Yes it would work, but how many do you think would be willing to jump on the guy whilst knowing they have a very high chance of getting shot as soon as they are spotted moving? Maybe one or two very brave would. Everyone else would get down or try run away.
i wouldnt think twice... do it or die trying, your effort might save the lives of your classmates
· 9 years ago
Throwing from uni style rows is difficult trust me. You can throw blindly in the heat of the moment and might hit the guy. But what do you throw? Pens and notebooks? Nobody would throw laptops lol. Jumping from those rows on to him won't be as fast as you want. Having a gun and shooting at random people all around you takes merely seconds to do.
Unless unis really practice and show everyone how to work together rather than run away or hide terrified, and are prepared (have proper things to throw located under the desks maybe) then yeah this would work.
Only if they are in normal classes like in highschool. Desks in lecture theatres like the pic shows, are attached to the ground and is one very long desk. Imagine a cinema type room with seats ordered exactly the same but a bench desk in front of you and everyone on that row.
I'm willing to wager that the vast majority of you would hide. Talk your big game as you wish, but it takes a hell of a person to stare down a barrel with a fucking psychopath on the other end. I doubt many of those who say they'd attack would.
Go ahead and think that that's a great idea. Unless people en mass do it, it's just exposing your profile and asking to be shot. People are well aware that everyone is scared just like this and most won't risk it, even at the face of a mentally fouled person.
they're probably just saying that because it's coming from a cop. cause ya know, nowadays everybody thinks that all cops are terrible and stupid people.
The average distance a man armed with a knife can close on a man armed with a firearm before the man with the gun can raise the weapon aim and fire is 21 ft. Likewise if you dont have a knife you can close the same distance and grab the gun
The point of throwing things is that a person's reflex is to block it or move away, giving your couple seconds to come at him and disarm. You wouldn't throw a knife though unless you knew you could actually stick it in the target. Otherwise, you're just giving him a knife
what a huge load of shit... "i wouldnt think twice and just kick him in the nuts"
every fucking one of you 12 yr old fucktards would sit under your bloody desks and pray to jebus that you dont get shot. you kids are so bloody stupid its not rven funny anymore, i tell you hwat.
If everyone is carrying, people will think twice about openly shooting, and those who do still openly start shooting will be stopped much much faster. This has been proven to be true throughout history. Compare Chicago (strictest gun laws in the nation as well as highest murder rate) to Switzerland (everyone carries a gun and a very very low murder rate), for example. Many other examples exist as well.
There are plenty of examples right here in the US of A. Every city that has draconian gun laws has out if control gun violence. Those that allow citizens to exercise their constitutional rights have very low gun violence. Mass shootings do not happen at NRA rallies, they happen where the victims are not legally allowed to defend themselves. For specifics, read "More Guns, Less Crime" by John Lott. He compiled more statistics than I can remember to write here.
Unless unis really practice and show everyone how to work together rather than run away or hide terrified, and are prepared (have proper things to throw located under the desks maybe) then yeah this would work.
Trust me. I know.
he's a genocide-ist
every fucking one of you 12 yr old fucktards would sit under your bloody desks and pray to jebus that you dont get shot. you kids are so bloody stupid its not rven funny anymore, i tell you hwat.