I don't know what it's like elsewhere but in Ontario we get server's wage which is less than minimum wage. This equals out the wages with the potential tips that servers make
Yea...when I was working as a waitress I was getting $5 an hour compared to the cooks and dishwashers $8 an hour... Tips are supposed to balance out the wages (which they don't) it's not unfair
I actually agree with this, coming from a place where wait staff are given a normal wage there is no need for tips and I still find the concept strange. It shouldn't be up to me to make your wage liveable it's your employers job, but having said that it is kind of customers to tip because they know the circumstances, I don't think it should be expected though
I believe you're from NZ, mickeymouse? I'm from Australia and I 100% agree with you. The US government should do more to ensure pay equality and make sure that employers are treating their employees right.
Everyone working should get an equal wage. When I used to work in an fastfood restaurant we would collect the tips in a jar and split it equally at the end of the evening.
my only issue with this is that what if there's different individuals who work a lot harder than others, are always punctual and treat customer with more respect than others? If you work harder, you should be better rewarded than those whose slacks are carried by more efficient and caring workers. Just my opinion I suppose, everyone's entitled to theirs :)
It works for the most dutch horeca to split the tips at the end off the day. And most off the time if anyone slacks off they get a notice and after two notices you get fired or degraded. That way you always have hard workers that work equally hard.
In Norway, servers make an okey amount of money, so tipping isn't really necessary. Tipping is not a custom that is widely used - you usually only tip your waiter or restaurant if the food or service is exeptionally good. So whenever I travel, especially to America, I get so stressed out by the whole tipping-thing. I never know how much I'm supposed to tip, and I always forget it..
I think everyone is missing the real point, how did he manage to find a computer and a printer in a restaurant, then type up his protest print it then put it in a cheque???
· 10 years ago
Obviously he prints them before he goes out to eat wich means he does this everywhere to get out of tipping
And we as servers have to deal with all the Crap customers need and ask for.....I hate serving.....people don't appreciate this job.....we may not cook the food but we make sure you are fine and nothing is missing we run like crazy taking care of you and making sure your service is great.....this is poop balls....
· 10 years ago
The kitchen staff does get paid a higher wage than the servers, bussers, bartenders and food runners. If none of my tables tipped me, at the end of the night, I would owe money. Servers tip out their support staff no matter what they're getting tipped. So if I have a 200 dollar tab and only get tipped 10 dollars on that I'm practically paying for them to eat at my restaurant. I work on the Las Vegas strip and I also run into the MEANEST people, I would never go into someone's work and disrespect someone they way some of these people do. (constantly running around every inch of the restaurant to make sure you have what you need and providing good service and information on what to do in town and directions every where). Just because I'm a server doesn't mean I have to bow down to you, I think the least a person could do is tip a server at least 15%.
Oh and ps. Not all servers discriminate on people because of how they get tipped. End rant. Thanks.
This might well be an upopular puffin opinion here but anyways...
I'm from Australia but have travelled to many places, including the West Coast of the US, where tipping occurs. I wish we had that in Australia. Most places you go
you get bad service, hardly acknowledged, and they just don't care if you are there or not. I tip in Australia if the people are great, cause it is such a rarity and I hope they will keep it up. I think it's shit some of the hourly rates people get in America, the minimum hourly rate should definitely be raised....but I do also see the point of people having to supplement their income by you know, actually being good at their job.
So instead of getting a 'thank you!' when you give the server a dollar or something,you want to raise the prices even though they don't have to be raised?!?!What has this world come to???!! (Time for an UN-Like)
This reminds me of the actor that left a signed headshot for a tip. If you're not going to tip, don't tip, just don't think you're doing everyone a favor by giving something other than money.
I think that's the worst thing the restaurant can do, yes it sucks that front of house is getting paid less than minimum, (excluding the hostess'), but including the tip could hurt them. Because one time my sister went with some friends, out to eat, and one of then told the guy, (I don't think it was a server), that IF they including the calculated tip in the bill, that's ALL they would get, and not a penny more.
Servers depend on tips for their salary. They are paid significantly less than those in the kitchen
· 10 years ago
This wouldn't work! You'd have less people going to eat out if you rose prices to compensate for all of the workers in a restaurant. The costs would be so ridiculous. Not to mention, if all of the servers got paid the same, some if not most would provide "meh" service. The tip is an incentive to do well in everything.
What a cheap ass. I always tip my servers /something/, even if they weren't the greatest.
Oh and ps. Not all servers discriminate on people because of how they get tipped. End rant. Thanks.
I'm from Australia but have travelled to many places, including the West Coast of the US, where tipping occurs. I wish we had that in Australia. Most places you go
What a cheap ass. I always tip my servers /something/, even if they weren't the greatest.