Like the lovely definition you added said, it is in terms of SOCIAL CONSTRUCT, not biology, yet you follow it with a biology diagram.
If you're going to be a bigot, at least follow your own argument.
Gender = social construct, sex = biology
What really rustles my jimmies is when I ask someone their sex, and they answer with a gender. And when I clarify, and they blow up saying that "What I have doesn't matter"!
Gender is the combination of different aspects assigned to a person by society often divided in male and female.
Sex is the biological status of male or female.
Morgan, what you just described is gender. A person born with both male and female parts, or xxy chromosomes, are intersex- THAT is their sex. Their gender is then PERCEIVED as male, but in reality they could identify as either male or female. Or both. Or neither. And why would it matter to you?
No, they can't really identify. Just because you SAY you're a man when you have boobs and a vagina, DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE A MAN. YOU ARE STILL A WOMAN AND VICE VERSA.
Yea, she wrote it in caps so she must be right. How is it your problem which gender somebody identifies him/herself? Wouldn't that only matter if you plan to fuck them? You can remove a penis, anybody can grow boobs, there are even pretty good fake penises on the market, how about you folks step out of the 19th century and arrive today? To declare an intersex person to be one of two sexes IS CRUEL AND WRONG AND THE IDEA OF GENDER IS TRYING TO MAKE THIS DISSAPEAR!!! <-- See? Its written in caps, so its a valid argument. IT EVEN HAS THREE EXCLAMATION MARKS!
I never understood the concept of the "gender spectrun". It's not that hard, male or female and if you don't like it tough shit there are plenty of other bigger problems than you thinking you don't want a penis. Life is harsh get over it.
They don't make me afraid. I just think the discussion itself is ridiculous. Like I said in ny above comment, just because you think you're another gender, doesn't make your penis suddenly turn into a vagina.
xx = female, xy = male. However you may feel, you can't change DNA. If an archaeologist dug up Bruce Jenner's body and all that was left were bones and DNA, they would categorize him as male. Changing the body parts or clothes doesn't change the DNA. You might be a male who thinks of himself as female, but you are still a male.
· 9 years ago
Fucking thank you I don't know how people do not understand this. They say that they can feel like being a different sex but will say that it's stupid if I respond with "oh yeah and I feel like a goddamn giraffe today" when it's the same concept!
When I used the giraffe argument, it said "this comment not fun enough" :(
· 9 years ago
I don't think I've ever seen such a transphobic comment section before. The point is its none of you're business. It doesn't affect you. You aren't going to suffer because someone wants to be a different gender than they were born.
· 9 years ago
I don't think anybody here is scared of trans people. The comment section is mostly people saying that you can't change your generics no matter if you want to call yourself Susie or Bob.
oh my goooddddd why do people have so many opinions on peoples genders? i mean who really CARES if someone is technically a male or a female? even if you truly solidly believe that a person cannot be anything other than their genitals, whooo carreeesssss if someone with a penis wants to call themselves a woman? it doesn't effect anyone or anything! it will not cause society to fall apart to humor them even if you think they are batty!
· 9 years ago
Not talking about genitals. Talking about DNA. Jenner has female genitals but male DNA.
oh please, genitals, DNA, its all part of a person you have no access too unless you're in a very particular role in their life. my point is why does everyone CARE SO MUCH? who does it effect if someone wants to put on a dress and be pretty and call themselves a woman? why does it matter if someone wants to take some hormones/steroids grow a beard and be one of the dudes? unless you're trying to fuck them why do we have so many opinions and care so much?
Because contrary to popular belief, we are very much allowed to have an opinion. We don't care. We aren't hating on the person. We are arguing with the people who keep saying that it's real and that it is possible to change your gender/sex, whereas we are telling them that it is not possible.
theres having an opinion and theres caring this much, everyone has an opinion on something, but most our opinions are not ones we care enough about to argue over and offend people over. and that's what i find curious about this topic.... no matter how you feel about the technical biology of the issue, it doesn't hurt anyone to just let people be what they want to be... so why do we care? i mean i for one suspect that as gender roles are wiped away there will not be so many trans folk, but i don't care enough to make an issue about it... i for one enjoy being a woman and being pretty, so why get mad when a man decides he wants to be a woman too? oohhhh nooo you have a penis you cannot be allowed to be pretty and wear dresses! off with you and your nasty man DNA! when society stops hating men who wear dresses(or whichever part of femininity the individual is fond of) i bet they stop caring about their gender pronouns. meanwhile, ill call her a she if that's what she wants and not care.
Thanks for all the support guys!! I was pretty much expecting to get a negative amount of likes, but I still felt I needed to post this. All you guys telling it like it is in the comment section, you da real mvp!
You fucking hypocritter knew bloody fucking well that the fucking majority of narrow minded cunts here would agree with your ignorant, non.scientific bloody past centurys bullshit. Now well, I don't hate you fucking biggots, I just state an opinion. Thats cause I fuckin said so. Get it?
The post is pretty true though. You can't change your DNA. You're either a male or female. Only on the off chance that you're born with both organs do you have a choice on which to identity as
Honestly, it's not even worth arguing about. Like someone said earlier, this is probably the most transphobic comment section I've ever seen. It's disgusting.
Nobody here is afraid of trans people nobody has said anything degrading towards trans people. We simply said that gender was make or female. End of story.
One, there's more to transphobia than being "afraid of trans people." Two, the fact that you think you have any say in what makes another person who they are literally astounds me. Gender and sex are not the same thing.
There is male and female. If a male begins dressing like a female and grows boobs and cuts his penis off, he is still a male. Same goes for a woman. His DNA still makes him a male. Period. End of discussion.
