Well, manners should be taught by your parents, manners and discipline, school is only for education purpose (to gain knowledge "read in Vanoss voice") if your parents can't teach you that, then they shouldn't be parents at all
I agree but most parents have to work to support the family. There isn't always time when the day is done. I think this puts the learning in a nice social setting as well making it more fun for the kids. I'm not saying it should be up to the school system to teach kids manners and build their character That is of course ultimately the parents responsibility but it makes a good reinforcement
First few words we had our daughter learn was please and thankyou. Of course it at first came out as "ease" please and "hank oos" thankyou lol. But it is alot better than a few parents I met who had kids at that age only knowing bad words and the word no.
If you want your kids to have good manners teach them yourself don't expect the schools to teach them everything. They are your kids not theirs. And remember the best way to teach them is by them seeing you doing it yourself.
Also don't just say NO to your kids explain why and not because I said so. For example kid wants cookies before dinner. You say No because it is almost time to eat. Or say yes but after you eat dinner.
Say the kid wants to go spend the night at a friends house you don't know or like. Say No because I don't know their parents or no I don't feel comfortable with you staying the night with them.
Or we say we will see which means maybe yes maybe no. We never promise so incase something happens we didn't break a promise.
If you do stuff like this your kid be less likely to say No to you.
Also never let them say I hate you. When young and they won't when older. Tell them that they have to say I am mad at you. Hate implies they don't love you which is not how a kod should act to their parents.
Sorry little ramble but it all apply to manners
Here is a little tip we do with our kid you want them to be kind and considerate of others make it a rule if they refuse to share their toys than no one shares with them. They will relize how unfair it is after a few minutes. Now this doesn't count to persoanl favorite toys such as that one doll or blanket they love more than anything. If you have kids you know the one. It has its own name and must be there in its spot for bed time. This item is ok to not share. And if your kid wants the other kids item as this then explain that that one is special. And maybe have your kid show or tell the.kid about their own special item.
Also when you see a thing for charity and you have a little change even a penny works give them money than explain where that money is going. So they know they helped.
Exams at age 10?!?! Oh my god, like manners are good but that's more of the parents jobs and I'm just focusing on the exams. Children shouldn't be put in exam situations until at least YEAR 10
It's like that in South Africa too.Well we only write our first exam in the end of grade 3(common age = 9) it doesn't count tho,it's for the government to see the standard of 3rd graders at the end of the year.From grade 4 and onwards we write exams and they count.
But there are many cases of students killing themselves in these countries because their exams are extremely important and many get really stressed out
If you want your kids to have good manners teach them yourself don't expect the schools to teach them everything. They are your kids not theirs. And remember the best way to teach them is by them seeing you doing it yourself.
Say the kid wants to go spend the night at a friends house you don't know or like. Say No because I don't know their parents or no I don't feel comfortable with you staying the night with them.
Or we say we will see which means maybe yes maybe no. We never promise so incase something happens we didn't break a promise.
If you do stuff like this your kid be less likely to say No to you.
Also never let them say I hate you. When young and they won't when older. Tell them that they have to say I am mad at you. Hate implies they don't love you which is not how a kod should act to their parents.
Sorry little ramble but it all apply to manners
Also when you see a thing for charity and you have a little change even a penny works give them money than explain where that money is going. So they know they helped.