Cut the self rightous bull shit you can't honestly say that if you saw someone dressed like that that you'd be like huh thats cool no you'd look at them like WTF?
Sure, I'd turn around to look.. but I do actually think it's cool that they are comfortable enough to be who they are, do what they want, wear what they want despite what others may think. Respect.
So if you go to a job interview for a fortune 500 company and you dress like any of the above do you think you'll get the job? No because they won't take you seriously. Same thing here if you want something important or life changing dress like it is important.
· 10 years ago
Amen. If you want to be taken seriously, be serious. Don't make yourself a joke, that's not the way to earn respect. not to say you shouldn't be able to do that just if it matters to you be serious about it, but still have fun on the side
See I agree with the comment about the job because most companies try to assure EVERYONE who come through the door is professionally dressed. A DISagree with the statement about marriage though, and here's why. Are straight people forced to dress a certain way to have the right to be married? No. Wether they're dressed casually, professionally, classy, whatever, try can walk into a courthouse and get a marriage license. LGBTQ people want the same right and they should be looked upon as less or not "respectable" enough to have the same rights as straight people because they're wearing something "flashy". And even then, this is just a terrible stereotype. Obviously many in the community don't dress that way and if they do, who cares? Plus, there are countless posts on this website about wearing black and stuff like that, people don't say "tone it down guys." And lastly, if it was a straight white woman or something most people likely wouldn't say a word if she was wearing neon pink cloth
(continued) clothing or whatnot. Just lay off; this is exactly what people are protesting; judgement of others on something rather than their personality.
I honestly can't believe there's so many people on this site that believe you have to be dressed the way western culture thinks it's "sharp" to be taken seriously. It makes me sad. So many poor people who think that wearing a tie guarantees you to be taken seriously. So many extremely superficial people. It's fucking tragic.
As for you, hon @ani... the world doesn't need heterosexuals. The world deosn't need humans. Humans have been polluting and killing this planet since they learned how to walk straight. The world would be better off. And don't tell me we, as a species, need heterosexuals to reproduce because that's so hilarious, I might fall of my chair laughing.
The world does not need humans and humans do not need heterosexuals to reproduce but it makes it damn more easy.We need a male and a female to reproduce.Now sex is the most common way and 2 heterosexuals of the opposite sex can reproduce significatly more easy than some homosexual who either needs to have sex with someone he/she is not attracted to or they need artificial ways to reproduce.We don't need heterosexuals but they make it so much easy.
Also if I was someone dress is neon rainbow colours I could take them seriously but it would be harder and take me some time to adjust to their way of dressing.Even then I still don't like seeing people dress like that because of my earlyer comments and other comments made on this post.
@ningo, all you've said is either true or your personal preference and that's perfectly okay with me. If you don't like flashy rainbow colours, that's fine. If that alone would stop you from listening to the person wearing them and made you dismiss their opinion, then I'd accuse you of being a superficial judgemental ass. But since you said you could try harder and take people seriously despite their outfit, I guess we're fine. :)
In a better society, behaviour like yours would be a basic expectation but since our society is not all that great, I believe your effort and politeness should be commended. Thank you. :)
That's to get noticed. As metalman was saying, they won't be taken seriously. There's a difference between getting attention and being taken seriously.
Well, the world where people who are pointing out a serious issue aren't taken seriously because of what they look like is just a sad world to live in. Did it never occur to you what that makes you look like? It makes you look horribly superficial because suits and ties interest you more than what people have to say. But then, that's your choice so, carry on judging books by covers if you wish.
This might have been mentioned before, but I think that the left one is an anti-gay march whereas the right one is a gay-pride parade. It's not a pro-gay march. They're not really 'fighting' for anything, they're more just demonstrating their gay-ness and being proud of it. I think that might be why they look the way they do and why we don't take them seriously; there's nothing to be seriously taken.
