1. You are my hero today.
2. A. ISIS (Properly, ISIL): Murderous terrorist a-holes.
B. Isis: Egyptian Goddess of a bunch of stuff blah blah insert wikipedia entry here.
C. Egyptians were fond of cats.
D. Cats are latest weapon employed by jihadist scum against western scum.
3. I don't know what you're all worried about. Cats always land on their feet.
It's ok. I upvoted you all for being decent folk who get jokes and don't give Legacy Downthumbs of Butthurtedness to people for being true to themselves for 4 years straight on a little known joke site on the internet.
Btw, can we make LDoB a thing?
I've seen the whole video, it's true
2. A. ISIS (Properly, ISIL): Murderous terrorist a-holes.
B. Isis: Egyptian Goddess of a bunch of stuff blah blah insert wikipedia entry here.
C. Egyptians were fond of cats.
D. Cats are latest weapon employed by jihadist scum against western scum.
3. I don't know what you're all worried about. Cats always land on their feet.
Would have interrupted the chain as well :D
Btw, can we make LDoB a thing?