Does it have to be feminism? Why can't we just raise the youth with an equal it's sense of mind as I discovered myself while growing up. Not only should makes and females be eqaul but also all ethnicities, sexualities, and impared individuals be given the same chances as eveyone else. A person is a person regaurdles of other factors. Why is that so hard to understand...
It's not hard to understand, just hard to put into practice. There is a whole structure that you are a part of, whether you know it or not, that systemically puts down everybody that is not a white American male. A huge part of feminism is deconstructing that system. Now, feminism is not perfect and has a ton of issues with race, but it's trying to make things equal were they wouldn't be otherwise.
Yes I see that but the whole movement of feminism is in itself flawed. By focusing in on a single point of equality(in this case women's rights) it is setting itself up to fail. Equalism is what we should be preaching. Not just gender, but all race/religion/sexuality/ability. In a common work place(as well as in society in general), all these differing types of people deserve full equal chances in the things they do.
I like how you used chances instead of life style or something implying that you still have to work for what you want. That it can't be given you for being whatever. That is equality. Awesome
I think people are turned off by the "fem" part of feminism. I've seem a lot of people here advocate for equalism, or humanism, or something that is not specifically tied to woman. The problem with that is that both are way too broad to successfully implement. Change happens slowly and specifically, and I think there needs to be targeted interest groups that focus on particular aspects, as opposed to one big group that advocates for everyone.
Although I do not have a good argument in response to your ideology, and respect your sound opinion in the matter, I still truly believe that a large group advocating for everyone can achieve more progress than a smaller group advocating for a certain branch of people. It just takes a large enough group united in a single belief, as well as that group to spread their ideas and take action to insert them into modern society. Granted this may not come about anytime soon, I still believe it is possible for human kind to band together in such a way.
In subject to a post from a while back, Feminism is wanting gender equality, while contempt for the male gender is misandry, if I remember correctly. There is a difference. (I apologize for not having the link to the post)
Just to clarify things the actual definition for FEMINISM is the belief that men and women should have equal rights/ opportunities (just so people know...)
O.k., Feminism doesn't mean girls think their better than boys. Why so many posts hating feminism? Women are still getting treated unequally and it's still a social injustice. In some circumstances men are being treated unfairly too but not nearly as many in the workforce and media. Will everybody just shut the fuck up and be nice to each other and stop being prejudice? For as long as I can remember I've been told what I can and can't like and what I can and can't do because of my gender and I'm fucking tired of it. I've started dressing and acting certain way because I can't handle the consequences for not fitting a gender role.
And it doesn't matter wether I'm a guy or a girl because I know what it's like to get treated like shit for standing up for myself and I can understand.
.......Please get off this site if you can't take a joke. It's called FUNsubstance for a reason........
.....................Yours Truly,............
I don't think ordinary people would like your definition of fun, Moriarty
· 10 years ago
I think most people supported feminism until u had femi-nazis, coz I'm all for equal rights but when i see someone saying like baby boys shouldn't be breast fed, then it kinda changes my view of what feminism is
Well the concept arose back when the suffrage movement was still happening, and women were in a considerably worse position than they are now (with no ability to vote, legally allowed be to beaten by the husband with a thumb thick cane - hence "rule of thumb" etc). It's basically an umbrella term for several campaigns that were going on at the time, largely around discrimination towards women, although some modern literature argues that the issues affect and harm men too, such as paternity leave and general application of gender roles. The only reason that true feminism is still "feminism" is because of the origins of the term. It's just unfortunate that misandrists have corrupted it into something else
Men and women are not equal it is a fact! In tennis and women plays 3 sets whereas a man plays 5 sets, yet they get paid the same amount, is that fair? No! And if women had to start playing 5 sets the uproar would be mighty! So yes you can preach and say all you want about that men and women are equal but they're not and talking and posting about feminism won't change that!
