150 jumping jacks
30 squats
15 pushups
3 minute wall sit
Another 60 jumping jacks
another 10 pushps
another 4 minuts of wall sits
50 burpees
another 15 pushups
another 60 burpees
30 Burpees, 50 Jumping Jacks, 20 Squats, 25 Burpees, 25 more Burpees, 40 more Jumping Jacks, AND ANOTHER FREAKING 25 BURPEES.
Curse you, name with too many N's.
"2min then 1 min wall sit". Me-"bye"
200 jumping jacks
20 crunches
30 pushups
30 burpees
15 squats
30 squats
15 pushups
3 minute wall sit
Another 60 jumping jacks
another 10 pushps
another 4 minuts of wall sits
50 burpees
another 15 pushups
another 60 burpees
Fuck my name
Curse you, name with too many N's.
25 jumping jacks
25 burpees
10 crunches