I can't even stand to hear myself breathing. It's difficult to deal with because obviously everyone NEEDS to breathe. But the fact that I can hear it drives me crazy. Whenever I go for a run I have to take my music with me and blast it so I can't hear myself. I've gotten a little better with the loud chewing but chips are my enemy.
· 8 years ago
Yes but it happens only from time to time. I'm not that sensitive. I didn't know this was actually a thing.
Hearing my bf breathe when he sleeps next to me is adorable and calming. But people who chew with their mouth open need to be taught a lesson. That's common sense, not a brain disorder.
I cannot sit next to my day or sister when they eat. They drive me insane
· 8 years ago
Yes. I've had anxiety attacks induced because of certain noises, and it really makes life difficult, I have to work in a certain environment. A lot of people argue that it's not really that bad and people are just whining, but it honestly really impacts some people to the point life gets put on hold because no one takes them seriously
For fellow sufferers - I find music helps. Doesn't have to be loud or even good. Just distracts me enough during meals.
· 8 years ago
Also, simply noise is the best thing ever (especially with music), and try out different kinds of earplugs and make sure you adjust them so your own breathing and heartbeat don't disturb you (sometimes it amplifies the sound). Also. They make white noise machines, I've found that lectrofan is the most durable with the most settings to fit your type of soothing noise. Just make sure you don't get the baby room kind.
But love listening to their breathing especially from people I love