I'll either give you a scientific breakdown, a tl;dr of a clickbait title, or beg for help in suicide jokes. <3
— spiderwoman Report User
Please. My BF everyone. Help 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't recall being either a shitbag or a racist. I'm actually very careful to never be racist or assume people believe certain things.
Whether you got cut off, dumped, insulted, or betrayed 20 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't know what went through my mom's mind for ten years. She had a car. She had a job. She had family members constantly saying she could stay with them if she just left. But she just stayed with the person who I still have nightmares about and have panic attacks if I think I see him or I hear a semi-truck deflate. I still hear his footsteps when I try to go to sleep.
I don't know why she stayed. I'm sure she had some reason. I don't think it was a good one though. I don't really have anything to add on this topic because it's one of the few that I can't bring myself to research for too long. I know towards the end she actually had no way of leaving as she had no phone, he took the spark plugs from her car, and no job because of that. I have a lot of resentment towards my mother for it anyways.
I don't know why she stayed. I'm sure she had some reason. I don't think it was a good one though. I don't really have anything to add on this topic because it's one of the few that I can't bring myself to research for too long. I know towards the end she actually had no way of leaving as she had no phone, he took the spark plugs from her car, and no job because of that. I have a lot of resentment towards my mother for it anyways.
How many lies have you told this week? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
When you say something you are actually saying two things. 1) Vaccines cause autism and 2) This belief is justified with evidence. Children don't understand that #2 is implied while adults do. Therefore, the person saying this is lying. Asserting as fact that which is not evidently true is lying.
Some things no one taught you 31 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm reminded of a story where a man walked into a store. He then left and called the cops. He just had an instinctual feeling that something was wrong and trusted it. Later, he realized he remembered certain things. Like the car parked too close to the door. The blank face of the usually very friendly cashier. The lack of any customers when there was that same car parked too close to the entrance. The store was being robbed, and he had a feeling that it was that he couldn't quite understand at the time. Your brain is always looking for threats and will warn you of these threats even if you don't understand what it's telling you.
Some things no one taught you 31 comments
· 6 years ago
This is really dangerous advice on the "Always trust your instincts." Your brain does have good instincts, but they are very faulty. It's just an instinctive thing that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones. Your instincts can indeed tell you if someone is looking to hurt you, but they aren't 100%. The cute person smiling at you who you trust absolutely could be pick-pocketing you. They also fail when you get away from humans and into science. We have monkey brains. Our brains were made to find food on the plains of Africa. They weren't made to understand that we live on a big ball known as Earth.
If your instincts ever tell you that someone may not be good, then go ahead and trust them. If your instincts try to talk about science or reason, then tell them to shut up because our instincts are terrible at math and science.
If your instincts ever tell you that someone may not be good, then go ahead and trust them. If your instincts try to talk about science or reason, then tell them to shut up because our instincts are terrible at math and science.
How many lies have you told this week? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
If you claim something is true then you are implicitly asserting that you have evidence that it is true. Your implicit assertion that it is has evidence when it does not causes it to be a lie.
There is a bit of nuance here as it can be broken down into mistaken and deceitful. A child claiming they saw a unicorn is a lie because they asserted what they thought was true even though it isn't true, but they didn't "lie". The child is simply mistaken. Their naivety and lack of reasoning skills means that they aren't to blame. This is funny.
Meanwhile, an adult claiming that vaccines cause autism is asserting that they have evidence to prove that they do when they do not. Assuming this person doesn't have a debilitating illness, they were deceitfully lying because they told a lie knowing that they have no evidence for it. They know exactly how dishonest they are being and are therefore being deceitful. This is disgusting and dangerous.
There is a bit of nuance here as it can be broken down into mistaken and deceitful. A child claiming they saw a unicorn is a lie because they asserted what they thought was true even though it isn't true, but they didn't "lie". The child is simply mistaken. Their naivety and lack of reasoning skills means that they aren't to blame. This is funny.
Meanwhile, an adult claiming that vaccines cause autism is asserting that they have evidence to prove that they do when they do not. Assuming this person doesn't have a debilitating illness, they were deceitfully lying because they told a lie knowing that they have no evidence for it. They know exactly how dishonest they are being and are therefore being deceitful. This is disgusting and dangerous.
Please. My BF everyone. Help 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I talked to someone for a week, and she'd just text me that they're horny or just masturbated. We weren't even together and she didn't want to be. I think it's because I'm so fucked up and unable to lie that people just don't really feel anything wrong with... Okay, I'm crying now, and I can't find a quote. They just used to feel comfortable with me.
How many lies have you told this week? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
I also add that a lie is also to assert as fact that which is not evidently true. If you have the ability to prove something, and you refuse to do research on it, then you have lied. If you believe vaccines cause autism, and you tell me that, I'll call you a fucking liar because we've proven it to be wrong dozens of times and it's never even been shown to be correct once.
Whether you got cut off, dumped, insulted, or betrayed 20 comments
· 6 years ago
There's a reason why the person who starts name calling or getting angry is the one who loses the argument. People only get angry when they've been cornered.
