I understand its a joke but i dont think its appropriate to joke about whether something horrible will happen. Yell at me all you want im just saying be considerate.
It's kind of complicated. First, it's not laughing at school shootings. Second, it's not a lighthearted joke either. It's like one of those bitter 'jokes' you make about something you really are sad to see in such a bad condition. In this case, that something is American gun control. It kind of also shows just how fucked up America is. One side wants to limit gun use to protect citizens. The other side wants full freedom of weapons because unedited text from the late 1700's says its OK and because guns are super fun-- I mean.. Uh.. You need guns because otherwise 80 thieves will appear in your house and kill your family.. Yea..
I hear you my personal view is im supporter of the 2nd amendment im old fashioned and i believe in the Constitution. I however dont think a person should have more weapons or ammo than they need to defend or provide for themselves. Im ok with background checks and mandatory gun safety classes i encourage it actually im not ok with a gun registration. That defeats the purpose, the 2nd amendment is designed to protect america from invaders and ultimately itself.
We need there to be a yearly mental health inspection in order to renew gun license. We need to limit number of guns a person can have, and ban certain overpowered guns. We still need the second ammendment, but we need a way to control it.
Also in regards to recent shootings like in Chicago putting more restrictions on guns is like treating a scraped knee when you have a stab wound. Alot of these are the result of organized crime/gang violence and the criminally insane.
man just manufacture every gun with a tracking gps and if the gun is not within its registered home or on route to a shooting range (or at a shooting range) send in the swat team.
Nope they already have a better way. Ballistic fingerprints are taken of every gun manufactured in the states. Firearms leave marks on bullets that are unique like fingerprints. So if and when a bullet is recovered at a crime scene they know which gun was used.
that's after the crime happens tho lol. No point figuring out there was a shooter AFTER 30 kids die. Plus a lot of guns used by criminals are owned by someone like a friend, and are just borrowed by the shooter.
There is no proven way to prevent a crime. Civilization is over 5,000 years old and people still commit crimes. The only truly effective way to prevent a crime is police presence. Terrorism is a different animal im talking about "everyday" crimes theft, rape, murder.
yea but having a real time tracker in every gun will help decrease the number of mass shootings dude. having them hard to remove will at least SLOW the production of black market guns. slower crime rate > normal crime rate
· 9 years ago
Texasranger, other countries have put out gun legislation and their shooting crimes dropped dramatically. That's kind of "proof." Also, the 2nd Amendment was created strictly for the people of separate states to protect themselves from outside forces, not to protect the US "from itself." In fact, Shay's Rebellion is what caused them to specifically put wording into law defining "defending yourself" against the US government as treason and insurrection. I can look up the stats, but a large percentage of gun crimes are committed by people who got their guns from private sellers, who are not required to do background checks because they're not dealers. Start registering guns like cars and recording sales and I guarantee you, that dude in Missouri is going to start caring whether that guy in Illinois who wants to buy his gun has a criminal background and lost or stolen weapons will get reported a lot faster if people know their names can be linked to crimes committed with them.
The 2nd amendment was designed to protect the people from its own government and putting a government enforced registration defeats the purpose. Im all for increased background checks go ahead do it i dont mind. And yes i can agree with thatoneguy
· 9 years ago
No, the Constitutiin does not protect against or encourage insurrection or treason, which it defines as levying war against the United States of America. The founding fathers built the Constitution and government around the citizenry being protected from the government by laws. The second amendment was added in reference to aiding the small military force against British forces. The exact same men who wrote that amendment put down and punished a citizen rebellion themselves. A democratic government, in their eyes, was one run by the people and therefore the people could not revolt against it.
America's problem is guns. Yes you can use the whole "Well tekin those dern guns away from dem french people didn't help therm that murch". Stfu. Make gun ownership harder, and take away guns. Countries who do such have MUCH lower crime rates, all fact. Yes I get it, if those french people had guns they would have been able to protect themselves. Against who? You'd seriously step up when a bomb LITERALLY FUCKIN BLEW UP NEXT TO YOU? They didn't even know where the gunmen were? They'd be fighting ghosts! And after that terrorist attack France has tightened down and have stopped MANY more terrorist attacks from even happemimg, so have many other attacks in the rest of europe. They seem to br doing fine without them yall.
Americas problem isn't guns. Take them away and a mentally ill person who wants to kill a bunch of people, for whatever reason, is going to find a way. The problem is in that individual's mind. That is what needs to be taken care of. It's just so hard to find and help these people that the public most likely wouldn't support any action taken to help them because they want immediate actions taken, whether or not they are the right ones. Guns being taken away is only a temporary fix and until we can help the ill individuals we will never fix the real problem.
· 9 years ago
Your problem is guns. They are super easy to get and people who buy them are HARDLY monitored at all. That "Any pshycho could get a gun still" argument is dumb. Do you KNOW how expensive illegal arms are? This was the exact argument with slaves. People were pissed that someone wanted to take away their slaves, people said "But why should I give my slave away, it's not my fault" well yes it isn't your fault slavery is a bad thing it was those idiots who took slaves and mistreated them's fault.Slavery still exists but it is SO small you can hardly call it slavery but its still an issue. America needs easily accesible firearms taken away, all these shootings have occured with legally bought guns.
I never said "any psycho could get a gun still," I said if somebody wants to kill somebody they are going to find a way. I don't know if you realize this or not but bombs, knives, and cars are all things that could kill people. Taking away one way to kill somebody won't stop killings as there are still other ways. If you take the time to read my comment you'll see I wasn't even talking about guns, I was saying the problem lies within the ill people's minds. Guns aren't the problem, their (the mentally ill people who go around mass shooting people) mindsets are the problem.
