@ Tae
Yeah, I remember he died in one of the earlier seasons and Dean made that deal. Then again when he went into the pit. So they're talking about that?
Pfff...what a relief! I thought that he was going to die and it would stick this time...
Well, I don't know if I would say the Master is "dead"... More like
"miraculously regenerated, escaped from the Time War, and hitting on the Doctor" kind of thing... *coughspoilerscough*
He died in like season 3, remember? Then Dean made that deal and we all know what happens after that (trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible here). Other than that he's pretty much been a smart moose and survived.
Yeah, I remember he died in one of the earlier seasons and Dean made that deal. Then again when he went into the pit. So they're talking about that?
Pfff...what a relief! I thought that he was going to die and it would stick this time...
Yeah, that much is clear but it never sticks, ya know? I was afraid this was a spoiler that it would finally stick.
"We're all stories in the end. Make it a good one."
Yeah I think you're right.
And also the Master is dead.
(Assuming you're talking about Snape and Voldy)
"miraculously regenerated, escaped from the Time War, and hitting on the Doctor" kind of thing... *coughspoilerscough*
True true true
But in the Cas thing, it was season 5 or 6 (I forget) when he tried to play God.