hey! That's pretty good!
How valid is this? 30 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
Right! Exactly
How valid is this? 30 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
Because, if you're an organism that can survives its environment, then that's a great step towards passing on your genes. But you need more. If you're sterile, then you may be the "fittest" but you're also an evolutionary dead end. If an organism lives half as long as you, but has lots of offspring, they win. That's the mechanism of evolution: having kids. That's it.
I have sinned 4 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
When they say "everyone's a sinner" it's meant to take the pressure off. Like don't worry about being perfect, just try a little bit everyday and you'll get better. You don't need to be perfect to be loved, God loves you just the way you are
Something to ponder about 6 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
Just look at what any major religion says is the key to happiness (and some secular ideas too) and you'll find pretty quick and gratitude, spending time with other people, and not worrying about objects or money is key to happiness
What a horrible way to die 10 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago
In Catholicism, if you are threatened with death to convert, it's acceptable to say you convert and still practice in secret. The Church doesn't say you have to die for your faith. However, if you feel called to die for your faith and become a martyr, it shows great, great faith and since we reason you died for God, we also reason you go straight to heaven, no purgatory or fear of Hell.
How valid is this? 30 comments
hopeforall · 7 years ago