Satanism is a legitimate religion full of its own constructive philosophies and morals. And to go a step further, it is my opinion that a proponent of this religion is no more inherently destructive (or constructive, for that matter) to the human race than any other religion – or lack of religion for that matter. And I don't think anyone has the right to say any other philosophical thought process is wrong and should not be followed merely because he/she adheres to a set of rules that says so.
P.S. I love how pertinent the poster's name is to this post.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I agree, I don't mind satanism. I don't mind it at all! It's not as bad as everyone thinks. But still, the fact that this person makes us christians uncomfortable extremely is rude? I mean come on! You can be an athiest or whatever, just don't be a douche:(
I dont mean to be rude or anything, but I think this guy just did it a "a penny for your thoughts" kind of thing. He wasn't trying to make people uncomfortable. That is also a bit hypocritical since I often see commercials about christianity that offer people a thought for the mind about their religion that have made myself feel a bit uncomfortable to look at. Then again, I, as a relatively young person at age 14, have less life experience, don't ask anyone to take my opinions as truth. It's just what I think as an atheist.
· 9 years ago
Durell, these people are going to burn forever if they do not understand the truth.
Actually, they were supposed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Only thing was, there also had to be sin, or else the concept of righteousness wouldn't exist (it's a duality thing, like how you need to know darkness to know light, or sadness to know happiness). So when Satan tempted them and they ate the fruit, they gained critical thinking and introduced the concepts of righteousness and sin, both of which God wanted to happen, so actually Satan was tricked into advancing God's plan! Which, y'know, I think is pretty cool.
yes....that's what's so weird! if you do a little research, it says that adam "knew" all the animals. the Hebrew word for knew is also the word used for "sex". (when it somes to the bible, you have to remember it's been translated and re-translated. we loose meaning in translations.) so we can almost understand it as the snake was jealous of eve b/c adam did not find it as a suitable companion. Also, if you analyze it some more: the snake's punishment was to crawl forever on it's belly. therefore at some point the snake had arms and legs. the whole story is a little whacked. i's called the "lullaby effect". For example, in the lullaby "hush-a-bye baby. in the tree tops. when the wind blows the cradle will rock. when the bow brakes the cradle will fall. and down will come baby cradle and all." if you analyze the lyrics it's actually a really terrifying thing to tell a kid, but we're so used to it that we don't really realize it. same thing applies here.
God created life so he has a right to take it. I would go on, but I know that these religious rants are pointless (because no one cares and will ever believe it)
Would the same go for a parent? Because parents create life. They have sex and make a baby, a human life. Do they have the right to take its life away just because they made it?
There really is no real way to describe what the Devil has done to humanity in terms of evil, mainly because people might see me defending God, and think what kind of idiot i am for not thinking the same, but to vaguely speak, God has a plan and always had a plan for humanity and always has one, with Satan being a major contributor. Again, there is not real way to explain the evil that the Devil has implanted on the earth, but God has been recolonized in the bible as a sovereign (Deuteronomy 3:24 NIV), merciful (Deuteronomy 4:31 NIV), and is a Faithful God. One of many reasons to trust that God has a plan is to have faith, which cannot be explained. Sorry if this seems like an overreaction.
that makes no sense! then we were lied to by the bible b/c that is NOT free will. who am I kidding? I don't believe the bible anyways (I think it was written to control the masses)...I was just trying to make a point. BUT you can't make sense to the already brain washed, I suppose.
also, if " your free will is God's will for you" then that means that no one goes to hell for their sins b/c their sins were part of God's plan.....still makes no sense.
I don't believe that everything is predestined, I think there are certain thing that will happen, but that God doesn't have a destiny for a person, if you understand at all what I mean. As for the free will, we know that free will has always existed because Adam and eve ate from the tree, that was not God's will, they made that choice.
The problem isn't really with some things needing to be predestined, its about God being omniscient. The argument is "If God knows everything that's going to happen then its set in stone, therefore man can't change it so he had no free will." Its an argument that leaks into a famous argument about the origin of evil-->
If I may play devil's advocate:
According to God, Lucifer is a liar.
According to Lucifer, God is a liar.
Assuming that one does not take into account the myriads of other religions and philosophies, how does one determine which to trust?
