Not really. Fable lets you be a psychopathic bastard and kill random villagers, sacrifice them to Skorm, and abuse your wife, etc. There are also a couple of evil missions. But you still have to kill the big bad to beat the game.
Yep. Sounds pretty much like infamous. You can be bad and kill your grandmother, random public, sign twirlers, street musicians, protesters, cops, and your enemies.
Nope. It lets you decide. But you're never questioning. Except for the major spoiler reveal that I dare not say in case anyone hasn't yet experienced that extraordinary story.
I'd like to hear the whole story. I started playing but the gameplay was so frustrating I couldn't push past it.
· 9 years ago
I highly suggest you play in easy, to make the actual combat more quick and less frustrating and actually give you more time to appreciate whats going in
Think really hard about Borderlands 2. And watch the Game Theory episode about Handsome Jack. It really got me thinking.
Also, towards the end of the Pre-Sequel, I started wondering this too.
This is so true. Is it sad that I kind of agreed with jack every step of the way?
· 9 years ago
Not at all, I think he's certainly in the running for best game villain of all time. Our perspective of Pandora was really anti-Hyperion, but it seems like they were just trying to do good, and wipe out the bandit scum (which we end up doing anyway). If BL2 had a pivotal point where you could join Jack and work for Hyperion, I most certainly would switch sides.
I'm going to assume that article covers it, but I'm too lazy to read it. Scott Shelby often wonders about the identity of the Origami Killer, but why would he do that if he clearly knows that he himself is the Origami Killer?
Skyrim. From the start you can help the revolution where the empire has gone mad with power, or you can help the empire with the rebellion(let by a man that killed a king)
Yeah, I joined the thiefs guild because I wanted to have the stone identified lol. I didn't join the dark brotherhood tho because I was annoyed that Astrid didn't let me out of the cabin haha
· 9 years ago
Haha I joined both. And I cannot wait to join the Nightingales! Agh!
Ah!! I haven't got up to that stage yet! What are the nightingales like?
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Well, I technically haven't gotten there yet (CURSE YOU MERCER) but I watched my brother, and they're pretty badass. They have my favourite armour set in the game
Also, towards the end of the Pre-Sequel, I started wondering this too.
In this case, I recomen Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and Silent Hill V: Homecoming
I loved the game, but he's right, there are a lot of plot holes.