We tell our daughter that the Santa at the Mall and street cornors asking for donations is Santas helpers. They are collecting information on the kids to give to Santa. So having a black Santa is no big deal.
No because the real one is a faerie creature who has no race other than Fairy. He is a magical being and when she becomes old enough to know we are the ones giving the gifts we will tell her what my father told me. That Santa is just a fairy creature who doesn't really deliver gifts he really delivers the Christmas spirt of love and warmth and kindness. Because Christmas never is about the presents under the tree it is about the people around it. You may have 1000s of gifts under the tree or may not even have a tree but as long as you have a heart to love Santa will fill it and make you remember what it means to be alive.
Santa isn't a man or even a woman Santa is love.
So let Santa be black or white or Asian as long as he follows the rules of Santa which is be kind to all big or small, smile to all, laugh with a ho ho ho and have so much love in your heart there is no room for hate.
I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today: make sure you bracket your comment with a just kidding, and don't assume a winky face implies your kidding. My apologies.(and I'm not being sarcastic I really didn't mean santa is white) {that apology wasn't sarcastic either}
I did assume you might be kidding but I wanted to tell a bit more on what we do in our family when a kid is to old to believe because we believe you lose your childlike wonder when you no longer believe in magic and fantasy so we try to have it linger by reintroducing it as emotional not physical
"Jesus was worshiped as white capitalist"
Government barely existed when he was an adult, and you want to blame your failure to succeed in perfectly good monetary system on a dude who was never affected by it in the first place?
Which ones? I don't want to start a war, I just want to learn more about this. I would think safe spaces would be a useful way to help traumatized people and to ease them slowly back into life. In what way do people misuse this concept? I'm genuinely curious; I've heard people complain about safe spaces but I'm still a little unclear about what they entail and who wants them.
Alright, a safe space for a traumatized person makes sense. What I don't like, (and these aren't too common) are the ones people demand and petition for which protect non traumatized people, from being offended. I agree, if you work to offend people all of the time, that is called being an asshole. It's at a certain point where you have to learn to take anything someone might say yourself.
Although I do not think is disgusting and Santa is fictional. He made a good point. A white MLK would be war. We tend to say it is ok for black actors to play "white" characters but not the opposite. Don't agree with anything else with that guy though, just stating a fact.
Uhm it's not historical but we had a (Total failure) African American Catwoman and they had a non-caucasian play Hermoine Granger in the Theatrical production.
Cat woman isn't a white character though and J.K. R. even said that nothing in the books indicated that Hermione is white, and she supported the casting 100%. There is a huge difference between a white person portraying a real black person (especially one like MLK) and a black person playing a fictional character that was previously played by a white person. And in both of the instances you mentioned, both black actresses received a ton of hatred and criticism as soon as it was announced that they got the part.
I agree with Syd to a point. Selena Kyle was only non-Caucasian in comic books leading up to the release of the dreadfull Halle Berry version. Up until and after, yeah, she's white. Rowling said Hermoine wasn't of any particular race after Noma Dumezweni was cast. Until then if you will note JK had full control of the casting for every movie.She cast a white girl. I also agree that there has never been a non-caucasian that performed in a movie as Eleanor Roosevelt or Marylin Monroe. But I don't think I saw Jennifer Lawrence as Rosa Parks on my Netflix either. Let's just say that Santa is a Fantasy Figure. Like Jesus and Zeus. They are what they are in our imaginations. Kinda like when I think of Alexa Bliss as a elf in detention and I have the get out of school card.
There are many points I would like to make...but I like the white chicks comment! First I love that movie (hold my poodle!) And second, the movie is funny and totally acceptable, but the reverse could never be. Can you imagine!? It would be taken as black face and racist Only person that was able to get awat with it was RDJ in thropic thunder. And I don"t even know how. I mean i get the joke and all I am just surprised other people dod too
Santa has always been portrayed as a white dude so I think a black santa would confuse the hell out of the kids. If a little kid saw a white santa at one mall then this black santa at this mall, then the kid will know something's up
Idk why the hell you're bwing downvoted. It's not a fucking race thing. It's just that it's the equivalent of telling nearly every kid that sees him that santa isn't real, and that would be an outrage.
If I remember correctly, Jesus was black; Ronald Reagan was the devil; and the government is lying about 9/11. Then again, I probably shouldn't be listening to little kids that believe this. Even if they are adorable.
EDIT: yeah, I think that this specific boondocks reference was a little vague. I didn't really care that much about the original post and just wanted to make a specific reference that some people may or may not get.
I've said this on other sites when this was posted. The reason we probably shouldn't have a black Santa isn't a racist thing, it's because he's a fictional character and one of his characteristics is tha he's white. Having a black Santa is like having a Santa with no beard or glasses. Also lots of kids will see it and realize that he or the oher Santas they've seen is fake.
Best part of any movie ever is in Paper Towns. One of the main characters parents are trying to collect the largest number of black santas. He won't even let his girlfriend come over. Spoiler They all get the girl in the end except for the hero. Kinda sad.
Well, excuse me, I thought the thread was a discussion about black Santas and I made the mistake of using an intelligent literary reference. Clearly I'm an idiot.
I just didn't understand the point the collection of black santas was trying to make or I it had any, that's why I said that. And I never called you an idiot. I was just confused why u left that specifically in reply to my comment. Calm down
Looking at his pic again he looks like a nice santa! I'm ok with the "black santa" but that took balls to go to that casting. It's like of I show up to a casting to play Tiana
· 8 years ago
Santa the character is from the north, a place typicallu white. I can ynderstand confusion but outrage? You must have a tiny penis.
The character of santa was based on a European, the popular image today was designed by the coca-cola corporation. Making Santa a different colour to appease special interest groups is a moot exercise and it insults free thinking humans. I'd make a sarcastic comparison to Santa being a woman next year but this generation of gender confused betafags would embrace the concept.
· 8 years ago
The hell they would, they would most likely ask for a gender non-conforming fat fuck who gives out gives only to marginalized people
I would so get behind Santa being a female. Wait. Uhm that came out....wrong. Wait. I mean non-gender specific fantasy figures are ok. Jesus that was...OMG I mean non-gender specific biblical character that was hard. No, not hard. Well maybe if Santa's is a woman. Shhhhh.
Santa isn't a man or even a woman Santa is love.
So let Santa be black or white or Asian as long as he follows the rules of Santa which is be kind to all big or small, smile to all, laugh with a ho ho ho and have so much love in your heart there is no room for hate.
Government barely existed when he was an adult, and you want to blame your failure to succeed in perfectly good monetary system on a dude who was never affected by it in the first place?
EDIT: yeah, I think that this specific boondocks reference was a little vague. I didn't really care that much about the original post and just wanted to make a specific reference that some people may or may not get.