Actually still worry about it only the people from return of kings aren't going but they still encourage men to go in private groups so be vigilante and bring and form of weapon you have if you absolutely have to go out and maybe bring a few male friends along just in case usually attacks don't happen when a man is present.
the fact theres a group for "masculine men" is true (its the pickup artist people) and the fact the leader has in the past advocated for legal rape on private property ("to teach women to still practice safety") is also true but the attempts to mash up the meetings they were trying to have for the group with one of the leaders causes is a bit misleading. his handle is RooshV i think if you want to search a bit yourself for validity, its far too early for me to go finding links.
I'm a dude... and even I can confirm this legal rape, is just fuckin stupid beyond belief.
There is so much regarding rape between masculanist and feminists that its beyond stupid...
"Legal Rape": The moronic idea that men should be reinstated the ancient the power to rape men, women, and children. This would result in their psychopathic "pleasure" and would demoralize, victimize, and physically and mentally harm the attacked individual, who would be hurt and internally destroyed for the rest of their lives. They should be charged with intention to rape and premeditated homicide for the victim who may never recover, and should not be *insert your favourite swear word* going on a BLOG TOUR TO PROMOTE THIS.
That sentence doesn't make sense, it doesn't even say anything.
Also, they can only be asking for it as much as someone who walks around with money sticking out of their pockets is asking to be mugged.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Oh ffs. Can people stop calling these guys rapists? One guy, one guy and a bunch of his goons said some stupid shit now the whole fuckin group has to suffer. They are NOT pro rape.
This was actually a whole setup. This all started because of satirical article on some pro-male website, and I gue they had some sort of meeting but people took that article and bent it or something. At least that's what I thought. you guys don't actually think someone is retarded enough to set this up, right?
· 9 years ago
The human race is just awful enough sometimes that I could believe them being capable of something like this. It's a sad truth.
maybe I'm on here too much...
There is so much regarding rape between masculanist and feminists that its beyond stupid...
Also, they can only be asking for it as much as someone who walks around with money sticking out of their pockets is asking to be mugged.,
or just all die
or all locked up
I don't see any outrage about this