Sorry to tell you but all the chicks are different and only the last survived. The egg must be turned during development for survival reasons and you can't turn any of these to keep them alive. Also the shell is needed to control moisture and air, not to mention keeping germs out. These chicks (except the last one) died because when the shell was removed, so where their chances of survival. For more info, visit:
Lol I'm pretty sure they can't. I believe they took a batch of eggs and broke the shell of one egg at each stage of development. In other words,each picture is the developing chick of a different egg.
this one time in ag class we did a thing with an incubator and like 30 eggs like 5 or 6 never hatched so we took them out back to bury them. We would crack open the eggs and let the goop fall out and in one a chick was still inside(not completely formed) and it started moving and all the girls started freaking out and one threw up.
That is the most bad ass name I've heard yet!