Of course, there are exceptions to this. I don't exactly remain calm when someone is trying to tell me that child rape is okay, but that's a different type of anger. More incredulous and frustrated than the instant loss of "ermagawd im NAWT RONG"
Of course, there are exceptions to this. I don't exactly remain calm when someone is trying to tell me that child rape is okay, but that's a different type of anger. More incredulous and frustrated than the instant loss of "ermagawd im NAWT RONG"
How many lies have you told this week? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
People don't lie to themselves. They try to convince themselves of things they know aren't true. As for the lies I think he told...
"Of course you don't look fat in that dress"
"Haha, it's fine."
"I'm alright with doing it if that's what you want."
"Sure, I don't mind pancakes instead of waffles."
"Of course you don't look fat in that dress"
"Haha, it's fine."
"I'm alright with doing it if that's what you want."
"Sure, I don't mind pancakes instead of waffles."
Surprise baby 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't like that argument. "He could have used a condom." That just implies that he has to be paranoid at all times. That if someone betrays him, then he's the idiot. That he has to always be on the alert because if something bad happens then it's his fault. That's the feeling I always seem to get from "He could have worn a condom!" To me, it's like saying "Yea, she got raped, but she could have just stayed home! It's kinda her fault."
And yes, I do see purposefully impregnating yourself against the will of the man to be a form of rape in a loose sense. They sexually violated him even if it's in a way that isn't usually seen as such. This of course goes both ways. If a guy impregnates a woman who didn't want to be, then it's just as bad. Disgustingly, the latter would be more easily seen as rape than the former. Consenting to sex and consenting to having a child are completely different.
I know you didn't say this. I just wanted to get my feelings on it out there.
And yes, I do see purposefully impregnating yourself against the will of the man to be a form of rape in a loose sense. They sexually violated him even if it's in a way that isn't usually seen as such. This of course goes both ways. If a guy impregnates a woman who didn't want to be, then it's just as bad. Disgustingly, the latter would be more easily seen as rape than the former. Consenting to sex and consenting to having a child are completely different.
I know you didn't say this. I just wanted to get my feelings on it out there.
Surprise baby 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I heard about a pill that does this, but it's far from ready for release. Best case scenario it has a few years before being released - if it doesn't have major negative side effects or just isn't effective enough.
Surprise baby 15 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm really disappointed in the lack of birth control options for men. It's kinda a form of blackmail or at least an extreme imbalance of power. At any point the girl on birth control could stop taking the pill and get pregnant to essentially fuck the guy's life over for the next 18 years without any type of warning. Honestly, I don't understand people who claim that women are oppressed in America when they have such overwhelming privilige in pregnancy and children.
You've a point there, Suite Life 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I forgot that you knowing a small sample means you know the entire population, I know a black 20 year old girl, so all 20 year old girls must be black, I guess by your logic.
You've a point there, Suite Life 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I feel like you've fallen into a "common knowledge" thing with writing and art. Those are jobs that are pretty easy to get work in and even steady work if you're good enough especially with writing. Writers can get paid to proofread/edit/write articles, blogs, or basically anything else. Artist can make logos, do commissions, sell work to businesses, or basically anything else. Artists have a bit less advantage here though, but it definitely isn't impossible.
It's definitely not something you can go right into and be able to live, but it's easy enough to use it as side money for a while before being able to go full time.
It's definitely not something you can go right into and be able to live, but it's easy enough to use it as side money for a while before being able to go full time.
Odin, The God of Sass 8 comments
· 6 years ago
He is the God of Thunder because the sound of thunder is what kills his enemies and announces his arrival. Plus it sounds cooler than Thor Odinson, God of Static Caused by Particles in the Atmosphere.
Odin, The God of Sass 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I preferred the actual Thor with long golden hair. I liked the eye patch too though. I also understand why they basically ditched the entirety of Thor in Ragnarok. The people just weren't relating to a long haired God with a hammer. It just feels like they took Thor and removed everything that made him Thor except the name.
You've a point there, Suite Life 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Because acting, modeling, singing, dancing, and writing are all a respectable job?
Guys, here's a thing I saw 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Nothing is more adorable than old people adapting to modern times tbh. It makes them seem so much nicer and funny. Eccentric is the word some would use.
"Grid girls blame feminists for losing jobs" 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I believe they're essentially cheerleaders for racers particularly F1 drivers. They can also have the sponsorship of the driver somewhere on them kinda like how the racer's uniform has the "Mountain Dew" patches. They kinda just sit there and look pretty which honestly sounds pretty nice and a lot of them enjoy it. There isn't a hard number for how much they are paid, but it is usually enough to support an early modeling career.
"Grid girls blame feminists for losing jobs" 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It's almost like women are actually equals and can choose the job they love. I find it very ironic that most feminist today seem to think that women are helpless creatures that aren't equal to men and that need to be protected. Feminist from Tumblr (Because let's be real) are ironically very sexist towards women with the optional extremely sexist towards men.
F**k logic 9 comments
· 6 years ago
The primary audience for the movie was Americans. It was really negligible what accent they were using as long as it wasn't a very common thing to American ears such as the British, Scottish, German, et cetera. There is indeed a very diverse range of accents in Africa, but the selection for this one accent was arbitrary. They could have thrown a dart at the continent and the result would have been fairly similar. Why are guests always trying to fight without even being capable of winning an argument with a kindergartener I'll never know.
So lonely 15 comments