People are posting sex toys and get upvoted but he post a current trend in America and gets shit talked for it. So many Tumblr fags on this website please all of you kys
thats cuz thw non racist whote guy says hes proud to be [insert country from europe here], similar to how the asian actually says theyre proud to be from [insert asian country here]
Yet the black guy says he is proud to be black and it is ok? You shouldnt have to mention a country my friend you should be able to say im proud to be white and be fine.
probably cuz by black they mean member of black community in America but like actual africans usually say their country. if u say white ppl just get the wrong idea even tho they shouldn't. tbh idk why ppl are proud either way cuz usually u only need to be prpud of shit you earned/achieved and race isnt one of those things
Also, black people in America often don't know what country their ancestors are from, since they were forced to abandon their culture when they were enslaved.
slavery ended a long time ago the fact is now you live in the greatest country in the world away from all the issues African nations are having. To bring up slavery means you have no argument for the present
It does have challenges however comparing it to other countries and their problems...i wouldnt want to live anywhere else...i mean unless i was rich...then id live in barbados or something.
· 8 years ago
Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Canada. All better than America.
All those countries you listed isuck479 are socialist and the issue with it is that the ability to make money and to grow into a huge business is tiny especially compared to the opportunity that the U.S offers. Not to mention that 4 of those countries have tiny populations and with the recent intake of immigrants are beginning to see problems in huge proportions. Not to mention how most of those countries are reliant on our economy and our military. So to call them better is really a mistake.
This ^....its different ideals but overall the ability to grow is much easier to do...those countries have a much harder time being very rich...on the flip side its also hard to be really poor so it does have its ups and downs. Personally i dont think that any one country is the best or the worst.
Why should anyone be proud of his race? It's not an achievement.
· 8 years ago
We're all the same picture, someone just used different colored crayons to color some of us in.
· 8 years ago
It's not just the race but the culture behind it that they're proud of. Blacks are proud to have come from hardworking slaves who fought for their freedom. Asians are proud to come from thousands of years of history and tradition. I could go on forever but it's not the literal color we're proud of. White people have their own culture to be proud of as well.
But still this is no achievement done by the persons claiming the pride.
People should finally stop thinking in races and switch to thinking as humanity. If you want to be proud of something, achieve something and be the best person you can be every day.
Anyone should be able to feel proud of their race. While race is not an achievement it's something your born with, a lot of people seem to forget that just because your skin is a certain color doesn't mean that your ancestors were from a certain place or did certain things. Each race has done bad things in their history. A white being proud of their race isn't being racist, it's just being human. Being proud of your race is just human nature, you can't and shouldn't condemn it because someone is of a certain race.
Being proud of your (ethnic) heritage is fully acceptable when you're NOT a member of the dominant group. It would serve as a compensation for the feeling one has, when not being in control of things. Being a member of this dominant group is already giving you a solid wind under your wings, so expressing you're proud to be - in this case - white, pretty much makes you automatically look racist, and there's nothing you can do about it. I don't call anyone a racist for that, I'm totally aware that someone can act racist without being racist. And I realize being called racist when you're not definitely sucks. And I know as well there's hysterical people trying to label people racist for totally inane reasons. OTOH a lot of non-white people would rather carry the burden of being told they can't dance and should not be proud of their race. They'd rather not need that ego-crutch of being proud of something they'd been born with. That's second class pride. You don't want to settle for that.
"Being proud of your (ethnic) heritage is fully acceptable when you're NOT a member of the dominant group."
So Chinese people in China shouldn't be proud of their heritage? What about black people in Africa?
"Being a member of this dominant group is already giving you a solid wind under your wings, so expressing you're proud to be - in this case - white, pretty much makes you automatically look racist,"
"That's second class pride."
That's the same for every race.
-- "Being proud of your (ethnic) heritage is fully acceptable when you're NOT a member of the dominant group."
-- So Chinese people in China shouldn't be proud of their heritage? What about black people in Africa?
Not of their ethnic heritage. Which I wrote and you quoted but chose to ignore.
-- "Being a member of this dominant group is already giving you a solid wind under your wings, so expressing you're proud to be - in this case - white, pretty much makes you automatically look racist,"
-- How?
It looks racist to most people, but not to some. That's a backward catch22.
-- "That's second class pride."
-- That's the same for every race.
Which is kind of my point.
Try harder.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
It was only a matter of time before our resident SJW showed up
"Not of their ethnic heritage."
What's the difference?
"It looks racist to most people, but not to some. That's a backward catch22. "
That doesn't answer my question.
"Which is kind of my point."
So non-whites also shouldn't settle for that?
You don't see a difference between ethnic and cultural heritage? The difference between a gene pool and actual achievements? And you believe this question is like a math equation and not about a sense of decency? Yea, maybe you as a person really need white pride.
"The difference between a gene pool and actual achievements"
Okay, got it. So why does being the dominant group automatically make ethnic pride bad?
"And you believe this question is like a math equation and not about a sense of decency?"
...What gave you that idea?
"Yea, maybe you as a person really need white pride."
"why does being the dominant group automatically make ethnic pride bad? "
It's never really a good thing, but coming from the dominant group makes it worse. In this society, how much bad came from asian or black pride to the other parts of society and how much bad came from white pride? The past is always a part of the present.
"What gave you that idea? "
You. By not noticing it in the first place. Why is it that a really huge number of white people think it's super awkward and even wrong for white people to express white pride?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Why they think it's wrong? Because they were told it's wrong. And why can't we change the definition of white pride from what groups like the KKK and other "tiny penis anonymous" groups to just being proud of having diverse heritage amongst white people like italian and irish and all that.