I'm glad that someone gets it. Not all women are like that, however. Some use feminism as an excuse to be treated better and get some kind of revenge on men and that is not okay either. Sadly, a lot of men think that all feminists are like that, but the truth is that the dumbest ones are usually the loudest.
Yeah but when you do it you all expect to have not only the equal rights to men, but also keep the "special treatment" perks of being a girl. That would just make guys the lesser being and in no way would be equal. If you want equal rights than I should be able to slap a girl just because I'm mad right? No of course not! Because I'm still a guy and you are a girl.
Oh actually I have a link about that it's definently worth your time. I found it quite shocking but I feel I'd probably reacted with the same ignorance.
No one should be able to comitt domestic violence it isn't a perk but I agree we should be more aware of violence against men.
· 10 years ago
The reason feminism is so hated on is because it's getting to the point where feminists don't want equality, they want to simply turn the tables. It's not leveling the playing field, just making it work in their favor.
nah it's because third wave feminism is toxic and the women in charge are ACTUAL bitches. A person who is assertive and smart in their reasoning when standing up for themselves will not get shot down, male or female. Women often forget that a boy who is bitchy is just as annoying and looked down upon as when a woman does it. It's not a gendered emotion.
I think I would like it to be known that women are fighting so hard for equal rights because we (in America) were the last to gain rights (so far), and now we are trying to put that into the minds of people. Just something to consider.
· 10 years ago
Not every guy thinks of women as less of a being though.
Guys who say "fuck feminism" don't understand what feminism truly is. And girls who use feminism to make themselves feel more superior than males don't either. Real feminism is about equality, not superiority towards males. There's a big difference between being a feminist and an extremest
When I see something about feminism that is about equality then I may change my view. But until then. Fuck feminism. Specifically the type that attacks males. Which is the most often kind of feminism.
Feminism in the form of things like equal pay in things like sports and high ranking jobs I 100% agree with and other things like that but all the bull shit about everything else I don't. All the complaining and bitching about how guys are just generally dicks makes us women and a group look bad
Feminism is the concept of equality. Just because there are people who misused that concept for their own agenda does not mean that the whole concept itself is bad. Learn what feminism really is before slamming it. Saying "fuck feminism" because of its misrepresentation makes you just as ignorant as those misrepresenting it.
There are no "types" of feminism, there is just feminism, which in no way attacks males. Like I said, learn more about the concept before criticizing it.
Actually you could call the different waves of feminism different types thereof. What I believe mrrsparklez is referring to is not the femenist movement as a whole, but rather the group of so called feminists who actually are only looking to veil their misandry under the term feminists. For example, and I came across a news story fairly recently of an occurrence at a college campus. A talk was going on regarding issues that males face, in this case a rising rate of male suicide. Partway through the talk a group of "feminists" stormed into the lecture hall and began doing their best to disrupt the lecture, hurling insults, screaming at male individuals, and blowing air horns (the last of which can be considered assault.) After they had completely destroyed the lecture the group left, and to my knowledge faced no consequences. Groups and occurrences such as this are becoming so prevelant that many true feminists that I know have begun to distance themselves from the term.
I think calling gender equality feminism needs to change now because of extremist groups. Feminism will not be taken seriously anymore with its bad connotation. People have been trying to change that but I think feminism needs a new name so what happened with mrrsparklez won't happen anymore. Leave feminism to the extremist and people fighting for gender equality should find an awesome, way better name that fits their great motives. Just spit balling here.
Yeah, I know. It's not a bad idea at all, I actually support it. It's just that when Korra was a big thing (that was a couple of months ago I think), you couldn't write the word 'equal' without a Korra fan commenting on it. (At least on Funny.Junk, I haven't been on FS yet back then so I don't really know, but on FJ it was kind of a big deal.)
It's okay, bruh. No offense taken. I didn't like The Legend of Korra that much either. It would be good alone, but compared to Aang, it's a big dissapointment.
