Shit I recently wanted to see what it said because there was a link on tumblr... But it kept crashing o.o
· 10 years ago
Fake. If you look closely annie and davey talk almost the same way (same sentence structure, same emoticons, same nuance and tone). Also, not many people make their chat ID after their own name. Plus the whole conversation sounds fake.
Obviously one guy making up the conversation.
Damn.... I used to have a Glock, but it was locked in the safe and my brother took it when he got himswlf a safe.
· 10 years ago
After some digging, I found out it was fake. You can't just "stumble upon" a chat like this. It's protected. And near the end, where it says "Annie96 went offline" you can't do that on What'sApp. Probably just someone trying to scare you
· 10 years ago
Yep, I use WhatsApp and the whole chat is the wrong format.
This is a really fun kind of storytelling. I've done stuff like this before. It's too bad it doesn't have any publishable appeal, 'cause a book of short told-by-text stories would be awesome!
You tear up the stairs, burst through the basement door and run through the open back door. The police are there, guns drawn.
They shoot you. As you lay on the ground dying, you realize that this wasn't your home, and the screaming children hiding behind the policemen aren't your sisters, brothers or children. The knife slips out of your fingers and you die, realizing at the last that you were the monster.
I know we established that it was fake and all but look at the time stamps. David called the cops at 2:12, and Annie stated "its stopped I can't hear anything" at 2:34.
That leaves a 22 minute window for the police to show. After looking some stuff up (and accidentally learning about the breeding of llamas) I've estimated that a response time for a potential burglary would be set at about 8 minutes. That leaves 14 minutes for traffic, crash, etc.
My point is that the police should have already been there and apprehended the suspect.
Dude that is soooo creepy but i think they might have did that do get more followers because the cops do not say what time they are going to be there and thhey always are there right then and there not 45min later lol#notreal
WTF!! Ok so, when she said it was stopping, she was typing in full complete sentences, as though if someone else was typing. Before she said the noise was stopping, she didnt have any complete sentences. DID ANYBODY ELSE CATCH THAT!!???!??!
Obviously one guy making up the conversation.
I guess i'm screwed then
they have more stories, and it's way better in this format.
That door never creaks.
They shoot you. As you lay on the ground dying, you realize that this wasn't your home, and the screaming children hiding behind the policemen aren't your sisters, brothers or children. The knife slips out of your fingers and you die, realizing at the last that you were the monster.
That leaves a 22 minute window for the police to show. After looking some stuff up (and accidentally learning about the breeding of llamas) I've estimated that a response time for a potential burglary would be set at about 8 minutes. That leaves 14 minutes for traffic, crash, etc.
My point is that the police should have already been there and apprehended the suspect.