It's like guns. And sex. When you aren't allowed to do it, it makes the thought of doing it that much ...funner (for lack of a better word.) When it's allowed, that's when people find something else to do.
· 10 years ago
I'm allowed to do both, and i practise both with a pretty high enthusiasm.
But i see your point, many people do things just because it is banned in some way.
Are you going around shooting peoples heads off than forcing their lifeless bodies to do something they do not ask to do? If not, than obviously you're not using either to harm anybody.
Let's make a point here:
While the prostitution point is quite fair, not so is the first one.
Sure, a women can do whatever the hell she wants with her's body, but is not only her's life that counts there.
While some people believe that in the earliest stages the baby is not a human as we know it, i think this is not a valid point. And what i mean is: sure, it is not done yet, but imagine buying some eggs to make some fried eggs. Now imagine one egg breaks mid way to yor house. You didn't lose your fried egg as it is, since you didn't had it yet, but you are definetly losing it since now it is not possible for you to cook it.
And of course, i think every situation on that matter should be studied (raping, economical situation of the mother, and a large etc), and while abortion can be considered as a solution, most of the time the is a better way (notice the MOST OF THE TIME part).
Well you also shouldn't force someone to have a child, it is their body and by making them not have a choice in the matter you're forcing her to change her lifestyle for 9 months then wreck her body just because some people think that abortion is wrong. And there's also things that come with having the baby like PTSD.
Yes, but the situation shouldn't matter. Sometimes people are raped or in a horrid financial situation. Sometimes they are good but not mentally ready to have a child. Sometimes a condom breaks or birth control doesn't work, but the truth is you never know what it is because they can lie to get an abortion if you make requirements like that.
· 10 years ago
The situation is actually all of that, just to make sure that abortion (or not aborting) is the correct way to go for her.
If she lies is her problem, because abortion is just an option (notice i'm talking here as abortion as a legal option and not an ilegal one, or a forced move)
You're never going to solve this one. The whole thing hinges on when you define life to have begun and until there's agreement on that, we'll be arguing about whether it's morally acceptable to destroy a foetus...
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Yeah, when i say "study the situation" i mean looking what are her economical possibilities, how she got the baby, problems with her familiy, possible complications with the baby (diseases and so on) and all that.
Alright, then I apologize for not reading that the right way
· 10 years ago
It is really a difficult decision, but that baby could literally destroy his mother's life, and probably his own (i'm talking about some cases, not all of them)
That's why i'm saying it should be legal, but not a common thing like going to the dentist, just an option if it's really needed
Emergency medical abortions are legal pretty much everywhere as far as I know, but this is about whether the woman should be allowed to terminate because she decides not to have the baby. And that'll never be a clear decision for legislators, because at the crux of the problem is an indefinable quantity.
There was an.issue in Ireland where a woman died of sepsis (I think), the doctors wouldn't give her an abortion even though the fetus had no chance of living. This is a Catholic country is what she was told.
That's horrifying. Sticky for the true believers, though, because how can they justify killing one person to save another? Going to hell is a big price to pay.
I'm not saying i am for or against abortion i'm just saying there are certain situations where abortion seems like the right decision like when a teenage girl gets raped and then gets pregnant, are you going to force her to have her rapist's baby and probably drop out of school. Chances are that kid would not grow up loved and have emotional problems and become a criminal or end up in the foster system. I'm just saying you need to examine all situations. If that kid is aborted you save both the child and the mother from a lot of pain and suffering.
As far as the abortion point, has nobody heard of adoption? You don't want a baby, you put it up for adoption. I was adopted and have hated the idea of abortion my whole life
The real problem everyone is missing is that women are forced through their socioeconomic status to exploit themselves in order to make ends meet. The real issue is not whether prostitution should be allowed or not but what governments are doing for women who have no other choice but to allow men to violate them. You can't compare abortion to prostitution they aren't the same thing
Implying that if such case was to occur it would be minor, compared to women who have been trampled on and disenfranchised by their society and poltical systems.
I think the reason prostitution is illegal even in these margins (and I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just the thought process behind it) is that they're being paid to have sex, so it's kind of like coercion rather than actually free will.
these are two different topics. A baby is something that the mother is going to have to take responsibility for her whole life- and if she didn't plan on it or was forced, then it could potentially wreck her life and future- not fair on the mother, and not fair on the baby. Prostitution is a career that is usually picked by personal choice- either it's easier than anything else, need for money etc. if a woman is choosing to abort her child, she probably didn't want it in the first place. If a woman is choosing to become a prostitute, it's her own choice by her own free-will and she can leave the business if she wants. i'm not a fan of the idea of abortion, but I still say that it's the mother choice if she wants to take responsibility- LIFELONG responsibility, for a child that she doesn't want. ((on a different note: seriously, these posts RUIN funsubstance)
Prostitution proves dangerous for many.. I'm on the fence on this one. Legal and illegal both have their downsides. My primary concern is the safety of the prostitute.
I think prostitution should be legal... I mean, is not like thats bad for anyone but the prostitute herself...
But abortion... Well... In my point of view, your taking an innocent baby's life. I don't care if it's not born yet. It will be, so...
I think we should keep the debate within the self motivation margin
But i see your point, many people do things just because it is banned in some way.
While the prostitution point is quite fair, not so is the first one.
Sure, a women can do whatever the hell she wants with her's body, but is not only her's life that counts there.
While some people believe that in the earliest stages the baby is not a human as we know it, i think this is not a valid point. And what i mean is: sure, it is not done yet, but imagine buying some eggs to make some fried eggs. Now imagine one egg breaks mid way to yor house. You didn't lose your fried egg as it is, since you didn't had it yet, but you are definetly losing it since now it is not possible for you to cook it.
And of course, i think every situation on that matter should be studied (raping, economical situation of the mother, and a large etc), and while abortion can be considered as a solution, most of the time the is a better way (notice the MOST OF THE TIME part).
If she lies is her problem, because abortion is just an option (notice i'm talking here as abortion as a legal option and not an ilegal one, or a forced move)
It is really a difficult decision, but that baby could literally destroy his mother's life, and probably his own (i'm talking about some cases, not all of them)
That's why i'm saying it should be legal, but not a common thing like going to the dentist, just an option if it's really needed
Or look it up on your own.
But abortion... Well... In my point of view, your taking an innocent baby's life. I don't care if it's not born yet. It will be, so...