Judging from the comments prior to this one, it seems as though a significant majority of you have not studied feminism close enough to understand what it really is.
then work for your equality. when a woman says she wants equal she normally means "well I want equal pay but I dont want tondo.the things men have to do. ladies you have all the same rights we do. but you keep bitching and complaining saying you are being descriminated. your not, goddamn. if anything you easier.
Idk. They just do. They're taken more serious because male sports have been the bigger thing for longer. It's not something you can call inequality on because its not really the owners faults. If they're not making a lot of money. Obviously they're not going to be able to pay their players as well as male players. People just like male sports more. Preference.
Lol don't even get mad. What I'm stain is the truth. People find male sports more entertaining so they watch them more. This they get paid more. These are facts.
What woman said that? Give me examples and facts rather than what you assume women mean (and you know what they say about assuming). Fact: women usually earn 30% less than men doing the EXACT same job. Fact: in many career fields such as science and business, more than 60% of women have a higher degree and qualifications than their male boss. Fact: men are 95% more likely than a woman to get a promotion, even if he is less qualified.
· 10 years ago
I do not have direct knowledge and can not speak to lacian's facts, but regarding sports....basically, equality does not really exist. Men are, generally, physical stronger than women; sports are based on physical ability; men are more naturally able to perform better than women; men's sports are therefore more interesting to watch than women's sports; men's sports bring in more revenue with more viewers; more revenue is more money to pay the male players. Let's be real here, we wouldn't expect a man without arms to have equal opportunity as a professional athlete as a fully able-bodied man. They simply do not have equal potential. Not that having more arms makes you more valuable (unless you have more than two, I think) but people simply aren't "equal" because it's the right thing to do.
'They're taken more serious because male sports have been the bigger thing for longer' mrrsparklez,, men have been bigger for longer because it wasn't even socially acceptable for women to play sport in the 1800s to early 1900s. Women have only been competing in the Olympics for 114 years even though it's been running for many more than that.
You're missing the point. You can pout and whine all you want. People find male sports more entertaining so male sports have more money to pay their players. End of story.
Yes. I get the whole "equality" thing but females need to know our weaknesses. Yes males are stronger than females and yes people are more interested in male's sports more than female sports. I hate to say it but like dead pool I prefer the men's team over the females. It's more exciting.
Imho, I think male sports are better to watch because men are much more aggressive when playing, while the women almost seem to be afaid to be hurt, making things much less exciting. I think things will change in the years to come, like how male basketball 50 years ago was boring as hell, but that's all people had so they watched it. Strategies changed and so did expectations of how the game is played. Women basketball is much younger and they still have hangups that male basketball had 50 years ago, but now people have a choice in what they watch, so no one watches women's basketball because they are so timid and, well, boring. I do really enjoy watching the ladies (and men) fight aggressively in the UFC, but until it becomes accepted and expected for a woman to have a bloodied up face, men will continue to dominate the sport, just like they do in other sport areas.
Yup^^^ I feel you bro. In a lot of sports, lacrosse for example, the girl version of the game is so different that they're not really the same sport. Guys lax they're all padded up like ice hockey while girls is mostly a no contact sport. It doesn't mean it's bad but usually I still prefer the guy's games over the girls. But both are great.
If you're against feminism you either believe that males are superior to females OR females are superior to males.... So whose against feminism again?
· 10 years ago
I strongly disagree with what you're saying. First, I don't like feminism, but I don't believe that men are superior to women and vice versa. I absolutely don't care whatsoever and I don't want to keep being forcefed these opinions telling me to believe in feminism. It's my life and if you're telling me what to believe in, I'll just not care about what you're trying to nail into my head. I'm just sick of all this fighting over crap, and I just want peace. Go ahead and downvote my opinion if you wish. I don'r care what you feminists have to say
.......Please get off this site if you can't take a joke. It's called FUNsubstance for a reason........
.....................Yours Truly,............
Ps. New guest
Pss. Equality!!!!