Because the way they are dressing IS FUCKING STUPID. It's not respectable at all, it's to show their position on a gigantic social issue. If it's not something you'd wear to your workplace environment (entertainers and manual workers aside (and we can keep some of those)), it's probably not respectable. Thus, we don't respect your clothes. We might respect you, your position, your views, but your clothes are just straight up dumb.
Although even if we don't respect their dress, we can still get some form of (positive) entertainment out of it. Admit it. They do look sort of funny. Not in a bad way, but just sort of...funny.
@tylerchu, you're not being respectable, either. Not that my clothes give a fuck, they don't need your respect but it's rude to say someone is dressing 'fucking stupid'. I believe all those fancy congressmen walking around in jackets and ties in the middle of summer are ridiculous. Way more ridiculous than the demostrators in the picture. Who wears tons of clothes during summer and then spends millions on air conditioning?
And please, don't use plural. I respect everybody and everything until they're not being disrespectful towards me,
I meant no disrespect towards you or your sexuality. I actually meant no DISrespect to anything. I do mean lots of LACK OF respect to revealing, excessive (in your example), or vanity clothing. You're right, wearing stiff, unbreathing, and stuffy suits in the summer is absolutely ridiculous. Of course, they have to look unusually professional for their job's sake, but they could just as easily (in their off time) wear jeans, a t-shirt, shorts, all sorts of generic whatnots. All this is acceptable. I don't consider a male wearing a thong dancing to his gay-ness very appropriate. It's not BAD in any sort of 'perverse' way, but it's just not something people should be wearing. It stereotypes gay people. In your normal course of life, gay people (and straight people) should just wear relatively unassuming clothes to get through life easily and happily. If you're happiest flaunting your sexuality, fine. But I will consider you the odd one out because you're prancing around in a pink thong
throwing glitter in the air and singing in a high-pitched girly voice to JB. Don't enforce a stereotype unless you want the image reinforced in the public's mind.
For your information, I'm not gay nor do I prance around in a pink thong, I'm simply defending the people's right to do so and still being taken seriously. This is not enforcing stereotypes or anything. My point was that neither you or anybody should take people seriously only under the condition that their outfit fits your idea of 'serious'.
Since you fail to offer any kind of contra-argument aside from saying that ''flashy'' clothes are fucking stupid, I would like to retire from this conversation in order not to waste any more time.
I realize that. I'm just throwing out the most extreme stereotype I can think of.
What I'm trying to say is if you don't want a stereotype perpetuated, don't mold into it. Right pic definitely fits the mold of a stereotypical gay.
I can't give a solid answer for myself since I'm still trying to figure out who I can stand and who I can't, but just off the top of my head I can say (at a superficial level) I don't tend to listen to people who fit stereotypes. I will usually pay attention to them when they're saying something intelligent, but (let's use me as an example, I'm Chinese) if someone's going around being chinky with that South Park Chinese voice, I'll laugh, I'll chink back, but I won't take anything they do or say while they're doing that seriously. Once they get in class, start doing work, asking serious questions, I'll listen, I'll help, I'll learn from them.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
One is more colorful than the other....
· 10 years ago
Because it didn't work the first time, so they are trying another way
Color photo film was real expensive in the 50's, it was a luxury few could afford. This demonstrates how with advances in technology everybody from mailroom clerk to captain of industry can now afford to take color photographs. Hooray for progress! Plus people dress funny now.
If I saw someone dressed like that I probably would be like "wtf" but at the same time I wouldn't be like "They don't deserve my respect or basic rights because they have a rainbow wig on!! Gah, I'm so mad at them for trying to make their statement stand out and to be noticed by dressing up!" Like, it's 2014 times change.