"Why they think it's wrong? Because they were told it's wrong" - People are told a lot of things and ignore them. Why not this? I believe it's cause it appeals to so many people as right on a subconscient level, no matter if they're liberals or conservatives.
"how much bad came from asian or black pride to the other parts of society and how much bad came from white pride?"
How much good came from them?
"By not noticing it in the first place."
What does that have to do with math and decency?
"Why not this?"
Because it's shoved in their face on a daily basis by SJWs and taut in social justice courses.
Most whites were horrified with anyone stating white pride 40, 30, 20 years ago, more than today. Show me any text prior to the mid to late 1990s where white pride was not mentioned in the context of white supremacy. Thanks to demagogues exploiting the fact that you can tell a lie in just so few words and need ten times as many to debunk it, more and more people hang on to ideas that societies real victims are straight white people. Well done. Nice try with the "how much good", too. Good job..
@famousone thanks for totally proving my point. Ethnic pride coming from the dominant group in a society usually leads to very bad things within and outside their country. Garlog's quote cut off my introduction "In this society" so he kind of tricked you into actually agreeing with me. Bummer.
"Most whites were horrified with anyone stating white pride 40, 30, 20 years ago, more than today."
Yes, because very vocal, very well known groups gave the phrase a bad name. Those groups are less vocal and less known now, so the phrase's stigma is weakening.
"more and more people hang on to ideas that societies real victims are straight white people."
Virtually nobody thinks this.
"Nice try with the "how much good""
It's valid point. How about actually addressing it?
Nope, actually very well known groups started giving the phrase a good name, this is a historical fact and you know it, Pepe, or should I say Ivan? "Virtually nobody thinks this. " - Okay, that's just beyond ridiculous... you should visit a page named funsubstance for a start, and go from there to a place called the Internet. (интернет).
Oh, and let me address your "valid point" in a way you surely understand: отвяжись.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Guys as much as I hate to admit fsuser is right that "white pride" is just plain wrong. Instead let's focus on singular pride like italian pride or american pride etc. But however don't let another race's "pride" movement use itself as a mask for racism ever.
"Nope, actually very well known groups started giving the phrase a good name"
In what way?
"Okay, that's just beyond ridiculous..."
It's definitely a vast minority of people who think that.
Alright, I'll consider that a concession.
I feel like minority races need pride to feel equal in the wake of oppression, but dominant races shouldn't be proud of the historical oppression their ancestors have inflicted on others. Because of this history of oppression, white pride=white supremacy and black pride=uplifting black people. We should remember that white people don't experience racism on the same level that black people experience racism. Being called a cracker and being made fun of for your unseasoned food and uncoordinated dancing is not on the same level as constantly feeling like you are in danger just because of the color of your skin.
People should finally stop thinking in races and switch to thinking as humanity. If you want to be proud of something, achieve something and be the best person you can be every day.
there, I did the comment for you...
So Chinese people in China shouldn't be proud of their heritage? What about black people in Africa?
"Being a member of this dominant group is already giving you a solid wind under your wings, so expressing you're proud to be - in this case - white, pretty much makes you automatically look racist,"
"That's second class pride."
That's the same for every race.
-- So Chinese people in China shouldn't be proud of their heritage? What about black people in Africa?
Not of their ethnic heritage. Which I wrote and you quoted but chose to ignore.
-- "Being a member of this dominant group is already giving you a solid wind under your wings, so expressing you're proud to be - in this case - white, pretty much makes you automatically look racist,"
-- How?
It looks racist to most people, but not to some. That's a backward catch22.
-- "That's second class pride."
-- That's the same for every race.
Which is kind of my point.
Try harder.
What's the difference?
"It looks racist to most people, but not to some. That's a backward catch22. "
That doesn't answer my question.
"Which is kind of my point."
So non-whites also shouldn't settle for that?
Okay, got it. So why does being the dominant group automatically make ethnic pride bad?
"And you believe this question is like a math equation and not about a sense of decency?"
...What gave you that idea?
"Yea, maybe you as a person really need white pride."
It's never really a good thing, but coming from the dominant group makes it worse. In this society, how much bad came from asian or black pride to the other parts of society and how much bad came from white pride? The past is always a part of the present.
"What gave you that idea? "
You. By not noticing it in the first place. Why is it that a really huge number of white people think it's super awkward and even wrong for white people to express white pride?
How much good came from them?
"By not noticing it in the first place."
What does that have to do with math and decency?
"Why not this?"
Because it's shoved in their face on a daily basis by SJWs and taut in social justice courses.
Pride has never caused problems from Asians.
@famousone thanks for totally proving my point. Ethnic pride coming from the dominant group in a society usually leads to very bad things within and outside their country. Garlog's quote cut off my introduction "In this society" so he kind of tricked you into actually agreeing with me. Bummer.
Yes, because very vocal, very well known groups gave the phrase a bad name. Those groups are less vocal and less known now, so the phrase's stigma is weakening.
"more and more people hang on to ideas that societies real victims are straight white people."
Virtually nobody thinks this.
"Nice try with the "how much good""
It's valid point. How about actually addressing it?
Oh, and let me address your "valid point" in a way you surely understand: отвяжись.
In what way?
"Okay, that's just beyond ridiculous..."
It's definitely a vast minority of people who think that.
Alright, I'll consider that a concession.