Whatever, man. I really dont feel like arguing about this. This site can have it's narrow-minded opinions. Clearly we don't argee and I'm just going to leave it at that for now.
· 9 years ago
CTLT i never thought you'd go so tumblr. It's not based on how people "feel" it's based on their actual genetic code. Deal with it. Science.
And I mean I don-t ALWAYS agree with science but sometimes I have to face the facts given to me. I am a straight out Christian and although I do sometimes disagree with science I cannot just stick my fingers in my ears and shout LALALALALA while science SHOWS me evidence and factual PROOF. I can't just wake up and be like "Hey , I'm gay now!" Same as you cannot just wake up and say" Hay I'm female/Male now"
... science is on the side of the people who transition
· 9 years ago
I am not AGAINST it, nowhere have I stated that. My point is that you are never ACTUALLY another gender if you just say you are. "Oh wow look, I'm a giraffe now", doesn't work missy. And no tumblr refuses anyone elses opinions.
I'm sorry, but someone else's gender is not, in any way, for you to decide. The fact that you think you have any say in the matter is rather arrogant, since it doesn't concern you at all. Sure, you can have an opinion on the whole thing because you're allowed to, everyone is, but just because you think a person's gender identity is invalid doesn't mean it is. Sex is physical, gender is psychological. Of course you can't change your chromosomes, anyone with a basic understanding of biology would know that (though I'm sure if you could, it would be very expensive to do, however you'd have to do it but whatever), but just because you were born one way, doesn't mean you have to identify that way. And by the way, just because the idiots on tumblr shout the loudest, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of good people there. People far more open minded than what I'm seeing here, as I've said.
Oh, and equating someone's gender identity to wanting to be a giraffe, is ridiculous. Please stop trying to mock transgenders, because those are in no way the same.
· 9 years ago
YOU ARE STILL CLAIMING I HATE TRANSGENDERS WHERE HAVE I SAID THAT? Please show me where the hell anybody in this reply has? NOBODY HAS! Our point is not that transgenders are stupid or being transgender is stupid. Our point is that even if you change your sexual organs you are still the gender you were due to your genetic code. DNA Literally defines you, our argument is people who claim they are "female" or "male" are not just that gender because they say so. You have not argued anything besides that we hate transgenders, which we don't.
Seeing the other comments I'm going to state my opinion which is alike others but a bit different: If a man identifies as a woman or if a woman identifies as a man I honestly do not care but I do wish for them to understand that no matter who they identify as they can't really change their sex because you can't just magically change your chromosomes.I don't think it's any of our bussines how does someone identify but at the same time I think trans people should realise that others won't always treat them the gender they identify so for example you can't just enter a women's bathroom if you're obviously a male (xy).
You are right, they cannot change their chromosomes, thats why the word "gender" is used instead. Still the question remains why so many people are so upset with people who bring this topic up-.
· 9 years ago
Maybe I haven't read all the comments, but none of the ones I've read have shown any sign of people being upset. Stating scientific fact that "even if you identify one way, you are actually whatever your DNA says" is not being upset.
Uhm, these are absolutely NOT "scientific facts". The Wikpedia article on Intersex clearly states there is way more than two "sexes". The distinction between sex and gender has been used in the scientific community for an astonishing long time. No trans person has EVER said or believed they could "change their chromosomes". Identity and especially gender identity is a social and psychological construct. Please educate yourself a little above high school level before you declare your igorant steretypes as scientific facts, when they are clearly not. I mean, the KKK still state "scientific facts" why the "white race" (sic) is superior.
The question has often been asked here, but was never really answered: Why? Does? Anyone? Give? a? Shit? as to how a person sees him/her/itself and demands to be respected. If this bothers you at all, you are transphobic, period.
What would be your definition of "winning an argument"? The uninformed idiots who used to spill bullshit nevertheless giving in to truth and logic after finding out how stupid they have been acting? Fat chance, right.
Ok let's specify something. This post was not in any way phobic of anything. This person thinks that there are only two sexes, the only ones biology has given us. However, societal influences has affected people to feel and be "different" of our true biology although we will always be either male or female by biology or by heart.
Thisoneguy has quite a posting and commenting history, and he is phobic all over, full monty. It may be true that apart from biological factors (wiki:Intersex) "societal influences" may at least partly affect a person to be in conflict with their biological sex, but this is a phenomenon known already in early societies, sometimes present for thousands of years up until now, i.E. the Hijras is SE Asia. These are people who never even heard of any gender theories and discussion. Its something inside them from the beginning, and we do not know exactly what makes them uncomfortable in the "wrong" or in any sex/gender. So the term "true biology" is just out of line, as its not just the x/y thing. LGBT are not at all confused any more when they come out to themselves, for them, its usually the end of a very confusing period in their life. Its the "normal" people who tend to be confused, which may explain a lot of the phobia and hostility.
one thing that people have not considered is that the words they use are not always what they think they are. Gay has meant homosexual longer than homosexual has meant homosexual. the word gender can to being from the latin word genus and the french word genre. Sex came to being, in its use to mean either male or female, from the french word sexe and the latin word sexus. Gender has meant sex longer than sex has meant sex.
Is anyone of you pathetic homophobes wannabe frats really out of highschool? Shouldnt you know a little shit then?
· 9 years ago
I have not read one single homophobic comment on this post. Not one. The only anger and intolerance has come from the side that doesn't get that DNA is DNA. You can't change DNA. At least not yet.
If you're going to be a bigot, at least follow your own argument.
Gender = social construct, sex = biology
Sex is the biological status of male or female.
The question has often been asked here, but was never really answered: Why? Does? Anyone? Give? a? Shit? as to how a person sees him/her/itself and demands to be respected. If this bothers you at all, you are transphobic, period.