Well most dialysis or bypass machines keep the blood flowing at a constant speed, not in bursts like the heart. So it obviously has terrible effects on other organs.
But see heywood's post below, they make a good point.
No one is entirely sure why but there has been studies done on it. It tends to throw off people sleep patterns for one. Also hormone levels, especially those that control sleep, mood and metabolism. One of the thoughts on why it does this is because you don't have a normal blood pressure with no pulse. You just have a solid mean arterial pressure that doesn't change. So you body loses some of the natural cycles that it has. And everything in the body influences everything else, so if something is thrown out of wack, like a pulse, it affects everything else to some degree. But the body is pretty good at compensating for a lot of things as well.
But does it increase blood flow during exercise, stress, sex, or whenever your brain and muscles need it? Is this real or a what if thing? TO THE INTERNETS!
· 8 years ago
Wow!!!! So they can create mechanical hearts...when are they going to start making mechanical kidneys???????
If it's all expensive we can finance it since we'll live forever. What are the payments on a loan of a couple million spread over a few thousand years?
Whoa!! That's not cool. Hate to hear that something in your life is causing you to want to die. Hope you do not really mean that and it was a typo! If not, do ya need an ear. I'm a great listener if ya need one!
That's cool. I just don't take people who say they wanna kill themselves lightly due to some actually want to. Had couple of buds I served with in Afghanistan that "joked" that they wanted to die. Left it alone and three of them pulled the trigger and the other stepped off the chair. So I tend to put it out there that I'm willing to listen if somebody needs someone to talk to.
It's all good bubba. If it makes someone's day then let the down votes rain on me all day long. It's just the Internet it don't mean a thang. If they wanna run their mouth to me. It's just words. But if they lay a hand on me or my buds. I'll make sure to watch the life drain from their eyes as I crush their throat.
I dunno. Because this would probably extend my life by quite a lot of years, because it rules out "heart attack/failure" as a possible death, but do I really want to live longer? I mean, I've seen enough doctor who to know that outliving loved ones sucks. Would everyone have this, or would it just be me? If it was just me, then no. If lots of family members, then maybe.
Since your pulse is your heartbeat and this uses technology rather than tissue and muscle it would not have a pulse, rather it would probably be a small machine that forces the flow of blood rather than muscle and tissue. The pulse has nothing to do with a constant flow of blood however, it is simply your heartbeat which causes the constant flow of blood, but if replaced by a machine the constant flow of blood and the pulse would be independent of each other.
Basically imagine a bike pump vs a hair dryer. Both move air but the hair dryer moves air constantly whereas the pump has to reload after every burst. And this reloading is what causes your thump.
But your pulse is created through blood being pushed through your veins with tiny breaks as it goes through the separate chambers of your heart. If there was no pulse it would have to be a consistent flow of blood
I wonder if not having a pulse would make you crazy. I read an article that said if you lose the vibrations you feel when breathing into your nose it makes you go crazy. Your body can barely sleep because it constantly thinks you are suffocating.
That device would not work as a heart. But, biotechnologists have figured how to make a new heart out of your own cells using the basic cell structure of a donor's heart.
Erections are created by blood flow being redirected, so it'd still be able to get erect.
Except, a pulse is slightly important for respiration, so I'm not sure this idea would work at all.
But see heywood's post below, they make a good point.
*suddenly sitting up*
"Ahaha! Got ya!"
Except, a pulse is slightly important for respiration, so I'm not sure this idea would work at all.