Angela Merkel was against it. Before you get all up in arms, she’s from another generation and represents a different group of people. According to some german people I’ve seen talking about her, she is still a decent leader.
Opinions from Germany here: she was the one that allowed for the vote, or rather gave up on blocking a vote. However she was always against gay marriage (there was a "partnership" thingy for gays with similar rights as a marriage but not called a marriage; i think for many people marriage is closely linked to their faith) and in the end she did vote against gay marriage which i do believe was her honest opinion. I don't think it would have been very sincere if she voted in favour of gay marriage so i respect her opinion but i am personally very happy with the result.
Why did I get downvoted for saying that Merkel didn’t support the vote and that it’s because of her personal opinion but also because she represents a group that disagrees with gay marriage? I literally only said a fact.
Edit: some poor soul went through the trouble of downvoting a ton of my comments, probably because of the one i originally made here.
Whoever you are, you really need a hobby because that is a depressing and empty life to live.
It is kinda entertaining that the xenophobic stone age trolls only comment as guests.
Way to go to express your opinion, that tells a lot about your honesty and the arguments you have if it comes to a civilised and fact-based discussions.
Whoever you are, you really need a hobby because that is a depressing and empty life to live.
Way to go to express your opinion, that tells a lot about your honesty and the arguments you have if it comes to a civilised and fact-based discussions.
Ha ha I'm lonely