As a homosexual the second pic disgusts me beyond infinity.I am turned down by every gay guy acting feminine in any possible way and that includes:having those damn "girlfriends and chit chats with them",being obsessed with shopping.applying makeup,wearing female clothes and other.And I also hate when they act according to gay stereotypes like:snapping fingers,saying weird gay shit like "guuurl","yea sister" and all that crap and acting,walkimg,moving your body or hands in any feminime or gay stereotype way like waving your hands around or your spinning your head.I hate gay pride beyong belief and rainbows are....hmmm fine I guess(in a scientific way not in a gay pride symbol way).Unfortunately almost every homosexual acts like this or at least on tv.Because of these damn retards on the second pic(and the ones I mentioned earlyer) people don't take us seriously and actually expect every gay to act like that and are reason I can't get married and my love life will be doomed forever.
I call those gay man simly faggots.Now some of you may not agree with me but this comes from a homosexual (normal one let's say) so unless you're not gay it may be hard for you to understand this but damn it's really unfair.Love for me is something hard to accomplish and beacuse of religion(my own,,thanks Bible) and this shit I feel like I will never find love and when I see on tv people who won't give us rights I wana punch them as much as the ones saying we should get rights because I don't wana see idiotic rainbow people getting married and presenting people like me in a bad way.Thanks for your time.
There is a difference between being gay and being transgender...
Sounds like you don't like transgenders being associated with gays because of their behavior.
Or they could contribute to society and stop trying to stand out. I doubt very seriously that they dress like this everyday. They're doing it for attention.
Who are you to say they're not contributing to society? And given that most of those pics are from gay pride events, that is exactly the point. To bring attention to themselves and raise awareness for the LGBT community
I think we're all aware of their existence. Gay, straight, bi, trans, or whatever doesn't matter at all. Sexuality is something to be kept between loved ones and themselves. If you want to prance around expressing stereotypes by all means go ahead but it doesn't prove your point anymore.
The first demonstration is to make a point. The second is to be fun for the participants. "Oh look how fabulous we are...we're PROTESTING!"
Look at protests of racial inequality "then and now." One was risking discomfort and injury of the protesters (water hoses, beatings) vs today's "protests" which involve looting and setting fire to the businesses which they claim don't provide enough jobs for the community.
As for you, hon @ani... the world doesn't need heterosexuals. The world deosn't need humans. Humans have been polluting and killing this planet since they learned how to walk straight. The world would be better off. And don't tell me we, as a species, need heterosexuals to reproduce because that's so hilarious, I might fall of my chair laughing.
Also if I was someone dress is neon rainbow colours I could take them seriously but it would be harder and take me some time to adjust to their way of dressing.Even then I still don't like seeing people dress like that because of my earlyer comments and other comments made on this post.
And please, don't use plural. I respect everybody and everything until they're not being disrespectful towards me,
throwing glitter in the air and singing in a high-pitched girly voice to JB. Don't enforce a stereotype unless you want the image reinforced in the public's mind.
Since you fail to offer any kind of contra-argument aside from saying that ''flashy'' clothes are fucking stupid, I would like to retire from this conversation in order not to waste any more time.
What I'm trying to say is if you don't want a stereotype perpetuated, don't mold into it. Right pic definitely fits the mold of a stereotypical gay.
I can't give a solid answer for myself since I'm still trying to figure out who I can stand and who I can't, but just off the top of my head I can say (at a superficial level) I don't tend to listen to people who fit stereotypes. I will usually pay attention to them when they're saying something intelligent, but (let's use me as an example, I'm Chinese) if someone's going around being chinky with that South Park Chinese voice, I'll laugh, I'll chink back, but I won't take anything they do or say while they're doing that seriously. Once they get in class, start doing work, asking serious questions, I'll listen, I'll help, I'll learn from them.
Oh, wait, that still happens.
Sounds like you don't like transgenders being associated with gays because of their behavior.
Look at protests of racial inequality "then and now." One was risking discomfort and injury of the protesters (water hoses, beatings) vs today's "protests" which involve looting and setting fire to the businesses which they claim don't provide enough jobs for the community.