but they use it as an exaggeration, and that's the problem.
· 10 years ago
both are true...feeling depressed is a verb and an adjective, but this generation say they're depressed when they're just sad for a bit. Depression is sadness x100
Yeah. It is an adjective, but at the same time, sometimes I wish I could go to someone who says they feel depressed, and transfer my depression to them for a few minutes and watch them crumble into a ball. Then take it back, because nobody deserves that.
but it's the exaggeration and mockery of disabilities or disorders that are not ok. People don't use them as adjectives in that way. They use them as comparison to disorders.
The insomnia one annoys me the most. If you stay up because you're chatting on your phone, it doesn't mean you have insomnia. If you try every fucking thing you can to fall asleep and it still doesn't work, then you have insomnia.
Someone once told me they had "extreme insomnia" because they stayed up until 12 and woke up at 6. She was a dumb attention attention whore because if that was true, then 89% of teenagers would have "extreme insomnia"
· 10 years ago
why are people down-voting this. This is a pure example of this picture and what it means. Yeah, I know a lot of people like that. Kids brag about their 'depression' since they were sad over their boyfriend or girlfriend dumping him, and everyone brags about cutting. It's a serious thing, believe me, but idk it just really pisses me off when people who've done it once or twice brag about it like they're so cool and edgy, when people who have a serious problem try as hard as they can to cover it.
But also remember being casual or funny about your own issues isn't unheard of; in fact a way I coped with the memories of my darkest times and even sometimes while I was still in that terrible headspace is that I would make a joke or force a smile so I could get it out and learn not to be ashamed of it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even the most flippant comment can hide a piece of truth.
Isn't it 'you almost gave me a heart attack' for the panic attack one? I don't think I've heard used before
· 10 years ago
Well, heart attacks aren't necessarily metal disorders, but yeah, I understand that too. Lol scaring somebody is not going to give somebody a heart attack 99% of the time
I heard this the other day from some ignorant dick in my math class: "Dude I really paranoid all the time! I swear I have PTSD or something"
What the literal fuck..
· 10 years ago
Lol what the fuck. Those two are barely anything alike lmaooo
Which is why we as the listeners have to differentiate for ourselves what they mean in context with the people they are with in the situation they are in. If they are not directing their comments in a bullying manner or in a place where sensitive topics like this are frowned upon (hospitals, "special" schools, cemetaries (?)) DO NOT tell them to stop. I will give you a pencil and tell you to fuck yourself with it. Do not tell me to stop saying whatever I'm saying because you out of several tens surrounding me are for no personal reason sensitive. If you personally know someone with a disorder, politely tell me your situation and I'll slowly guide my friend away as we trash talk each other so we don't offend you. It's alright. Some people actually know people with or have problems themselves. If I'm bullying, by all means kick me in the balls or put a fist in my face. Bullying is bad. Stop me immediately. Do not act like Mom of the World and put me in line if I've never stepped out.
omg that is so true, people joke about being depressed since i know so many who are struggling with depression and psych problems. Metal illnesses are real.
GUYS. GUYS. Let's all just calm down, and agree that stupid people use real mental disorders as adjectives, without realizing that they are being insensitive. No need for fights
It's true. But now people are hating people with actual problems. I have anxiety and depression and people have called me 'attention seeker' many times. Also, I think saying you're /feeling/ depressed is totally fine. That's just an emotion, but people who refer to themselves as having these 'problems' or people who self diagnose are getting annoying when there are people out there who are really struggling with these things.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Oh my god yes. Since all of these people are claiming to have mental problems when they really don't, people don't believe the ones who have an actual problem. I only tell people about my problems when I'm very close to them and they ask me about, and even then it's hard to talk about. I've been called an attention seeker countless times, especially since my arm is severely scarred from self-harm back from 1-3 years ago, and I'm tired of wearing long sleeves all the time so I wear short sleeves, and people claim i look for attention since they're visible. It's bullshit really.
I only ever told a few people i was really close too, but me and one friend had a falling out a while back, she went and told a crap load of people so word spread.