It has been a while since I read "Surprised by Joy" by C.S. Lewis, but as I recall, he argues that one may rationalize which religion to choose by looking at what each religion offers in philosophical value. And he concludes that Christianity is superior in this regard, Hinduism being a close second. That is likely the answer a Christian apologist would give you. Speaking personally, I think it is irrelevant which god a person believes in – or even that he/she even believe in a god at all – so long as the beliefs entailed by said god – or lack thereof – are not blatantly antisocial.
The only supposed perfect creature is God, therefore Satan can lie. Who says that those lies don't help? But then again who says they do? Just a penny for your thoughts.
Now there's something I've been thinking about for a longer time: God originally created humans as mindless thought-slaves, as written in the content. But then he blamed them and kicked them out of Eden because they were not thinking of the consequences of eating the Apple? I mean, before they ate the Apple, they were as dumb as a plank. They didn't understand the concept of good, evil, blame, guilt...and they believed everything the snake said, why? Because they were too dumb to question anything it said! They were too stupid to be like "Hey wait, that dude is suspicious. I shouldn't do what he says." No, they were so ignorant that they probably were like "Ermahgerd Apphelz. Wut."
They were basically kicked out for being too dumb to realize they shouldn't eat the Apple which they realized after eating it because it gave them knowledge of good and evil. So it was basically destined to happen.
Just because man's eyes was not opened to evil doesn't mean they were stupid. Stop exaggerating and get it right. God knew that if man ate the apple, they would be able to distinguish evil from good, and wouldn't live to fulfill their sole purpose of glorifying and worshipping him alone.
@guest, the first one here. It also never stated it was an apple. Besides, if God didn't want them to eat the fruit, then why would he put the damned tree somewhere reachable by them? Or why plant it in the first place?
There are the... uh, "unrecognized" text, I keep forgetting their name in English, that state many other things (such as Eve not being the first woman) the church does not because they believe it might change how people see Christianity (I am putting protestants, catholics, and the rest here) as a whole. And they do not want that, because, whoever is in charge of that, believe it might grant more power to certain groups.
I believe that everyone should have their right to whatever they want to believe but some of this is inaccurate. When satan offered food to Jesus in the desert it was not out of compassion. He was trying to lead Jesus away from his father (God) while he was fasting, which shows devotion to God. Jesus wasn't just wandering in the desert.
And God has a plan for humanity, which we are unable to understand. That's just what Christians believe. Believe what you want
· 11 years ago
OKAY! I'm done, I hate these posts! I hate posts against athiests too! But fucking hell, don't make me feel so damn shit! You people make me so mad! Okay be a fucking athiest, be a fucking muslim, be a fucking jew, be a fucking christian, be anything the fuck you want, just don't be a motherfucking dick! I guess I can be prepared to get downvoted! Oh fucking boohoo I'm sick and tired of posts against believers and athiest! Why can't we all be fucking friends! *to the tune of the song* Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends?
Personaly I have nothing against athiests, one of my best friends is an athiest. I also hate posts like this. The problem is that most athiests make fun of Christians b/c we can't see our God, and we don't take crap from haters.
In all honesty, I don't think there is a Satan/Lucifer/the devil, but I do believe there is a hell. And I've always believed that depending on how bad you've sinned you'd only stay in hell until you've made up for what you've done, and then god would let you into heaven.
Well I have a friend who identifies as Catholic, and he believes a similar thing. For him, there is an intermediate place called purgatory into which all people go; and the time they spend there is proportional to their crimes in the secular life. When a person's sentence is paid, and he/she is fully cleansed, he/she can move along to heaven. To him, hell still exists, but it is only populated by a sliver of the human populace that is totally beyond redemption.
Satan doesn't rule over hell God does. Hell was created by God to punish sinners Satan's goal is deceive and lie in order to bring as many souls to the lake of fire as possible he doesn't care for you he wants to see you right next to him withering in damnation for all eternity
I'm not religious but ik the concept. We only see with our eyes and therefore these questions arise. Look at the physical and you'll see the same as the rest.
To argue, if Satan hadn't deceived the woman, we would not have been revealed to evil and sin, and lived to achieve nothing but God's will. To argue against God is altogether a vain battle, let alone side with Satan. Maybe if any of you who tell others to study religion because it explains the Church is mind control bothered to study the Bible, you wouldn't be saying such ignorant things. How does it go? Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
if you really studied the bible as you claim you would know that the devil didn't tempt adam & was just a snake: a walking, talking, jealous snake.
