Playing that right now. Bought it on sale for about $30 last week. Couldn't say no to that deal. Just started Uncharted 2. Haven't played the 3rd yet so I'm really looking forward to it. Amazing games.
I get messed up from a lot of games (some already mentioned) -and for the those not mentioned: heavy rain, beyond two souls, transistor, ACE ATTORNEY SERIESSS, ghost trick, 999 series
(Prepare for childish feels) the Jak and Daxter series, Sly Cooper collection, Spyro series, the the remake of Pokemon alpha ruby and omega sapphire, (its the nostalgia that ruins me more than anything) ಥ_ಥ
I just finished the Inheritance cycle (Eragon etc.) and now i feel dead because Eragon and Arya..........AGGGHHHH i know this is a gaming post but its the same for amazingly good books. also i think the movie should have been done better
Good things there's a GHOSTS 2 coming out here soon .
(Prepare for childish feels) the Jak and Daxter series, Sly Cooper collection, Spyro series, the the remake of Pokemon alpha ruby and omega sapphire, (its the nostalgia that ruins me more than anything) ಥ_ಥ