I saw a post (from here I think) about how people who wish they were from Britain and site Dr who and watch bbc and all are just weeaboos for a different country
Yeah lmao I lived there for three years and although I do want to move back, it's romanticized in American culture. I mean the accents aren't always pretty, the people aren't always nice, and the cost of living is suuuupppeerr high.
with the state of economy and job market here? fucking hell i do. but then i think about people being born in countries where there's been nothing but war in the past 10 years and i realise i should be fucking grateful to have been born where i was.
I could'nt imagine growing up somewhere else than Norway. I had the perfect childhood. No wonder why Norway has been elected best country to live in many times.
I wish I was born in Poland, when I went there people are so much better than here. Maybe I will live there for a year, but if I had been born there I wouldn't have minded
That was the depressing note of the day, thank you