@mysteryuhweesnaw Because the dickhead wasn't always a dickhead. And OP probably spent a lot of time falling in love with her and the idea of love. You may leave after someone cheats, but that's not necessarily the majority's view. Most importantly, people don't always know they're being used!
It's horrible to be sure... but the "victim" does bear a small measure of responsibility in this. In that they have lost their "self" or have no sense of self and self worth and seek validation in others as a replacement.
In this case, as well as those of the classic "freindzone" the individual failed or refused to recognise that the feedback they recieved wasn't satisfying or didn't fulfill their needs or end goal.
This can be further compounded by a poor grasp of general social reality and an overthinking & over active imagination creating a fantasy through which they try to act.
This is a classic beginning to domestic violence. Please do not blame the victim. People like this are insidious. They worm their way in gradually chipping away at the victims self confidence and self esteem until they will put up with anything.
I'm not victim blaming. I'm saying that they also bear responsibility in this.
Besides, while you are correct about the roots of domestic violence, the difference between the two is vastly different.
Saying that they also bear responsibility is victim blaming. When someone deliberately uses someone else it is the beginning of DV. Also we do not know the full story here. Chances are there was emotional abuse at the very least. We don't know why the other person says why did you do this to me.
Every one wants to assume the genders of the perpetrator and victim here.
It could just asend easily be boy>girl, girl>boy or a gay couple of either gender.
I can easily belive that it could be any of the above, because people are dicks to each other.
All right people, get out your pitchforks!
Let's show this mother fucker that there are two ways to break a heart...and our methods a little more gruesome
Yea yea okay so story time
Gather around children
I'm not always the person I am now
I was bad... kinda
So I knew this guy and we were pretty good friend but he got a pretty crappy gf (overly attached, clingy and all sorts of shit)
Anyways, I somehow thought it would be idea to help him out by making him see that his gf is crap comparing to me who was not only a great friend but also is amazing at five him free time and everything he ever needs
I made plans and said things. At the end I succeeded in making him cheat on her...
It's really nothing
Just texting but managing to make him out me above her was fun
There ya go
At a certain point, props are called for right? Takes dedication to really commit to being quite like that. I mean, personally I've neve seen the allure of toying with people but this person sure loves it.
It's not dedication. It's a cold heart and utter selfishness. Dedication would imply some kind of effort was put in, this sounds like it was completely convenient for him/her to just let the other person dote on them.
What's not so obvious to me is WHY the hell people stay with someone like that?
This sort of social dynamic is usually one that is ascribed to the classic "freindzone" attitude.
It's horrible to be sure... but the "victim" does bear a small measure of responsibility in this. In that they have lost their "self" or have no sense of self and self worth and seek validation in others as a replacement.
In this case, as well as those of the classic "freindzone" the individual failed or refused to recognise that the feedback they recieved wasn't satisfying or didn't fulfill their needs or end goal.
This can be further compounded by a poor grasp of general social reality and an overthinking & over active imagination creating a fantasy through which they try to act.
Recognize what they are doing; back off, slow down, put that fantasy on the shelf and find validation in their self rather than others.
In a word: grow up.
Mature some and gain some life experience. Figure out how social interactions work without the self generated filter of a fantasy.
Besides, while you are correct about the roots of domestic violence, the difference between the two is vastly different.
It could just asend easily be boy>girl, girl>boy or a gay couple of either gender.
I can easily belive that it could be any of the above, because people are dicks to each other.
Let's show this mother fucker that there are two ways to break a heart...and our methods a little more gruesome
There is pretty of a story behind it but
Not the best thing I can tell you guys
I'm the fs grandma...
Gather around children
I'm not always the person I am now
I was bad... kinda
So I knew this guy and we were pretty good friend but he got a pretty crappy gf (overly attached, clingy and all sorts of shit)
Anyways, I somehow thought it would be idea to help him out by making him see that his gf is crap comparing to me who was not only a great friend but also is amazing at five him free time and everything he ever needs
I made plans and said things. At the end I succeeded in making him cheat on her...
It's really nothing
Just texting but managing to make him out me above her was fun
There ya go
I'm not sure I fully understand, there seams to be some typos in your story.
No actions tho
Just texting
And probably
I make typos a lot so