A snake does not talk, Saten used the snake, if you had read the bible you would have known that. He used it to tempt Eve and that Eve tempted Adam. Satan did not believe that God had a right to be glorified and adored by the beings he created, Satan wanted people to glorify himself, he was jealous of God.
Because the internet is a free place. I don't think you would e complaining if everyone was on gods side just because apparently he is so good
· 11 years ago
I still think you have no right to come shoving this in our face? I've never seen a MEMBER(not a guest) on funsubstance that's an asshole to an athiest etc. But this post basically just says, you damn christians. It hurts a lot!
If no one minds me stating something here...
For those of you who claim that Satan loves us more than God, I'm sorry to say that I was taught differently. Satan doesn't like mankind at all. Hence why he puts everyone through suffering in Hell. He hates mankind since we're creations of God, and therefore would love nothing more than to watch us writhe in pain.
God didn't create mankind to be mindless worshipers, He more or less created us to be like permanent children- constantly happy and full of love for our Creator. God most likely would have given Adam and Eve knowledge over time, yet they received everything at once, and had committed a sin against Him. God cast them out of Eden as a punishment out of love, to teach them a lesson. Much like a parent.
And on a quick side note, God put the tree there to test Adam and Eve's love for Him. He gave them free will to choose whether or not to eat off of that tree.
But that still is giving a child – a creature which is much too immature and underdeveloped to understand causality – a choice bearing immense ramifications.
Also, why did the tree contain all the knowledge? If God really did make a lesson plan for his creations, then why not create a tree which only contained the next lesson? That way, if the children ate from it – which God knew would be damaging to them – they would only get a nasty shock, and they would learn from it.
@wmonohon because they were not actual children, they were grown ups, Adam had, had multiple conversations with God, Adam was not dumb and Eve was not dumb either. Satan used the snake to twist God's word and lie. But instead of trusting their maker they did not question the snake( an animal they knew, wasn't supposed to talk) they went with it and ate the fruit. And now all their children are still learning that hard lesson for them. Satan does not mean us well he knows he is going to die an he want's to take as many of us with him.
I jus screen shot this entire thing have my lecture for bible class tomorrow. I'm so curious how my bible professor will contribute to these thoughts! :) I think this is soooo interesting!
We always had free will, if Adam and Eve had not had free will they would not have eaten from the tree. It's not like they didn't have any food, they had a lot of different foods. They were not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad. God had said that they would die the day that they ate the fruit. Satan used the snake to tempt eve to eat fruit from that tree and he told her that God had lied and that she wouldn't die if she did. Than he said that God did not want them to eat the fruit because they would become as smart as God. When they ate the fruit they brought sin into the world and with it came death just as god said. People were never meant to die God wanted them to populate the earth and live in peace with nothing to worry about, but when Satan lied he questioned God's right to rule over us. But when you see the world around us and the cruelty and unfairness of everything you can decide for yourself who has a right to rule and who does not.
TO ALL claiming the snake in the adam & eve story is the devil: show me where it states this! The banishment of Lucifer isn't spoken about until Ezekiel 28:12.....MAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNY books after Genesis
touchè.....just stories handed down. to each their own, i guess. i should just let them be. just drives me a little bonkers when they condemn others with a book they barely know/understand themselves. but as my husband says, it would be equally as wrong of me to try and take their faith/hope. "it is what it is".
Common misconception. Satan does not punish the dead, nor does he rule hell. He HIMSELF has been sentenced to hell and he is trying To drag as many people down with him.
satan doesn't punish sinners , god does , god created hell , for the ones who give up for what the devils solicitation, the devil hates human kind that's why god cursed him because he didn't wanna bow to Adam when god ordered the angels to , so now he's revenging by prompting people with poor beliefs so they would go to hell and get tortured
I prefer to think that people punish themselves. I like the way I heard it said once: "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell."
Is god the evil one? I'm just thinking aloud here, but it's kinda like two brothers (God and the Devil) where one (God) does bad things and it's blamed on the other (the devil) or it's just overlooked.
In all honesty, remember those dark, angry thoughts you have, those impulses where you want to hurt and damage others in ways that cause them to feel the anger you have inside of you? The desire to tear things and people down to the point where they are just as miserable as you are?
Yeah, that's who the Son of the morning is.
Satanism has a good set of rules that are generally morally good and would contribute to the world.
But the devil is a destroyer, a destroyer of people, twisting and deceiving until we are just as angry as he is in his misery.
