I have a friend in Scotland who hates doctor who and called him rubbish. I'm from America, if anyone intending to go to Scotland or lives in Scotland see's a dirty blond haired blue eyed 19yr old guy that says this, kick his ass and tell him his American friend said "told you you wouldn't expect it" thank you my fellow whovians
The actor for the tenth doctor has a Scottish accent in real life.
· 10 years ago
Ahhhh, well it's just a name that our society adapted over time, like Mexicans for an example, before the Spaniards arrived your society was known as Aztecs.
Sure, but ¨Americans¨ is so wide and the USA is just part of America, not all of it
· 10 years ago
Though that is true, America is all sectioned in three seperate continent's, North America, Central America, and South America. So if it makes you feel better, you can call yourself a Central American and South America South Americans. Besides it just works, who wants to be called a United Statesian? Just doesn't work my friend
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
oiyfellowstrangers-slightly incorrect; Central America is not a continent, but the designation is given due to the varying and differing political climate, as well as its geographic positioning. Sorry, I was a history and geography buff in high school, and I felt the need to clarify. No disrespect intended.
Well if you think about it, Mexico is really called the United States of Mexico, similar to the United States of America, a.k.a USA. If people from Mexico can call themselves Mexicans, then I think it's fair for people from USA to be called Americans.
I ordered all seasons yesterday, I'm going to operate my leg so wont be able to walk for 3 weeks (bugger). So I thought I might aswell give Dr. Who a chance since everyone's fuzzing about it :) What do you say fellow funsubbers, is watching all seasons of Dr Who a good way to spend your recovery?
Excellent. Please come back and speak to us once again once you have been fully enlightened as one can only be after straight hours of Whovian awesomeness. And I wish you well on your operation and recovery.
Fair warning... when you get to Season Three, don't watch Blink alone or in the dark, at night. Especially if there's a storm... Most particularly if you happen to have garden statues...
Unless you are going for the "Challenge "Accepted" high score.
Ya got moxie, kid!
Seriously though, that just might f*ck you up.
If I knew you irl, I'd sneek over to your house and move those statues around during the episode.
Because, well... I'm that kind of asshole.
Haha. I've watched Blink plenty of times, I still get chills every single time.
Especially the ending. Thanks, Doctor Who, for ruining my life every time I go into the city...
I won't spoil it, but man...
Haha. Watch out for that neighbour... but otherwise, tell us after you have completed said challenge... that is, if you can make it all the way here afterwards... remember, Don't Blink...
Lol no but seriously. Doctor Who will become your next major addiction.
Unless you are going for the "Challenge "Accepted" high score.
Seriously though, that just might f*ck you up.
If I knew you irl, I'd sneek over to your house and move those statues around during the episode.
Because, well... I'm that kind of asshole.
Especially the ending. Thanks, Doctor Who, for ruining my life every time I go into the city...
I won't spoil it, but man...