The main problem is that whenever anyone says anything derogitory towards anyone, there is always at least one group that takes offense to the statement, even if said statement was intended as a joke. No one has any sort of sense of humor anymore. What's the use in cracking a few jokes in a comedy show if part of the audience is offended by everything that is said?
Because we're all intent on being politically correct because there's so many denominations and variations of denominations of various demographics. Someone's gonna take offense because it doesn't jive with who they think they are, usually not who they really are. For example, I'm a Chinese American, Christian, and male. Someone says something anti-Christian. Well technically, following the letter of the Christian code, I'm not supposed to let people step on the face of the Lord. However, I think it's funny. Some people though, feel the Code is so important that it becomes attached to but not really part of them. Reacting negatively to derogatory stuff becomes more of a habit than actually feeling the deep offense.
That's what I think is happening.
I'm sorry, but I grew up in a different generation. I'm Filipino-American, and I grew up with bullies, teasing, drinking water from a garden hose and riding bikes without helmets. Not every kid in my generation that entered a contest got an award, yet we all survived and came out stronger for it. Nowadays, everyone's a winner, whether they participated or not. That's how over-senstitivity starts. (just my humble opinion.) Let the downvoting commence.
Yes. Oversensitivity starts with the feeling of entitlement. We are entitled and deserve absolutely nothing until we take actions that give or take privileges away, up to and including life.
Having A.D.H.D, Sleep Apnea and Insomnia, this bugs me slightly until I realize that I hear these every single day. It's not right that it's become part of the norm but that's society today.
Given that I personally suffer from a mental disorder, it is my ultimate pet peeve when people do this. It isn't a passive thing. It isn't a joke. It isn't funny. Most people who use these phrases cannot even fathom the truth of the real situations. It isn't okay. I feel the same way when people talk about killing themselves when they don't truly truly mean it. (As in, it should never be okay, ever.) It's a reality for some people. Most people need to wake up and be glad it's not them, and not disrespect the actual struggle.
Their using these terms so freely and their disrespect for them are probably one of the reasons they wouldn't know a real mentally ill person if you showed them a doctor's note. They play it down so much that when someone is actually serious, they think that person is an attention seeker.
Notice that she said every time he HEARS someone use the r word, not every time he IS CALLED the r word. Can you explain why you would choose to call your friends retarded, by the way? Honestly, I just don't get that. :\
Because they're being stupid. Their mind wandered. They weren't thinking with their full capacity. We could also call them dong-dongs or ching-chang-chongs but "retarded" really means "slow" so it sort of fits that we're calling them slow because they were temporarily slow in mind and/or body.
Calm down it's a joke. Why are people so sensitive? I wouldn't offend a retarded person to their face because that's being a dick. But at the same time do you think retarded people are at the same (mental) speed as norms?
I didn't say they are stupid. But if somebody (norm) does something dumb I jokingly say "Are you retarded?" Now of course they are not but I say that because they are more mentally there, if you get what I'm saying. They know what they did was dumb. Now for a retarded person, since they are not all the way there, you don't say that because they don't really get what they did. Sorry if that's kind of confusing. (That last sentence seemed sarcastic but it's not)
That's like saying " I call my friends nigger cause it's funny but I'd never call an African American nigger" just don't say it full stop. It's harmful and insulting. I'm sure there are many other things you could say.
i swear we've already had this conversation on the word retard before.
before you argue any further, i think you should just watch and take note of this
Funny how people were supporting the French magazines for freedom of speech when they were being assholes (didn't deserve to die) but when I say you can't tell me what to and not to say I get hate.
Freedom of speech means you can express yourself without oppression from the government, unless your useing slander which can make you liable I.e. You can say what you believe unless it's harmfull and untru about someone, then you gotta watch yourself. Calling people names isn't freedom of speech.
I just think people are being over sensitive and thinking that I go around shouting "RETARD RETARD RETARD!!" I don't call strangers I just met retards. I don't call loved ones retards unless we're joking around (brothers, friends, etc.) If you dont like my opinion then we'll have to agree to disagree.
What the literal fuck..
Or moving away when they politely inform me of their situation?
That's what I think is happening.
They're being used as nouns.
before you argue any further, i think you should just watch and take note of this