I suggest gripping the head of the screw with needle nosed locking-jaw pliers to unscrew it.
· 7 years ago
That's actually a pretty strong message
You cant take away the things you do to people. You can drill into them, and screw them up with what you do/say, but even when you apologize, theres no way to undo what you've done
It's a speciality anti tamper fastener. There are many types. All fasteners can be removed in theory, they just require tools or effort beyond what the normal person has or the salvage value of the item. I'd say if there's a message it's to always be sure before you screw anything, and make sure you're doing the right kind of screwing. Careless screwing can cost you time, money, and frustration down the road.
You cant take away the things you do to people. You can drill into them, and screw them up with what you do/say, but even when you apologize, theres no way to undo what you've done