Do none of you see what's going on here ?? That is Satan's followers, and they are turning him into a good guy but it's all lies !! God did not give us critical thinking because we should never have had it. We should have been blind followers. I know that sounds wrong but if we were just blindly following and praizing God, there would never have been sin and this whole post is just lies and bended trueths
I always crack up at the person panicking over people choosing free thought over the mind slavery of religion. Don't YOU see what is going on here? The church has used religion as mind control for generations. Study the history of religion and open your eyes some time.
But why would God even put the Tree of Knowledge in the garden in the first place? It's like a parent leaving a child in a room full of toys, yet failing to put plastic covers over the electrical plug-ins.
Ok take a few steps back if you study history religion was a way to control people back then. So you are correct bluedogs. Now balonyman a part of your religion is to try and save those from damnation but wmonohon has a point.
When did we start talking about religion ?? No, religion was made to give you hope but turned into a mind control scheme. But I was talking about Satan being the bad guy and not the good guy. God is the only saviour. And if you are a bad person Satan rewards you on earth but you will stil burn in hell. Where as it's visa versa with God
Actually Egyptians for example a pharaoh claimed he was god the people voted for him. Says your religion of course there are other "theories" but the thing is who is right. Every one has a religion but no one actually knows if it's correct.
· 11 years ago
God did not create us to be blind and mindless. He created us like that, but he obviously had a plan. Why would he put a tree of knowledge there in the first place! Maybe he wanted to see if they were loyal and when the time is right he would let adam and eve eat the apple (not that I actually believe in adam and evex_x, still a christian though)
@bluedogs. Since I posted the first comment I have been through A LOT of shit. Stagnation, Instability, Wrong crowds, Addiction, love and heartbreak, even slipped through the fingers of death once or twice. And you know who was looking after me this whole time?
Neither Jehovah, Jesus or Satan.
Me. When I hit rock bottom, when I had no one, I only had me!! Then I discovered science and critical thinking and use that to rebuild my perspective of existence. You were right when you said "Study the history of religion and open your eyes some time". It's all a bunch of Bronze-age 'Prophets' trying to make sense of the world.
I just want to let you know that I have been enlightened to a degree of rational competency.
P.S. I love how pertinent the poster's name is to this post.
According to God, Lucifer is a liar.
According to Lucifer, God is a liar.
Assuming that one does not take into account the myriads of other religions and philosophies, how does one determine which to trust?
They were basically kicked out for being too dumb to realize they shouldn't eat the Apple which they realized after eating it because it gave them knowledge of good and evil. So it was basically destined to happen.
There are the... uh, "unrecognized" text, I keep forgetting their name in English, that state many other things (such as Eve not being the first woman) the church does not because they believe it might change how people see Christianity (I am putting protestants, catholics, and the rest here) as a whole. And they do not want that, because, whoever is in charge of that, believe it might grant more power to certain groups.
And God has a plan for humanity, which we are unable to understand. That's just what Christians believe. Believe what you want
For those of you who claim that Satan loves us more than God, I'm sorry to say that I was taught differently. Satan doesn't like mankind at all. Hence why he puts everyone through suffering in Hell. He hates mankind since we're creations of God, and therefore would love nothing more than to watch us writhe in pain.
God didn't create mankind to be mindless worshipers, He more or less created us to be like permanent children- constantly happy and full of love for our Creator. God most likely would have given Adam and Eve knowledge over time, yet they received everything at once, and had committed a sin against Him. God cast them out of Eden as a punishment out of love, to teach them a lesson. Much like a parent.
And on a quick side note, God put the tree there to test Adam and Eve's love for Him. He gave them free will to choose whether or not to eat off of that tree.
Also, why did the tree contain all the knowledge? If God really did make a lesson plan for his creations, then why not create a tree which only contained the next lesson? That way, if the children ate from it – which God knew would be damaging to them – they would only get a nasty shock, and they would learn from it.
Yeah, that's who the Son of the morning is.
Satanism has a good set of rules that are generally morally good and would contribute to the world.
But the devil is a destroyer, a destroyer of people, twisting and deceiving until we are just as angry as he is in his misery.
Neither Jehovah, Jesus or Satan.
Me. When I hit rock bottom, when I had no one, I only had me!! Then I discovered science and critical thinking and use that to rebuild my perspective of existence. You were right when you said "Study the history of religion and open your eyes some time". It's all a bunch of Bronze-age 'Prophets' trying to make sense of the world.
I just want to let you know that I have been enlightened to a degree of rational competency.