Well yes and no the idea is that god is such a great and powerful entity that he/she cannot be put into a category. So pronouns are kinda pointless too when I think about it. But god does appear in different ways it is claimed like a bogart but as something you're most comfortable with if expect
^ more than a little vague there. Imma put God in several categories right here: god, omnipotent, omniscient, of human form... and definitely gendered, if you take the Bible to mean anything.
Well no it's believed god is genderless like Jesus. You have the liberty to view god how ever you like. Most people see him as a father but others not as often see her as a motherly figure
I get that that's the traditional Christian dogma, but I don't see an "incomprehensible God" anywhere when I read the Bible. The Apostles seemed fully capable of wrapping their brains around Him, to the contrary. That's the God I believe in too -- one who made us after His image.
· 9 years ago
*presses follow comments button* let the games begin
This is an article from World News Daily Report, a satirical site, and the photo is a stock photo. Stop debating over fake shit, ladies and gentlemen, God is genderless anyway.
Although generally referred to as the Father, God is still considered genderless as he exhibits both male and female qualities equally. Omnipotence=Genderless
That whole thing comes from (As far as linguists know) the Proto-Indo-Europeans, where there where easily reconstructed words for things like "father" and "trade" but there is one thing that we do know: in many daughter languages like Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, they all had words for something akin to "sky father," but you don't believe in "Iu-piter," "Zu-pater" or "De-vase"(some coloration with the word deity) All I'm saying is when you say "father" in those things, it's really just a throwback of a few thousand year old tradition that was mainly based on language. Don't be stupid, and think about the reason.
Sooooo either it's false or Catholics have some things to explain