And how rare are kidney stones? ~97% of women have periods, some others are infertile.
· 8 years ago
10% of men get kidney stones and they're both very painful (both meaning periods to, I have a sister 4 years older than me), I know people who's passed them with and without medication and they're horror stories to men. 6-7% of women get them but I dont know how painful they'll be.
Men have it worse for kidney stones because of how long their urethra is. They have to pass it a much further way unlike women. I do not envy that at all.
Men can also get into special hot tubs that break the stones into smaller peices.
· 8 years ago
Your diet and medication can also have a hand in size of the stones. Always talk to your doctor if you have pains in your upper right side just under your ribs and of course blood in your urine.
On the short urethra topic, tho, women get UTI and bladder/ kidney infections very easily. And if you've had one of those...Hooo Mama!! But boo to kideny stones!
Lets just agree that no one wants to deal with kidney stones or periods. Both are nasty. Some periods can be bloody severe too. Once passed out near some stairs. Bless Mom for running up and catchig me before I fell. Knew a woman who couldn't feel her legs during her period. Could hardly use them cause it hurt so damn much. Doctor told her it was normal.
The first time I got my period I was in middle school. It was grade six or seven I believe. I'm sitting outside with my friend then all of a sudden this stabbing pain comes along out of no where. I'm freaking out because you think you're dying when this happens all of a sudden. For all of lunch I was like this. I got to the bathroom later and I see that there's a bunch of blood in my panties and I start crying because 1) I was not expecting my first period 2) it explained the pain I was having 3) I had no pads or tampons on me and 4) I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. So for the rest of the day I'm in my uniform hoping no one can tell I got it. So yeah that was a fun first period experience. Fast forward a few years later and I'm getting my dad to get me period supplies because I'm that comfortable with it and he's super chill with it. To ask if I'm on my period he asks "has war started?." and if I need supplies he asks "Do you need any more missiles?" (tampons).
Many women take birth control pills, even if they aren't sexually active, because the hormones help regulate and reduce menstrual cramps and associated bleeding. In fact, it isn't that uncommon for them "miss" several consecutive periods, or even stop having them for long stretches at a time. Consult a doctor about birth control pills and their regulatory effects.
They can also fuck with your reproductive system if you are a woman who wants to have babies I would recommend not taking it, or being very careful as to what you take
That's why you consult a doctor. Also, to clarify to other people, obviously Julie is not meaning that a woman who wants a baby *now* would be taking birth control. Some of these, mainly the implantable devices, have long-term effects.
Birth control actually regulates it. I have endometriosis so i'm taking a birth control that has stopped my periods all together. However this doesn't gaurantee that I'll be able to have kids but will increase the likelihood that I'll be able to! So I wouldn't say that birth control fucks with your reproductive system, but it depends on which one you're taking
Thank gosh mine isn't this bad
Like I bleed, yes
Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a decent amount
Pain? Rarely
I have gotten cramps twice I think. And man, it was hell so bad I thought I would die
The only thing is that my face would break out terribly every time I got my period
And it's already breaking out 24/7!!!
Honestly same. But y'know after the worst part of puberty the breakouts become less and less severe (in my case). You can suffer in silence again without looking hella ugly. Ain't no beauty without pain girl
I'm a late bloomer...
Back in high school while all of my friends were screaming, I had perfectly smooth, tan skin
And now I'm almost 20 in university and my skin hates me...
Im pregnant right now, so I get to miss out on this at the moment (oh noo) but, being pregnant isn't much better... Constant backpain every day, constant random food cravings, nastiness coming out both ends, impressive weight gain(im only a little over halfway done too).. And the worst part is, i can't even have a drink or 2 to numb the pain like I did with my period.. Ugh the joys of being a woman
everyone's sharing their period stories... My Turn!
My periods usually last one WHOLE week. That's right! Seven Days Of Bloody Horror! Now, For me, my cramps don't last hours, but they are exceedingly painful. And I get cramps for about a week or so before my period, and so every night, I curl into a fetal position, and attempt to sleep (But can't because of cramps and general discomfort.) My period has always been very heavy, and i usually go through five or six pads a day because of how heavy it is.