· 9 years ago
I know, and if you read mine you'd see that it really freakin is the guns. You can literally buy an assult rifle off of walmart's online store. That's how one of the school shooters did it right? I know it sucks, but you have to cater for that 1% of fucking idiots. Those psychos won't "always" find a way. We don't have that problem anywhere else in the world, because we have strict gun laws. We hardly have gun related killings, because of the freakin gun laws. Literally every country except america gets that allowing EXTREMELY dangerous weaponry is a problem. The 2nd amendmant was written when the most dangerous gun was a musket, now you can fucking get a huge ass machine gun. Yes that 1% will always TRY to find a way to murder but it makes it SO much harder without a gun store that practically offers you a freakin AR-15. The only valid argument america will ever have is "I like my guns". That's it. People reacted the EXACT same way when they were having slaves taken away.
You don't get it do you. Unlike your country its ILLEGAL to deny guns to citizens its unconstitutional end of story. Its not that simple here so get off your high horse, and accept that things work differently here. If there was a simple, easy, and effective solution we would have dont it allready. You cant just repeal an amendment of the bill of rights there would be civil war.
· 9 years ago
That ammendmant applied when the worst type of gun was a freakin musket. Calling for a ban on guns is an easy solution.
How would you implement that ban? There's not an easy way to do that.
· 9 years ago
The US can, and has, repealed Amendments to the Constitution. Just saying. Also, we fought a civil war...for some reason the losers can't accept they lost, though.
Lets say you take away all the guns from America. Problem solved right? Now somebody drives their car onto a beach killing twenty people before driving into the ocean and killing themselves. Now would you say the problem is cars? Yes, you would. You are putting the blame on the killing method rather than the killer.
And, just saying, criminals don't follow the law. Banning guns would only take them away from law obiding citizens leaving criminals with the upperhand.
Yes we have repealed amendments but none of those were in the bill of rights and those rights are inalienable say what you want but banning guns is never happening. And lindsay is right people should look to the killer not the means. @envious this has nothing to do with the civil war
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Oh my soul. Cars aren't used for the primary use of killing now are they? And no, you take ALL guns away, do home searches. Safe's everything.
People are creative and capable of such evil that if they want to kill people they will use anything a man went into a school in Sweden and slashed up atudents with a sword. A woman in las vegas killed 6 and injured dozens when she drove intentionally on the sidewalk. Men in china also stabbed dozens. In the UK people still get murdered every day with knives and other weapons. Its really arrogant to think that just because it worked for you itll work for everyone else. Things are different here get over it.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
But their crime late is so much lower. And no it doesn't happen everyday.
Hmmm....crazy person kills 40 people with large magazine weapon, or crazy person kills 20 people with a car. Well shit, he's gonna kill people anyway, may as well let him have the other twenty!
Regularly?? Bro idk what kinda jumped up shit news service you have but there are fewer shootings than you think. And no half the guns that are used weren't bought by the shooter they were stolen from a family member or friend. And they aren't huge ass guns they are fairly "normal" guns...by american standards its not like they rolled up with a M2 .50 machine gun mounted on a truck dude. But still its an issue and banning guns all together isn't an option here.
Read the constitution. Its not about the guns its about the freedom to own one. Our government wrote down certain rights that they would not and could not take away and the right to bear arms is one of them. Its there because the brits tried to take away the colonists guns and to defend the people from themselves and their government. My ancestor died defending that right. Thats why we cant simply ban guns. If Obama issues an executive order bannin all firearms i guarantee you there will be riots, and open civil war people are that adament about that freedom.
The bill of rights were considered unalienable rights. They are rights people were born with and that as humans we all deserved. The founding fathers made clear that these rights were not ones to be taken away under any circumstance. We the people of the United States of America have the right to overthrow our government if they try and take away our unalienable rights. Its in the Constitution.
Law obiding or not, you know damn well you take away our guns and shit will hit the fan.
· 9 years ago
America shall fall then. You really want to abide by laws set by slave owners and white supremacists? I know why the law was written but do you know when it was written. Circumstances were waaay different back then, now all that law does is give wackos a chance at some target practice before their big day. Your founding father fought hard yes understandable, but so did fckin mine. And you know how shit their country became? We literally had a seperation of white'z and non- whites till 1994 till black people finally got rights. And now we praise those founding fathers for their gift of soleley establashing a nation but we also understand their circumstance that's why our constitution changed and it did so for a very good reason. Yours needs some changing too.
Bro we did change. We've changed countless times. More times than i can count. News flash the USA isn't South Africa. Dont make the mistake in thinking that just because something works for you itll work for other people. Get off your high horse and respect the fact WE ARE DIFFERENT! Besides you don't even fucking live here so why give a rats ass.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Because giving about other people's safety is on my fuvkin agenda.
Bro idk about you but its not a warzone here. I feel perfectly safe. And so do most people. Im willing to have a calm discussion with you truly. But i can't if we're both being close minded
When somebody close to you dies you'll figure it out that the weapon isn't the problem it's the person behind it. I'm done.
· 9 years ago
I know someone who was shot, my uncle. He didn't die but he was so close to at a point we all prepared to say goodbye. I KNOW people are the problem I really freakin do, but you have to cater for them. Because that minority of people are asses and that's that, but we have to find ways to diminish their ways of being an ass.
And if paedophiles really want sexually explicit images of children they'll get them so I don't see the point in trying to control it. And even if you don't want to go to that extreme- if kids really want to drink underage then they'll get it, what's the point in controlling it?
Law obiding or not, you know damn well you take away our guns and shit will hit the fan.