Yeah fuck that person with a differing opinion!
Why is it okay to be so rude to vegans? There's a steryotype that all vegans are super judgy and like to act morally superior but I really doubt most of them are like that.
· 7 years ago
Haha haha.... oh you weren't kidding. Most vegans ARE like that. It's only the small percentage who DGAF what you consume.
well im sure they dont WANT people to do the thing they find immoral but that doesn't mean they all push their morality unto everyone. I would be vegan if I could stick to the diet but I'm a minor and don't even buy my own food (not that I'd probably have the willpower anyway) but I don't tell people they're monsters whenever they eat meat even though i see it as immoral
· 7 years ago
I have no problem with vegans i hate vegans that try and force their opinions on others
you just said "fuck them" if they present an argument for their beliefs, and it had nothing to do with them being pushy or not
· 7 years ago
They don't need to argue for their beliefs they don't want to eat any animal product that's up to them but when they start arguing their beliefs it is annoying i personally love burgers i don't have to present an argument about it and neither should vegans
I was coming from the theoretical perspective of them having a civilized conversation not them bringing it up when nobody wants to hear it
· 7 years ago
If they are having a civilized conversion that is fine i have no problems with that if they bring it up for the sake of bringing it up and causing an argument that is the vegans i have problems with
I've seen birds drinking milk (it was bread soaked in milk, but, whatever), of course grown cat would lick other momma's milk If it somehow dropped on the ground. We also don't drink it after infancy from other human moms,but we would (see lactating porn), of course i'd try my wife's. And all cats, small or big, drink other animals' milk, what a hell are they talking about.
In my native tongue, for example, baked (as in food, as well as in smoking weed) is called the same as.... digesting(vârenje and varénje) When you eat broccoli, or raw cabbages your digestive system does what your Pan or pot should have done ...process ,digest food .. baked ,ground meat takes less energy so brain uses extra energy to muscle up. People eating fried ,processed hamburgers ,preferably hot ,are scientifically proven smarter than people nibbling on raw carrot .
Why is it okay to be so rude to vegans? There's a steryotype that all vegans are super judgy and like to act morally superior but I really doubt most of them are like that.
meat eater all the way