---This part is gross so a bit of a warning---
Sometimes, I'll take a shower on my period, and parts of womb-lining will fall out of me and onto the floor. And, It doesn't bother me anymore, but I have to pick them up, and throw them away. When this happens, it is usually a chunk of flesh about 2-3 inches big, that is covered in blood.
Its a common occurance.. Some girls are just more random.. Mine would come at different intervals and sometimes not come at all.. Sometimes your body cant afford to lose the extra blood etc
It's weird because
If you don't get periods, you want it
If you are on your period, you hate it
But of course I cannot speak for anyone, but I think this post is long enough to deserve a potato
You know...
I would actually accept this happening to me if it meant being a woman. Now I know what you're going to say : "are you crazy? Why do you want to endure this just to be a female?"
But it's true. I would be ready to roll on the ground in excrutiating pain once a month for 5 days, if that meant i could finally be myself.
Because I KNOW, that even when I'll have transitonned, that I will have comments like "how can you pretend being a woman if you don't even endure what we do?" Already saw these.
I am sorry I am not born a female. I am sorry I want to be one. I am sorry.
I'm a 25 year old woman and nothing like this has ever happened to me. Yeah I've gotten a little tummy ache and I've had a heavy flow a time or two but it's never been as bad as this post says. I know every woman is different and I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I think some women exaggerate a bit. Now again I know some women do have really bad periods and pains especially with endometriosis and such but it's not like this for EVERY woman.
the thing about the cramps that come with periods is that everybody can get them, there have been times where I have been woken up 3 or 4 times a night with pain so bad my legs contract and i cant do anything about it, and i am a guy.
just saying bad shit can happen to everyone.
Tell me about it, I have HSP and this happens to me on a normal basis. The last time it happened, I couldn't move, or scream, or call for help.. I had to lay there and cry until it finally subsided. (I'm a female)
Hm. Well as a woman, I will say periods suck, but not as much as everyone says. For instance, I get bloody noses almost once every two weeks in the middle of the night and have to wash my sheets and stay up for 20 minutes cleaning up my nose and bathroom. I get cramps just as bad, if not worse, from excersising too much at once, and I have weird food cravings all the time. They suck, but this story made it far worse than they are.
Congratulations. For some of us, it is that bad! Even worse if you have endometriosis or any other condition. So pipe the fuck down about how "it's not as bad as everyone says."
Like I bleed, yes
Sometimes a lot, sometimes just a decent amount
Pain? Rarely
I have gotten cramps twice I think. And man, it was hell so bad I thought I would die
The only thing is that my face would break out terribly every time I got my period
And it's already breaking out 24/7!!!
Back in high school while all of my friends were screaming, I had perfectly smooth, tan skin
And now I'm almost 20 in university and my skin hates me...
My periods usually last one WHOLE week. That's right! Seven Days Of Bloody Horror! Now, For me, my cramps don't last hours, but they are exceedingly painful. And I get cramps for about a week or so before my period, and so every night, I curl into a fetal position, and attempt to sleep (But can't because of cramps and general discomfort.) My period has always been very heavy, and i usually go through five or six pads a day because of how heavy it is.
---This part is gross so a bit of a warning---
Sometimes, I'll take a shower on my period, and parts of womb-lining will fall out of me and onto the floor. And, It doesn't bother me anymore, but I have to pick them up, and throw them away. When this happens, it is usually a chunk of flesh about 2-3 inches big, that is covered in blood.
If you don't get periods, you want it
If you are on your period, you hate it
But of course I cannot speak for anyone, but I think this post is long enough to deserve a potato
I would actually accept this happening to me if it meant being a woman. Now I know what you're going to say : "are you crazy? Why do you want to endure this just to be a female?"
But it's true. I would be ready to roll on the ground in excrutiating pain once a month for 5 days, if that meant i could finally be myself.
Because I KNOW, that even when I'll have transitonned, that I will have comments like "how can you pretend being a woman if you don't even endure what we do?" Already saw these.
I am sorry I am not born a female. I am sorry I want to be one. I am sorry.
Thank you all.
just saying bad shit can happen to everyone.