This has to do more with the absolutely atrocious corruption of our legal system than him being a pussy. He's a disgusting human being. Pussy isn't the way I'd describe him. He's much worse.
A bunch of people, including himself, wrote letters to the judge saying what a great guy he is. His father's letter really stood out, it described how his son the rapists no longer enjoyed rib-eye steaks because of all the stress and regret this has caused him.
Also, he was a white athlete at an ivy league school.
Do you remember the Montana case a few years ago? 30 something teacher had an "affair" with a 14 year old student which resulted in her committing suicide. The judge came him 30 days time served because the girl was "older than her chronological age"
I really hate the use of the term pussy here. He doesn't deserve it. He's a craven cowardly piece of putrid maggot dung.
· 8 years ago
Is he not getting any time at all? Cuz if he is you already know he's gonna the shit raped out of him in jail. Despite being criminals most prisoners have a sense of morals and will go out of their way to bully or rape people like this
If he appeals there is a very real chance he would get a harsher sentence. They have already removed the judge involved from other sexual assault cases.
He should be strapped to chair with razor blades put into his mouth and it duct taped shut. Cut off his eyelids and take a belt sander to his kneecaps. Make him ingest a lot of Imodium so he shits himself while sitting there. Cut off his ears with a box cutter and brand the wound closed. Pour bits of sand into his open eyes. Find his family members. It they are blood related to him that's all that matters. Younger siblings older relatives whoever, and bring them in front of him and execute them. Continue this until he is the last of his family. Take everything from him. Castrate him and pour just a small bit of hydrofluoric down his back but just enough that it doesn't melt into his lungs. This will all take time yes can't let him die from the shock. Film everything. Post it on social media and television. Rinse and repeat
I will say it, if this was a young black man he would have got hard time, or system is bullshit, rape should be a mandatory 20 years, let his punk ass go play with the big boys seeing as he thinks this is cool
This isn't a colour thing. There a black students who have been let out of sentences lightly as well, all because they are big sports stars. There's a documentary on netflix on how common college rape is and it follows these girls who were raped and then empowered themselves and started fighting back against the colleges and how little they were doing, so it's actually quite an inspiring documentary if you look at it from that angle. But one of the main rapists was a young black man who happened to be really good at football, so he got a slap on the wrist like this guy did, and now is back playing major-league football. Don't turn this into a colour thing. This is a 'there-are-too-many-men-raping-people-and-getting-slaps-on-the-wrist' thing.
all you have do is look at the statistics of black people in jail versus white, the fact that 8 in 10 adult balck men will be incarcerated in their life time shows that being a white offender versus being black will get you less time, now of course there are cases like the one you pointed, where this isn't always true, but the fact remains the same that I know of black men who have done nothing but make one mistake and are given hard time,,,I have seen it with my on eyes, being white with family that is black has granted me luxury of seeing this from the young balck mans point of view,,,the fact is this something that is a very serious issue in America
I'm just going to repeat that the problem is here is not a colour problem. That is a different fight! A woman has been raped, and a man has got an incredibly pathetic sentence, just like many other men have been handed before, over and over. Where is the colour in that? It's like the video where a hispanic woman has stood up in front of an LGBT-organised vigil for the shooting in Orlando, and said "You won't understand because you're white", and started talking about how people (only white people mind you) weren't recognising that the victims were hispanic, just that they were LGBT. Well I say who gives a crap what race or sexuality they were, I give a crap because they were human. We need to throw away the race card and pick our battles. Should we fight that white people do seem to get better treatment in some cases? Sure! Another day! But not in this battle, because that's not the real problem here, because both white and black men, men in general, are getting away with this.
The most disgusting part imo is how his father describes what his son did as "20 minutes of action". Kinda sheds a light on how this rapist was parented and what values he got taught, not to excuse that maggot though. Also to some people who said "both were drunk". I mean he was drunk and whatnot, but nobody can tell me you have no idea what you're doing when you're still capable of doing it. No drug brings out anything in you, that hasn't been there already. Especially not alcohol, thus "In vino veritas". And she was unconscious. Should anybody drink him/herself into that state? Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean you deserve to take any shit. Not to get penises drawn on you, and of course not getting raped.
Not justifying his actions here in any way but yet again the use of alcohol, a poison, was involved. No one wants to talk about that though because God forbid we stop saturating our minds with a poison in order to have fun. As a female especially we put our selves in risk of terrible circumstances when we don't control our intake of a POISON or make sure we are around friends that are reliable enough to make sure our poisoned bodies don't get drug behind a dumpster and jumped by a also drunk make.
I do hope that, like some jails he has his "passing out" parade.
Whereby the inmates pay the guards to leave them alone with a rapist, and beat him until he passes some cases they wake up raped.
You're all literally talking about "how we should brutally murder this guy and his family" and how much injustice there is that he got a bad sentence, on website, designed for memes. Go post on Blogger or somethings, take your shitty opinions else where. I'm sick of coming to this website to see people bitch and wine about the world and the people in it. Fuck you, and your stupid shit posting
1 user posted about killing his family, and it was a guest. 1 user agreed and that was bass. You are the one who needs to chill. If you have a problem with it, leave, or easier still, just downvote and keep scrolling. No one is forcing you to comment or read others comments.
There's been 4 posts about this guy already. Every single one of them contains violent death threats, and down voting them, won't take them off the fucking popular, trending or all feed.
you come to the Internet to relax ( is this your fist time on the web) and then get mad at people expressing their feelings,,sound like you need a hobby that doesn't include a keyboard
Also, he was a white athlete at an ivy league school.
Fuck off back to 4Chan.
Whereby the inmates pay the guards to leave them alone with a rapist, and beat him until he passes some cases they wake up raped.
Lol get fucked bass.