That first one is ridiculous. The earliest depiction of peole having dreadlocks was in's not an african american thing x_x And who the f*ck cares?? What happened to the most sincere form of flattery is imitation
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
All these dumbasses want equality but claim white people can't do certain things because of their skin
Did I misspell? Am I not speaking to you in English? You don't have to agree cuz you don't have to experience it, which is fine but be open minded to people are talking to you and no so quick to think you're being attacked. Take a pill and relax.
Damn, that eliminates a lot.
in fact,white people invented America.
So get the fuck out of here if you can't deal with white people w/ dreadlocks(which I personally like)
Oh my fucking god you all are retarded. I'm telling you the people who wrote that are dumb for being simple minded in thinking only black people can have dreads or anything of the sort and vice versa. I'm also saying you guys are simple minded for saying the dumb shit you are saying now (which is simple minded). You are so triggered for no reason, relax. So fucking sensitive
I don't understand the logic of this cultural appropriations in America.
Like, common guys we are SUPPOSED to be a melting pot of cultures. Its what made us unique before globalization, and again imitation is a form of flattery. Let people be themselves and take a chill pill.
Although the accusation of white or more politically correct Caucasian people appropriate black culture can be over used. The main issue is that often times behaviours, styls, culture and mannerisms that was/is associated with african Americans or any other minority group is seen as ghetto or gangsta or have negative connotations when they do them, but when a Caucasian person does appropriates any of these attributes it is seen as urban, chic, fashionable and then african Americans are not acknowledged as the originators. The long and short of it is give honor to whom honor is due. Sorry for the long post
this is so backwards its about culture not the physical and literal medium in which culture is reflected through these comments are ugly and everyone needs to just back up and stay in their lanes
Can everyone please just shut up for once? First the SJWs get triggered, then these guys get triggered, and then we in the comments get triggered, and it's just an endless salt war of bullshit.
· 8 years ago
Dreadlocks are found in Slovakia, Egypt, Russia, Caribbean islands, etc. A lot of cultures have dreadlocks, I don't understand this argument every time I see it haha
Those things were all made by white people, and making it a part of white culture. If white people can't do/use things to do with black culture, then black people can't do it with white culture.
Like... no one is saying white people can't use gunpowder because it was invented by the Chinese. Culture has nothing to do with scientific advancement or inventions. This post isn't proving what it's trying to prove, end of story.
This isn't mean to be a literal post. They're exposing the flaws with people claiming that white people are stealing from other cultures.
Occams, they are trying to create unique differences by trying to make it unacceptable for certain persons to do the same thing. Culture is the things one does as part of a social norm, and values that are carried over with each generation. It's not created by saying it's ours, and you can't have it. Some people's hair naturally form dreadlocks, some people like rap regradless of their skin color, some people are bald without cutting their hair. Are you going to force them to change what is completely natural and wholesome to them to satisfy a convoluted form of activism?
@sincere_milkshake no thats a direct representation of whats going on here if we follow logic no one should be able to use gunpowder but as soon as it becomes disadvantageous for you its okay to backtrack. why is that?
Ajhedges are you speaking out about the authorities, you will be banned for expression of such opinions and you seem to .be on your way to actually being a cool individual... and eternal1, it's business as usual keep up the good work I say if you aren't getting warnings you aren't doing it right
It's easy to say that when you were "allowed" to invent. Remember blacks weren't allowed to lots of things for a very long time. So please, do check your cultural appropriation. How bout y'all stop being simple minded asses and everybody realize not only black people make things or white people make things. Both have dominated things created by both races. All the things on that post were from ignorant people. And y'all are continuing to spread it.
Hmm, I think @nippletasles_ raises a good point about the invention thing. The reason why you don't see many black or female inventors is because they were treated as second class citizens and were not allowed to invent anything back in the day (also they were denied proper education so they didn't even have the knowledge to invent something). Who knows what awesome inventions could we have now if society wasn't like "straight white male is the only full citizen, the rest aren't getting any education even though our mental capabilities are equal."
Still, I think that demanding cultural appropriation for petty things like dreadlocks is pretty stupid, especially in the US where there are so many nationalities that it's all just mixing together. What happened to the "melting pot of nations"?
Absolutely! Good work you two. People babbling here don't know anything about social sciences or any natur.scien. or philosophy. You have a term Individua historica. That means if smbd killed Hitler in '37,he would be replaced with another Hitler. World just needed Hitler then and that's it (not talking about parallel universes). Historical events brought not HIM,but a need for him. With inventions it's even more obvious. Nobody invented idk mixer, you were fine scrambling eggs for family cake just with fork, why paying electr.bill,but now you have a restaurant with 300 people,you need forks that go 100km/h and voila!
There are whole "evolution steps/branches/niches of inventions",and like any other evolution, it just 1.continues on former inventions, 2.branches even to extent it's unrecognizable where it branched from 3. looses some of newdeveloped "species",or the old ones, in the way(there are millions of inventions that were just not in time, you can actually profit if you find them and tell they're yours now when they ARE needed, da Vinci's bike for example). Therefore no "Caucasian" invented stuff, no "Af-Am" invented air conditioner it's the whole evolution of stuff, that's how we have an Italian and British guy inventing radio independently at the same time, bows and arrows independently on all continents, but not in Australia,and pyramids,
and the point is that our history needed it just right then,you could invent elevator in ancient Greece, but where to use it, inside Olympus?! Radio was "wanted" and updating former inventions(which could be Tibetan,Assyrian or Viking) two guys made it, same time. Anybody could. Of course if given proper education. That's why we don't have black inventors, or even women inventors of 17th century (which is not true at all,they're just not in big numbers) conditions for them,but that's also the reason why white people didn't invent blues! Anyhow our toaster owes its evolution even to some Egyptian who "invented" stove,we all made everything (for everybody),can't believe y'all calling for "white/black inventions",when evrbd could have invented them.
I'm not a historian and know very little about philosophy but yeah, that's also a good point, every big action/invention is a consequence of previous happenings. WWII was bound to happen because the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles were too hard on the German people. Similarly WWI happened because of the international tensions, the murder of Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst but the war would've happened sooner or later. Actions have consequences and the consequence of treating everyone except white men as inferior citizens despite their equal capabilities is stagnation of intellectual and societal development.
Edit: I really don't get why am I getting downvoted, either I have a downvote troll on my back or funsubstancers don't agree with the thought that actions have consequences. Both of these possibilities are pretty sad.
in fact,white people invented America.
So get the fuck out of here if you can't deal with white people w/ dreadlocks(which I personally like)
Like, common guys we are SUPPOSED to be a melting pot of cultures. Its what made us unique before globalization, and again imitation is a form of flattery. Let people be themselves and take a chill pill.
This isn't mean to be a literal post. They're exposing the flaws with people claiming that white people are stealing from other cultures.
You're in the wrong here
Your head
Still, I think that demanding cultural appropriation for petty things like dreadlocks is pretty stupid, especially in the US where there are so many nationalities that it's all just mixing together. What happened to the "melting pot of nations"?
Edit: I really don't get why am I getting downvoted, either I have a downvote troll on my back or funsubstancers don't agree with the thought that actions have consequences. Both of these possibilities are pretty sad.