I'm glad people who share my faith pick one damn thing to talk about from this huge book we consider holy. Sometimes I think, "we should focus on the whole love thy neighbor, take care of orphans and widows, feed the poor; all while asking for nothing in return portion of the book... But then I think nah, better tell everyone what we think there doing is wrong, then try to scare the shit of of them by telling them they're going to hell unless they follow this set of rules... and lastly if there is time telling people about the whole Christ part." It would be a shame to show Christ to people, instead of just telling everyone about him.
(And this entire post is sarcastic if anyone is questioning my words.) Christians (myself included) shouldn't ever have to tell someone out faith our actions of how we treat them should, we shouldn't do something nice in an attempt to "save you", and we shouldn't be telling you what you're doing is wrong.
When I was christain I said the same but dude your beliefs preeeety much state they shouldn't be allowed to marry or have sex. So ur not following your religion's teachings if you don't actively seek to take away their rights.
Christain beliefs are messed up, dude
guys, not all christians are jerks. I mean, there are some but no matter what there always will be jerks in a certain group. Don't judge people based on the actions of others, please.
· 8 years ago
Being a Christian doesn't mean seeking to take away peoples rights. It's the belief that certain things are sin. Sex outside of marriage is a sin in Christianity just as same-sex sex would be. It isn't illegal to have an affair, nor should it be, it's just frowned upon as a society and considered a sin in Christianity. Homosexual sex isn't frowned upon by society (for the most part) yet still considered a sin.
(@needmorec4 I'm sorry you have that viewpoint of Christians, an I completely understand why you would.)
A part of being a Christian is the denying of self, and not making others deny something they don't believe is wrong. Denying the self means not participating in actions that are naturally appealing to us as humans. Some of those actions of denial align with cultural norms, like not stealing, murder or lying. While premarital sex for example isn't typically taboo in today society, but by many Christian standards shouldn't be something we do. Christians, in my opinion, have been more focused on changing society to follow Christian beliefs; instead of just not participating in what society considers a norm. Christians shouldn't be telling the world how to act, we should be loving it in spite of how it acts, and showing our love by acts of kindness not by our words alone.
Fuck my bad guys I was thinking of catholics. I know some denominations are more likely tolerant. But if catholics could, they WOULD make gay marriage illegal because it's a "sin," taking away a right of gay pepole. I was pretty far in the catholic community when gay marriage was legalized in the US
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
That may be the "official doctrine," of the Catholic Church, but it isn't representative of the Catholics that I've met anyway. Hell, some are more "liberal" in that area than me. Course I don't think that's a particularly liberal view anymore, more of a mainstream thought that only a shrinking (vocal) minority on the right continue to hold to. We're slowing working on that part of us too btw.
A lot of more modern/foward thinking religious people say they are okay with gay people despite their religion saying it's not because they cherry pick their beliefs. I did it, nearly all my friends in catholic schools do it, and it something I ignored for a long time before I became atheist. Your religion IS cruel to gay people.
(And this entire post is sarcastic if anyone is questioning my words.) Christians (myself included) shouldn't ever have to tell someone out faith our actions of how we treat them should, we shouldn't do something nice in an attempt to "save you", and we shouldn't be telling you what you're doing is wrong.
P.S. Hate all you want, I don't care
Christain beliefs are messed up, dude
A part of being a Christian is the denying of self, and not making others deny something they don't believe is wrong. Denying the self means not participating in actions that are naturally appealing to us as humans. Some of those actions of denial align with cultural norms, like not stealing, murder or lying. While premarital sex for example isn't typically taboo in today society, but by many Christian standards shouldn't be something we do. Christians, in my opinion, have been more focused on changing society to follow Christian beliefs; instead of just not participating in what society considers a norm. Christians shouldn't be telling the world how to act, we should be loving it in spite of how it acts, and showing our love by acts of kindness not by our words alone.