No specific place. Anywhere you go you'll have ignorant people. Yes, some areas more than others but I assure you that those numbers are miniscule in comparison to the educated.
· 9 years ago
Indeed. but we were talking about the Bible belt and it's vast numbers of ignorant religious people
Well as someone who spent their elementary school years in the Georgia public school system, I just have to say this person had some really stupid teachers. I guess we're not 41st in education nationwide for nothing.
There's a country called Georgia too, I guess it could have been there?? (I'm not saying it was, I'm just saying that's what sirspacedino might have been saying)
Also, Halloween is normally celebrated in North American and Western European countries.
And yes, I did assume that it's in the US, because I've never even spoken to anyone from Georgia the country on the internet, and I've probably met dozens from Georgia the state.
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I agree, it's unlikely. I was just giving a possible explanation.
Halloween is actually a religious holiday, too... at least for some denominations. So is the day after Halloween
· 9 years ago
Exactly. It's all Hallow's Eve. Hallow being an old word for holy. It's the day before All Saint's Day. It was celebrated to keep evil away. It is a Christian holiday. I'm Jewish and we're not supposed to celebrate it because it is a Christian holiday. (It's too much fun not to celebrate, though.)
· 9 years ago
Ow. Ow. OW.
....I'm sorry. I just got overwhelmed by the enormous quantity of lesser intelligence.
I hate when people tell me that Halloween is the Devils day or whatever because something in my brain literally snaps and my eye twitches and then I calmly explain to them that Halloween is to celebrate the dead but they don't listen. Religion has surely brainwashed many.
I like it when christian people hate on pagan traditions cause Christmas and Easter are highly pagan traditions and that fact can be shoved in their faces
Yeah, really. I went to a catholic high school, and it was super chill. We even had gays there, and the school was just like, "Okay that's cool. Just don't have gay sex, and you're cool according to the bible." It was remarkable.
And yes, I did assume that it's in the US, because I've never even spoken to anyone from Georgia the country on the internet, and I've probably met dozens from Georgia the state.
....I'm sorry. I just got overwhelmed by the enormous quantity of lesser intelligence.
Maybe you're the one with the sickness